3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

2017藝術北京[丁丁藝術空間]展位:A28藝術家:米凱莉 / 陳本 / 蔡一休 / 古原 / 吳祚昌 / 張玉瀛 / 周七月VIP預展:2017年4月29日(周六)18:00-22:00公眾開放時間:2017年4月30日—2017年5月2日展覽地點:北京·全國農業展覽館·藝術北京藝術顧問:顧振清出品機構:丁丁藝術空間策展助理:蘇秀琛 / 李嬌妮聯繫方式:13509375041郵箱:393997508@qq.com媒體支持:雅昌藝術網 ART BEIJING 2017[DINGDING ART SPACE]BOOTH / A28Artist[Mi Kaili / Chen ben / Cai Yixiu / Gu Yuan / Wu Zuochang / Zhang Yuying / Zhou Qiyue]Curtain Time:18:00—22:00 Saturday, April 29th, 2017Exhibition Duration:April 30th - May 2 th, 2017Exhibition Venue:NATIONAL AGRICULTURE EXHIBITION CENTERArtistic Consultant / Cu ZhenqingProduce / DINGDING ART SPACEEvent Planning Assistant:Annie / Li JiaoniContact Information: 393997508@qq.com / 13509375041 Corporative Medium:Artron.Net 藝術文本與語境 顧振清(藝術顧問)藝術家創作作品中的自主創新,取決於他能否站在所有既往大師的肩膀上。他自身形式語言推進的線性邏輯並不是要點,而如何在前人作品的海量文本之上登高望遠,見人所未見、想人所未想、知人所未知、說人所未說,才是知識生產的關鍵。藝術家的線性邏輯往往是一種慣性的結果,難以擺脫順勢而為的思維定勢。如果一個藝術家善於調動非線性思維、善於換跑道出發,他就能回應自己在知識生產語境中所面對的各種問題。如果他擁有充分的文化自覺,善於站在現行法律、現世道德、現有藝術的邊界上思考問題,他就會用人所未用、做人所未做、掘人所未掘、行人所未行。藝術強調個性,更強調差異性。那麼,藝術家個體在藝術實踐中推進的形式語言,究竟有多少模塊跟別人一樣並不重要,而究竟有多少模塊跟別人不同卻至關重要。藝術家連續性的邏輯推進看似合理的,但一旦缺乏知識生產語境下的個人貢獻,終歸是一種重複。無論是重複他人,還是重複自我,終歸是重複。藝術創新往往出自個體藝術家在自身文本積累中越來越私屬化的形式語言。差異性關乎能指與所指、感性與理性,更關乎能指與所指、感性與理性相結合的符號學文本。藝術家個人在美術史上話語權,取決於其文本在既有形式語言發展路徑上的個人貢獻。藝術家的形式語言在前人文本上修改、重構、刷新的私有化程度,不僅決定了一個藝術家藝術史上繼續推進的情境邏輯,也決定他在知識生產中的個人價值。The ways artists bring the new ideas into their works effect the possibilities they stand on the shoulders of the professionals. How to see farther by admiring the fine works of those seniors,to see one has never seen, to think one has never thought and to know what has not been noticed are the key point of knowledge production. Art emphasizes the characteristics, especially the diversities. That is, how much the works are alike is not important at all, but how different the artists』 own styles are between others. The innovations usually come from the experiences in daily life. The modifications, reconstructions and renovation of those senior』s works not only make artists advance their own, but also create individual value of themselves.▲ 蔡一休《紅白藍之白》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:150x180cm▲ 蔡一休《展望》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:122x190cm▲ 蔡一休《魅紫》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:110x180cm▲ 蔡一休《心象物語》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:167x122cm▲ 蔡一休《紅與綠》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:168x122cm▲ 蔡一休《紫禁城》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:163x122cm▲ 蔡一休《觀音圖》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:120x180cm▲ 蔡一休《佛像說法圖》時間:2016-2017材質:綜合材料尺寸:120x180cm漆藝是蔡一休孤獨的遊戲場域。作品則是他與外在時空接觸、對話、互動的臨界點。物我兩忘,往往是蔡一休創作中放空自我、除去分別心的精神狀態。於是,藝術家的生命屬性藉由時間性的痕迹進入層層覆蓋的大漆媒介,成為物像與自我的疊影。畫面細微的變化,都指涉了藝術家海量時間的傾注。無疑,物像的層層積澱其實也是藝術家人格代入作品物質層面潛移默化、潤物無聲的過程。人的心性與自然物性同頻、交感,從來就是人對自然法則和宇宙規律的感知和體悟。畫面因而真朴、無華,靜若止水。蔡一休的作品表象似乎放空了各種形式主義的訴求,無關表現,也無關抽象。蔡一休無視時間性物像無限接近自然物像的趨同性本質,無視色調、韻味、構成、層次等種種人為設計的表面文章,只是潛心感知、浸入並彰顯自身作品所指空間的豐富意義。通過作品,蔡一休與人分享的是藝術的精神救贖和心靈治癒。Paint art is Yi Xiu Cai』s own wonderland. He connects with others by all the creativities. Feeling the nature within and self without to a subtle bliss is usually how Yi Xiu Cai throws himself into his works. Consequently,the time he has spent on the covered paints becomes the image of life attributes. The sympathetic of Human characteristics and nature characteristics caused the perception and comprehension. Yi Xiu Cai』s works are not related to any abstraction. They are all about the inspiration and the rich significance of space. Yi Xiu Cai shares the spirits of arts and comfort of hearts.吳祚昌在風景畫面的線條書寫和筆觸堆疊之中,不斷體會的是人的主觀能動性對表現對象施加、傳遞的精神力量。畫中景物已不是外在的客觀物像,而是藝術家鮮活的身體資源及其豐富閱歷、經驗和心法不斷物化的形式。厚重的形的塑造,模糊了構圖形式的多重邊界,彰顯出文本意義背後的深度和況味。The power of spirits can easily be experienced through the figures and connections of Joseph Wu』s scenery works. Scene in the paintings defines artist Joseph Wu』s rich experiences and resources instead the objects matter. The shapes represented blur the composition and manifest the depth behind the works.▲古原《對語》時間:2015-2016材質:布面油畫尺寸:160cmX200cm▲古原《春分得意馬蹄急》古原善用帶有傳統文化基因的符號學敘事文本,來表達人的現實感。唐馬的形式語言藉由藝術家個人經驗作出一種文脈邏輯的推進,古風、古意深入骨髓。因而,古原的畫面既形象質樸、渾厚大氣,又神采飛揚、韻味盎然。他的圖像是對傳統範式、範本的差異化演繹。這種演繹無疑展示了藝術家的一種深具文化自覺特徵的文本傳承、刷新和轉換的功力。Artist Gu Yuan appropriates the traditional cultural symbols to show the reality. The styles of his fine works are plain,simple and lively. The ways Artist Gu Yuan works on the paintings undoubtedly display his deep culture knowledge and creation abilities.▲ 陳本《蝴蝶淚NO;1》時間:2017材質:油彩.丙烯.綜合材料尺寸:150x130cm陳本將寵物狗的形象設定為一個中心圖式,讓動物取代人物,佔據肖像畫樣式的圖像中心,同時飾以蝴蝶作為符號標配,提示出流行的大眾審美趣味。然而,陳余卻在圖像背景設置上大變色彩構成之魔法,或以雙色分割對比,或以單色色點均勻分佈,透露出一種造化弄人的幽默感和遊戲感。藝術家的圖像經驗,在營造一個個視錯覺的同時,也提示出一種精神分析的語境。Artist Chen Ben sets the pet dogs as centralism and images of pet dogs replace human characteristics. In the meantime, the butterflies beside represent the trend of aesthetics;however, the artist』s experiences drop the hints of spiritual environment. ▲ 周七月《幻影系列》時間:2016周七月將明式傢具和日常傢具的傳統材質一律轉換成透明的工業塑料板材。所有作品都一覽無遺地呈現出工業化標準構件的多重側面、多重線條,從而讓觀者的完形心理學模式和後現代主義審美趣味得以異乎尋常的釋放和實現。無論形制如何轉換,周七月的透明傢具質地皆一塵不染,內在與外在纖毫畢現,猶如介入日常家居世界的一泓視覺清泉。Artist Qi Yue Zhou uses the Ming Style and daily furniture to transform some transparent industrial plastic materials in his works. All his works show clearly the lines of industrial features.▲米凱莉《鳥為食亡》時間:2016-2017材質:布面油彩尺寸:150×150cm米凱莉以電腦時代靚麗非凡的人工色譜營造出一種未來版的童話世界。平面化、裝飾化的繁茂植物和卡通動物形象,演示出作品豐富的敘事結構。畫面構圖、層次和秩序無不帶有音樂的律動感、節奏感。相由心生,境隨心轉。米凱莉虛構的圖像敘事文本,猶如一個個發光體式的視覺烏托邦,既體現出藝術家的自我救贖和自我解放,又無差別地映照著眾生的日常現實。Artist Kai Li Mi constructs the future fairy tales.The structures, senses of multil evels as well as the animal characteristics show fill more rich resources into the works.▲張玉瀛《256-2014》時間:2014材質:布面油彩尺寸:150x200cm張玉瀛的卡通動物形象萌態可掬,別具一格。藝術家以一顆素人之心大量汲取傳統民間藝術的無形文化遺產,將天真、稚拙的形象思維導入到現實的大千世界和生活萬象。頭大身小的樣本化動物形象,原本是嬰幼兒觀察世界時的一種主觀認知的產物。但它們在張玉瀛人為想象並編造的圖像辭典之中,卻往往變身為玩偶之家一種生動、帶感的理想主角,擁有一種讓人即刻返璞歸真的魔力。The charming images of animals Artist Yu Ying Zhang has designed are unique. Being an ordinary person, Yu Ying Zhang has earned huge of the traditional Chinese arts as well as cultural legacy. He imports the pure spirits to the diverse life. The images of those animals of large head and mini body should actually be the sights from the infants; however, in Artist Yu Ying Zhang』s imagination, they represent the kinds of lovely ideal characters and with the magic to regain the natural state.

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