3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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【雷哥送福利】GMAT邏輯「增強」考點練習冊(4) 今日考點:GMAT邏輯「增強」考點難度:650-700 01Outsourcing is the practice of obtaining from an independent supplier a product or service that a company has previously provided for itself. Vernon, Inc., a small manufacturing company that has in recent years experienced a decline in its profits, plans to boost its profits by outsourcing those parts of its business that independent suppliers can provide at lower cost than Vernon can itself. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that Vernon's plan will achieve its goal? A. Among the parts of its business that Vernon does not plan to outsource are some that require standards of accuracy too high for most independent suppliers to provide at lower cost than Vernon can. B. Vernon itself acts as an independent supplier of specialized hardware items to certain manufacturers that formerly made those items themselves. C. Relatively few manufacturers that start as independent suppliers have been able to expand their business and become direct competitors of the companies they once supplied. D. Vernon plans to select the independent suppliers it will use on the basis of submitted bids. E. Attending to certain tasks that Vernon performs relatively inefficiently has taken up much of the time and effort of top managers whose time would have been better spent attending to Vernon's core business. 正解:E 雷哥GMAT解析一 邏輯鏈:外包就會有利潤。加強,也就是找潛在假設。可以思考啊:因為什麼外包會有利潤。bcd直接pass。a與e。a說外包的是很難生產的。的確可以解釋啊,因為說了是一個小的廠商。但是這樣的解釋中間必須要我們自己推一下:小廠商生產不來這些,或者生產花費大。你看解釋這個還需要我們自己去推論,肯定沒有e好,沒有e直接對不。我覺得本題值得一記:這個出題方法叫做「邏輯謬論」她的內容是:選解釋力度大的。比如說:今天很冷,a說外面下雨了。b說我今天多穿幾天,c說我今天出門,哈氣成冰,不帶手套沒發過了。那答案是c啊。a ,b都對的啊,只是解釋力道的問題。 雷哥GMAT解析二 外包是一個從獨立供應商得到產品和服務的行為,原來這些產品和服務是公司自己做的。V公司經歷了利潤下滑,計劃外包一些部分給比V公司自己做成本更低的供應商,從而增加利潤 計劃題,目標是增加利潤,題目增強目標 (A) 對不外包的部分如何,跳出範圍,排 (B) V公司本身也給其他公司做外包;無關,排 (C) 幾乎沒有外包供應商能成為競爭對手;與目標無關,排 (D) V公司將招標選擇供應商;選擇供應商方式,無關,排 (E) V公司無效的業務佔用大量高管時間和精力,他們的時間本應該用在核心業務上;外包可以使這些業務外包,從而高管時間可用於核心業務,提高利潤,增強目標,正確 02Hollywood restaurant is replacing some of its standard tables with tall tables and stools. The restaurant already fills every available seat during its operating hours, and the change in seating arrangements will not result in an increase in the restaurant's seating capacity. Nonetheless, the restaurant's management expects revenue to increase as a result of the seating change without any concurrent change in menu, prices or operating hours. Which of the following, if true, provides the best reason for the expectation? A. One of the taller tables takes up less floor space than one of the standard tables. B. Diners seated on stools typically do not linger over dinner as long as diners seated at standard tables. C. Since the restaurant will replace only some of its standard tables, it can continue to accommodate customers who do not care for the taller tables. D. Few diners are likely to avoid the restaurant because of the new seating arrangement. E. The standard tables being replaced by tall tables would otherwise have to be replaced with new standard tables at a greater expense. 正解:B 雷哥GMAT解析 題干:H餐廳將現有的標準餐桌換成高餐桌和高吧椅。餐廳目前在營業時間滿座,而且更換計劃不會增加該餐廳的容量。但是,餐廳的管理層預期更換計劃會在目前現有的菜單及價格基礎上帶來更多的營業收入。題目:下面哪一項可以解釋餐廳管理層的預期分析:引入他因解釋型正向邏輯。找出更換高餐桌吧椅對營業額的正面效應!選項A,高餐桌佔用更小的面積,但是題干中明確指出更換計劃無法增加餐廳容量,錯誤!選項B,顧客坐在高吧椅上不會在餐廳逗留過長的時間,由此可以增加翻台次數進而增加營業額,正確!選項C, 只更換一部分餐桌,仍然可以吸引不喜歡高餐桌的客人,無法解釋題干中增加收入的問題,錯誤!選項D,沒多少顧客會因為更換餐桌吧椅不來就餐,只能保證營業額不會有太多減少並無法保證營業額增加,錯誤!選項E,不換高餐桌也要換成更貴的標準餐桌,這是成本問題,與營業額增加減少相互獨立,錯誤!

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