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戰火里誕生,風浪里成長威武艦隊向前方《英雄艦隊向大洋》SET SAIL TO OCEANS! HEROIC FLEET這是一片祖宗之海This is a sea of our ancient family這是一片命脈之海This is a sea crucial to our lifeline這是一片勝利之海This is a sea filled with victory這是一片希望之海This is a sea bearing our hope♫ 正歌 ♫南海艦隊The South Sea Fleet威武的艦隊Magnificent and mighty fleet戰火中誕生Born in the flames of war風浪里成長Developed and grew through storms萬山群島顯鋒芒The battle of Wanshan Islands displayed our power八六海戰創輝煌The battle of August 6th marked our glorious victory海空雄鷹鑄利劍Like a sharp sword, our aviation force soars西沙南沙凱歌傳Songs of triumph are heard from Xisha and Nansha Islands南海艦隊The South Sea Fleet威武艦隊向前方March forward! The mighty fleet!♫ RAP ♫愛艦愛島We love our battleships, we love our islands我們以島為家Islands are home to us忠誠無畏With loyalty and braveness戍守天涯We are guards of our seas勇闖大洋Fight fearlessly with the ocean縱橫天下We sail towards the vast ocean強軍報國Serve our country and modernize our force我們復興中華We are strengthening our country敢打敢拼我們勇往直前Striving for victory, nothing we will be afraid of劈波斬浪我們叱吒海天Cleaving through waves, the ocean and sky are our wide stages不畏強敵 敢於亮劍Fearing no enemy, we are always ready to fight挺進深藍Marching towards the oceans我們一馬當先We are taking the lead南海艦隊The South Sea Fleet英雄的艦隊A heroic fleet維護世界和平Safeguarding world peace威名天下揚We gain world praise海上威懾震八方Holding the oceans with strength揚帆五洲軍威壯Showing high morale by sailing the world海陸空潛肩並肩Forces in all dimensions馳騁深藍鬥志昂Are full of passion and ambition南海艦隊The South Sea Fleet英雄艦隊向大洋Set sail to oceans! Heroic fleet南海艦隊The South Sea Fleet英雄艦隊向大洋紮根南海 守衛南海 建功南海責編:趙瑞交來稿請發郵箱yangshijunshi@js7tv.cn歡迎關注央視軍事(CCTV-7_Junshi)微信公眾平台猜你喜歡習近平應約與川普通電話:有關方面要保持克制 避免加劇朝鮮半島局勢緊張的言行巷戰 | 大的災難來臨,你想到了誰?《戰狼2》滿屏肌肉照沒看夠?軍營硬漢接力秀肌肉China good!藍盔馬里維和的日子©央視軍事

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