3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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為了幫助大家高效備考托福,熟悉托福閱讀辭彙,新東方在線托福網為大家帶來托福閱讀辭彙解析(14)一文,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。更多精彩盡請關注新東方在線托福網!§ Headword§ Synonym§ 漢譯§ Antonym§ petroleum§ fossil oil§ 石油§ So the next time your child tells you that they are on the fence about that law degree, petroleum engineering, anyone?§ crude oil§ 原油§ Brent crude oil, one of the main benchmarks, climbed by more than $3 a barrel from its price before the Opec decision to more than $119.§ marine sediment§ 海洋沉積物§ The development of mathematical modeling for suspended sediment transport in the late 20th century has provided a powerful tool for marine sediment dynamics.§ microscopic§ tiny§ 微小的§ All the microscopic available states, that is, if I take an individual particle and I say where it can be, all those states have the same energy.§ organism§ 微生物§ Because these structures can be traced back through the ancestors, they essentially serve as a marker of evolution; no organism can have a vestigial organ that hasn』t been found in its forefathers.§ accumulate§ gather§ 積累§ Scatter§ It is the business of the scientist to accumulate knowledge about the universe and all that is in it, and to find, if he is able, common factors which underlie and account for the facts that he knows.§ marine mud§ 海泥§ The elongation rates of the specimens in marine mud with SRB under different potentials are lower than those in marine mud without SRB.§ partially§ 部分地§ I know we think that food corporations think more about themselves than they do about others when they decide to put partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup in our foods.§ decompose§ decay§ 分解, 腐爛§ Classes can be composed of classes which themselves have parts, allowing you to hierarchically decompose a system to any arbitrary level.§ dissolved§ 溶解的§ This dissolved organic matter was not, until recently, thought to be an important component of the total. But Dr Jiao noticed something odd about its distribution in the sea.§ decay§ dissolve§ 腐爛§ These materials are known as "radioisotopes"—versions of an element that, because they have an abnormal number of neutrons, frequently decay and release radiation.§ convert…to§ transform…into§ 轉變為§ All the servant regions are now bound to existing work queues, and no servant region can immediately convert to the new service class work queue.§ droplet§ small drop of liquid§ 小滴§ Getting the material to that stage will take more years of research and testing, though, since the scientists are currently making droplet-sized quantities of it in the lab.§ squeeze§ extract§ 壓榨, 擠壓§ If one really cares for you, he is able to squeeze time for you. No excuses, no lies, no undeliverable promises.§ layer§ 層§ However, in this particular case, there is only one layer to my onion, so both options will do the same thing.§ dense§ 密度大的§ Thin§ They don't like dense forest either, so they traverse these high, open shoulders between the river and the woods, where they can see and run.§ water-saturated§ 飽水的§ Diffraction for the spectra is corrected and the Q values of organic glass and water-saturated rock samples are measured.§ underlie§ 構成基礎§ One important principle should underlie the provision of these middleware capabilities: service and process developers should be insulated from the complexities of the middleware implementation.§ well§ 井§ The armchair blends well with the colour of the carpet.§ drill§ 鑽(孔)§ If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock, they would lose heart.§ permanent§ stable§ 固定的§ Temporary§ Actually, you have: I』m talking about demands that we make all of the Bush tax cuts, not just those for the middle class, permanent.§ derrick§ 鑽塔§ 「And picture that paper over there as the bad guy.」 He nods at an assignment on his desk at the Derrick Thomas Academy charter school in Kansas City, Missouri.§ drilling pipe§ 鑽桿§ Despite early hopes that the oil spill could be minimized, the rig's fractured drilling pipe is currently leaking 42, 000 gal. of crude a day.§ portable§ 便攜的§ The controlling hardware is a tablet computer with buttons on the side, something like a portable games machine, and most people can get the hang of it in a couple of days.§ dismantled§ take…into apart§ 拆卸§ Assemble§ Slowly but surely the Wall would be dismantled, as people made off with their very special souvenirs.§ spout§ 液流§ n some countries teapots are fitted with little dangling baskets under the spout to catch the stray leaves, which are supposed to be harmful.§ gusher§ 涌流§ Last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill was but one blowout amid a gusher of corporate misdeeds, according to this exposé of the British oil giant.§ pump§ 抽送§ But this mindset is changing as more people swap the pump for the plug when they run out of juice.§ adjacent§ adjoining§ 毗鄰的§ Sometimes some acquaintances of the sports players are popular too because their house are adjacent to the players.§ refinery§ 煉油廠§ Those levels of emissions could increase the cancer risk to refinery employees and the public, she says.§ petrochemical§ 石油化工產品§ " since a forest of petrochemical facilities and industrial sprawl lines the freeways and railways in the northern part of the state near New York.§ hostile§ 惡劣的§ But 「the hostile part can be mobilized from time to time,」 by what he calls 「anti-immigrant entrepreneurs.§ platform§ 平台§ If you have no fixed platform dependencies, I recommend that you try out both and see which one better suits your needs.§ continental shelf§ 大陸架§ The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea allows states to extend their limits beyond 200 miles if they can show that the continental shelf beyond their coastline extends that far.§ sloping§ 傾斜的§ hey lived on a sloping street where the houses press against one another, side by side, like children in a line holding hands.§ justify§ 證明... 正當§ If you observe your own behavior non-judgmentally, but with the constant desire to improve, you will get much farther than if you berate yourself, or excuse or justify your shortcomings.§ extraction§ 抽出§ If you do not specify anything for this clause, audit records from all databases in the instance are eligible for extraction.§ landslide§ 山崩§ Silt turbidite (landslide) layers on the deep sea floor far off the coast from underwater landslides, likely caused by strong seismic shaking.§ oil spills§ 漏油§ Oil spills occur in the North Sea at the rate of about one a week, but most are not serious.§ collision§ 碰撞§ This approach solves the problem of packet collision but also prevents the attached devices from establishing direct communication with each other.§ oil slick§ 浮油§ Wednesday saw a US Coast Guard crew set fire to part of the oil slick in an attempt to save environmentally sensitive wetlands.§ foul§ 弄髒§ Clean§ If a contestant injures himself while attempting to foul his opponent, the referee will not take any action in his favor.§ subside§ decline§ 下沉§ Rise§ Once the excitement, the motivation and the initial momentum subside (and they will), what will keep you doing what you need to do, to create the change you want to see in your world?§ barrier§ 屏障§ If you have been avoiding the decision making process, why not break through thatbarrier right here and now?§ refine§ 提煉§ And each successive iteration builds on the work of previous iterations to evolve andrefine the system until the final product is complete.§ adverse§ harmful§ 不利的, 有害的§ Favorable§ Currently, discrimination because of sex is defined as adverse action against another person, which would not have occurred had the person been of another sex.以上就是新東方在線托福網為你帶來的托福閱讀辭彙解析(14),更多精彩敬請關注新東方在線托福網。

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