3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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雙邊訪問:外交部副部長張業遂將於6月20日在北京與韓國外交部第一次官林聖男舉行第八次中韓外交部門高級別戰略對話。Executive Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui and First Vice Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Lim Sung Nam will hold the eighth high-level strategic dialogue between the foreign ministries of China and the ROK in Beijing on June 20.國際組織問題:問:關於今天結束的金磚國家外長會晤,鑒於美方退出自由貿易和應對全球氣候變化的行動,中方是否認為金磚國家會填補上述空缺?Q: Does China has the impression that the BRICS can fill the void the US is leaving in areas like free trade or fight against global warming? 答:關於金磚國家外長會晤,我的同事在上周發布了消息。A: My colleague released the information on the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs last week. 今天,金磚國家外長會晤在北京舉行。會晤期間,王毅外長會見了記者,回答了有關問題。根據我掌握的消息,會晤剛剛結束。關於會晤的具體情況,中方會發布消息。The Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs was held in Beijing today. During the meeting, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with the press and answered questions. According to my information at hand, the meeting just concluded. The Chinese side will release the relevant information on the details of the meeting. 至於你問及的金磚國家在國際事務中的作用,金磚國家都是有著重要影響力的發展家和新興市場國家。五國加強交流與合作,對於維護世界和平穩定,促進世界經濟增長,推動國際關係民主化和完善全球治理都具有重要意義。在這方面,五國也都有著非常強烈的意願。On your question about the role of BRICS countries in international affairs, they are all developing countries and emerging markets with important influence. The stronger exchange and cooperation between the five countries have important implications for upholding world peace and stability, boosting global economic growth, promoting democracy in international relations and improving global governance. The five countries have very strong will in these aspects. 回顧過去十年,金磚國家的合作取得了非常積極和顯著的成效。我們願同其他金磚國家一道,推動金磚國家合作在下一個十年進一步深入發展。今年9月在廈門將舉行下一次金磚國家領導人會晤。我們願意與各方共同努力,推動此次會晤取得積極成果和圓滿成功。 Looking back at the past decade, BRICS cooperation has achieved very positive and prominent results. We will work with other BRICS countries to advance the development of BRICS cooperation in a more in-depth way in the next decade. The next BRICS Summit will be held in Xiamen in September. We stand ready to work with various parties for positive outcomes and a full success of this meeting.-歐洲關係問題:問:據報道,歐盟原計劃發表聲明批評的人權狀況,但遭希臘阻止。中方是否此前與希臘方面或者與歐盟就此進行溝通,以阻止歐盟發表相關聲明?中方對希臘此舉有何評論?Q: In the EU today, Greece blocked a planned statement by the EU that would condemn China's human rights record. Has China communicated with Greece on this issue or the EU more broadly to block this statement? Do you have any comment on Greece's decision to stop that statement? 答:中方注意到有關報道。關於人權問題,中方的立場非常明確。我們一直主張各方應就人權問題開展建設性對話與交流,反對將人權問題政治化或借人權問題干涉他國內政和司法主權。A: The Chinese side has noted relevant reports. China's position on the issue of human rights is quite clear-cut. We maintain that all relevant parties should conduct constructive dialogue and exchanges on human rights and oppose politicizing the issue of human rights and interfering in the internal affairs and judicial sovereignty of other countries under the pretext of human rights. 中方願在平等和相互尊重的基礎上,同包括歐盟在內的各方加強人權領域交流合作,相互借鑒,共同進步,為國際人權事業的發展共同做出努力和貢獻。The Chinese side stands ready to, on the basis of equality and mutual respect, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights with all relevant parties including the European Union (EU) to learn from each other, achieve common progress and make concerted efforts to contribute to the development of the cause of international human rights. 至於你提到歐盟內部一些討論的情況,具體情況我並不掌握。在這裡我只能說,我們對有關歐盟國家堅持正確的立場表示讚賞。Regarding the discussions on this issue within the EU, I don't know relevant details. What I can tell you is that we applaud relevant EU country(ies) for sticking to the right position. -亞洲關係問題:問:此次中韓外交部門高級別戰略對話將討論哪些議題?中方對有關對話有何期待?Q: What topics will be discussed at the upcoming eighth high-level strategic dialogue between the foreign ministries of China and the ROK? What are the expectations of the Chinese side on this dialogue? 答:當前中韓關係處於重要時期,雙方將利用此次戰略對話,就中韓關係和朝鮮半島局勢等共同關心的問題交換意見。中方希望此次對話能夠為中韓雙方加強溝通、增進互信,推動妥善解決分歧和促進雙邊關係改善發展發揮積極作用。A: At present, the China-ROK relations is in an important period. The two sides will take the opportunity of this dialogue to exchange views on China-ROK relations, the situation on the Korean Peninsula and other issues of mutual interest. The Chinese side hopes that this dialogue will play a positive role in strengthening bilateral communication, enhancing mutual trust, promoting the proper settlement of differences and improving bilateral relations. 註:外交部四月和五月例行記者會內容,可查看首頁」翻譯學習「的「翻碩&CATTI」欄目。翻吧

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