3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

2017年6月英語四級翻譯預測:酒文化臨近2017年英語四級考試,新方在線英語四級頻道為四級考生們預測了一寫翻譯考題並附答案,僅供考生參考。酒文化1、人在7000年以前就開始用穀物釀酒。2、總的來說,不管是古代還是現代,酒都和文化息息相關。3、長久以來,的酒文化在人們生活中扮演著重要的角色。4、我們的祖先在寫詩時以酒助興,在宴會中和親朋好友敬酒。5、作為一種文化,酒文化也是普通百姓生活中不可分割的部分,比如生日宴會、送別晚宴、婚禮慶典等很多場合中,隨處可見酒的身影。參考譯文:Chinese people began to make spirits with grains seven thousand years ago.Generally speaking,wine has a close connection with culture in China in both ancient and modern times.Chinese wine culture has been playing a quite important role in Chinese people's life for a long time.Our Chinese ancestors used wine to enjoy themselves while writing poetry, or to make a toast to their relatives and friends during a feast.Wine culture, as a kind of culture form, is also an inseparable part in the life of ordinary Chinese people through numerous events such as birthday party, farewell dinner, wedding, etc.模擬試卷新東方2017.6英語四級考試模擬試卷及答案(5.25)英語四級考試模擬試卷及答案(5.24)四級考試模擬試卷(5.31)2017年6月英語四級考試模擬試卷及答案

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