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41. Felix the Cat41.菲力貓Felix the Cat is a black and white cat created during the silent film era of the early 20th Century. His simple form and face make him easily recognizable, and his magical bag helps him create all sorts of mischief. He was also the first cartoon character to gain enough popularity to award him a feature film in 1928.菲力貓是一隻黑白相間的貓,出現在20世紀初的無聲電影中。它外貌天真,具有很高的辨識度。魔法袋能夠幫助它製造出各種惡作劇。菲力貓是第一位受到大眾追捧的卡通人物,1928年有了自己的故事片。42. Angelica Pickles42.安傑利卡·皮克爾斯Why do bullies get all the good lines? Angelica Pickles is the bossy, spoiled toddler from Rugrats. She is the most familiar character from Rugrats, but possibly only because she is the meanest and talks the most. (She's older than the babies.)Rugratscrawled onto Nickelodeon in 1991. The lil' crew went on to star inThe Rugrats Movie, Rugrats in Parisand Rugrats Go Wild.為什麼壞人總能得到好台詞?在《淘氣小兵兵》中,安傑利卡是位專橫的、被寵壞的學齡前小孩。她是《淘氣小兵兵》中最為人熟知的角色,但這也許是因為她尖言尖語,滔滔不絕。(她比其他孩子大。)1991年,尼克國際兒童頻道播放了《淘氣小兵兵》。接著,陸續有了《淘氣小兵兵》、《小鬼巴黎行》和《原野小兵兵》。43. The Powerpuff Girls43.飛天小女警Girl power times three. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup keep Townsville, USA safe from evil while dealing with the pressures of kindergarten. The visual style of The Powerpuff Girlssets it apart, though, along with the abundance of tongue-in-cheek humor. The Powerpuff Girlsfirst premiered in 1998 and can still be seen on Boomerang.飛天小女警有三位,分別是花花、泡泡和毛毛。她們一邊保衛著湯斯維爾和美國不受邪惡勢力的侵犯,一邊還要上幼稚園。《飛天小女警》中的女孩視覺風格各異,劇中隨處可見半玩笑式的幽默。1988年,《飛天小女警》問世,美國卡通電視網經典動畫頻道至今仍在播出。44. Spider-Man44.蜘蛛俠Spider-Man is the everyman superhero. He started out as the geek next door and was transformed into a mega-strong, mega-agile dude. Spidery first starred in 1967's Spider-Man, then came Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends(1981), Spider-Man: The Animated Series(1995) and Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003).蜘蛛俠是人人心目中的英雄。起初,他只是一名鄰家的極客,由於意外被一隻受過放射性感染的蜘蛛咬傷而變成敏捷強大的超人。1967年,蜘蛛俠在動畫《蜘蛛俠》中首次亮相。隨後,推出了《新蜘蛛俠》(1981)、《蜘蛛俠動畫版》(1995)、《新蜘蛛俠動畫版》(2003)。45. George of the Jungle45.叢林王喬治George of the Jungle originated in 1967, a parody of the Tarzan story. He's known for swinging on vines and slamming into trees, as well as his rhythmic theme song, "George, George, George of the Jungle... watch out for that tree!"《叢林王喬治》於1967年首播,講述了喬治的滑稽故事。喬治穿梭於藤蔓之間、撞上大樹的場景以及那節奏感十足的主題曲,「喬治,喬治,喬治的叢林……小心那棵樹!」令人難以忘懷。46. Superman.46.超人Superman is the ultimate superhero because of his unerring loyalty to doing well. But is he a true superhero since he only has powers because he's an alien, from another planet? Or is he just a guy who fell to the ground on the right planet? I'm sure fanboys debate this issue frequently. Like his other DC Comics friends, Superman starred inSuper Friendsand Justice League of America. His own series have been Superman(1988) and Superman: The Animated Series(1996). But who could forget The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure(1967)?超人是終極超級英雄,因為他向來忠誠。但是,之所以稱他為超級英雄究竟是因為他來自外星,充滿能量,還是因為普通人身份?我確信超人迷們一定經常討論這個問題。像其他DC公司創作的漫畫形象一樣,超人也在《超級英雄戰隊》和《正義聯盟》中亮相。接著,有了《超人》系列(1988年)以及《超人:動畫系列》(1996年)。但是,誰能忘記1967年動畫劇集《超人與水行俠的冒險》?47. Batman47.蝙蝠俠Can you imagine a time when Batman wasn't the Dark Knightwe know now? Hard to believe the many transformations this superhero has seen through the years, especially on television. The caped crusader has had several of his own cartoons: Batman: The Brave and the Bold(2008),The Batman(2004), Batman Beyond (1999), Batman: The Animated Series(1992).你能想象,蝙蝠俠一度並非是人們在《黑暗騎士》中所見到的形象嗎?難以相信這個超級英雄這些年發生了如此之多的變化,特別是在電視熒屏。這位身披披肩的戰士有多部電影動畫片:《蝙蝠俠:神勇雙雄》(2008年)、《蝙蝠俠》(2004年)、《未來蝙蝠俠》(1999年)以及《蝙蝠俠:動畫系列》(1992年)。48. Daria48.達莉亞Daria Morgendorfferearned her own half-hour animated comedy in1997. She's smart and witty, a teenage girl trying to figure out how to be her own person and still have a boyfriend at the same time while dealing with stressed-out parents.1997年,達莉亞·摩根多弗有了長達半小時的動畫喜劇。她是一位機智聰慧的女孩,努力成為一個獨立的個體。一邊承受著父母的巨大壓力一邊結交男友。49. Wonder Woman49.神奇女俠Wonder Woman gives little girls their own superhero, one who is strong and gorgeous with lots of cool toys. She stars inSuper Friends, Justice League of Americaand Young Justice.神奇女俠是小女孩們的偶像。她擁有神力、容顏不老又有很多酷酷的工具。神奇女俠在《超能英雄戰隊》、《美國正義聯盟》和《正義小聯盟》中均有出鏡。50. Bobby Hill50.鮑比·希爾Bobby Hill is my favorite character on, which aired on FOX from 1997 to 2009. He starred in my favorite episode, the Emmy-nominated "Bobby Goes Nuts." If I could ask creator Mike Judge one question, it would be, "What will Bobby Hill be when he grows up?" He has so many aspirations; I just can't imagine the answer.鮑比·希爾是我最喜歡的角色,1997年到2009年這部動畫片在美國福克斯電視台播出。他主演了我最喜歡的、獲艾美獎提名的劇集《瘋狂的鮑比》。如果能向創作人邁克·詹郅提問題,我一定會問:「鮑比·希爾長大了會做什麼?」畢竟他的願望那麼多,很難讓人猜出答案。

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