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Citing defamation, 60-year-old Pan Jinlian fromsouthern China's Guangdong province is suing thedirector of I Am Not Madame Bovary, a film knownin Chinese as "I Am Not Pan Jinlian."最近,來自南部廣東省的一名60歲、名叫潘金蓮的婦女,以侵犯自己名譽權為由,將電影《我不是潘金蓮》的導演告上了法庭。In the 2016 satirical movie directed by renownedfilmmaker Feng Xiaogang and starring megastar FanBingbing, protagonist Li Xuelian pits herself againstthe country's legal system to clear her name aftershe is wrongfully accused of infidelity and divorced by her husband.著名導演馮小剛執導的這部諷刺意義十足的電影於2016年上映,該電影由范冰冰領銜出演,講述了其飾演的李雪蓮在被丈夫污衊且慘遭拋棄之後,為證明自身清白努力不懈到處打官司上訪的故事。The film's title is a reference to her argument that she is no "Pan Jinlian," a character fromancient Chinese literature who has become synonymous with sexual debauchery.電影名稱恰好與女主角的心聲完美呼應,即--「我不是潘金蓮」。潘金蓮是古代文學作品中的一位虛構人物,現在常與水性楊花相關聯。With the authors of those works — Jin Ping Mei and Water Margin — long gone, Pan, theplaintiff in the recent legal case and a resident of the city of Zengcheng, has turned herattention to the people and production companies behind last year's highly successful movie,including director Feng, producer Huayi Brothers Pictures, and Liu Zhenyun, author of the2012 novel on which the film is based.由於文學作品《金瓶梅》和《水滸傳》的作者早已逝世,此次案件原告方--廣東增城市居民潘金蓮轉而將注意力放在去年這部大獲成功電影的相關人員和製作公司之上,其中包括華誼兄弟公司製片人馮小剛以及該電影基於的2012年出版原著小說的作者劉震雲。A statement appearing to have been issued by Pan claimed that the film had caused hersignificant emotional distress and that trailers and other forms of promotion had onlycompounded the defamation against her.潘金蓮發表一份聲明,宣稱該電影使自己遭受了巨大的精神創傷,相關預告片和各類形式的宣傳更是嚴重侵犯了自己的名譽權。"Not only did the plaintiff become severely depressed and vexed," her statement, cited bynews portal Sohu, read, "but the esteem of her relatives and other people with the Pansurname has also decreased drastically in the eyes of society."據搜狐網站報道,其聲明還提到:「該電影不僅令當事人受到嚴重傷害與困擾,同時也造成其家人和其他潘氏族人的社會評價急劇降低。」In an interview with the Chengdu Economic Daily, Pan's younger brother said that his sister'ssuffering caused by her fictional namesake has been going on for years, with her two childrenand husband also bearing the brunt. But with the release of I Am Not Madame Bovary,circumstances have worsened, said her brother, "She can't sleep for much of the night, and herhealth is deteriorating," he said, adding that elderly neighbors in her housing estate now openlymock her.在接受《成都商報》採訪時,潘金蓮的弟弟表示,幾十年來,自己的姐姐一直都因這個名字而備受困擾,就連她的丈夫和兩個孩子也慘遭連累。隨著《我不是潘金蓮》的上映,情況可謂是愈加糟糕。「她半夜常常睡不著覺,身體也是越來越差,」潘金蓮的弟弟說道,並提到就連一個村裡的老鄰居也會公開取笑她。A verdict for the recent legal challenge is expected on April 19.法庭將於4月19日對此案件進行正式宣判。

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