3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

編者按:今年是中華健康快車基金會火車醫院運行的第二十個年頭,目前本台正有四位記者分別奔赴在新疆喀什和山西臨汾採訪報道相關情況。今年,四列火車醫院有兩列同時開進新疆,分別停靠在喀什和克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州。本台記者興宇和洪新參與了中華健康快車基金會的媒體探訪團,北京外語廣播是本次探訪團中唯一的非中央媒體。在幾天時間裡,記者分別探訪患者家庭、火車醫院、當地的基地醫院等,接下來一周時間裡,我們每天為您播出他們從新疆發回的報道,今天請聽第一篇:This year marks the 20th anniversary of the operation of Lifeline Express. Two mobile Eye-Hospital trains right now stop in the Kashgar Prefecture and the Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Four reporters from Radio Beijing International have joined the media visit organized by the Lifeline Express Foundation. In the coming few days, they will set foot in patients' homes, the eye-hospital trains and local hospitals to figure out and understand how the work of Lifeline Express is going on.探訪健康快車(1)來自北京外語廣播00:0007:52我們到達喀什採訪的第一站是位於喀什市下馬勒巴格鎮的患者尼孜孜江.克里木的家。尼孜孜江.克里木今年已經二十二歲,他是在二零零八年的時候接受了健康快車的免費白內障手術。當我們到他家的時候,克里木高興地拿起了一本自己的維吾爾語的課本,為我們朗讀了起來。他是希望告訴我們,現在他可以清晰地看到書藉上的字了。After we arrived in Kashgar, we visited a town called Xiamabage (下馬勒巴格鎮). The 22 -year old patient is named Kelimu( 克里木) who received a free cataract surgery in 2008 from Lifeline Express. When we arrived at his house, he read his own book loudly and happily for us in order to prove the success of cataract surgery. He recalled happily " My dad and I did the cataract surgery in 2008. We recovered pretty well after receiving the treatment. We appreciate the contribution of Sinopec Group and Lifeline Express and thank them sincerely".尼孜孜江.克里木(左一)「這個二零零八年健康快車來到喀什,爸爸和我的眼睛(進行了)手術,手術以後,現在爸爸和我的眼睛(恢復得)非常好。感謝石化和健康快車,謝謝你們,辛苦了。」「你當時那個眼睛原來就沒有做手術之前,是只能看到光還是什麼也看不到呢?」「黑板上面的字看不清,(手術后)看書都沒有問題。後來我們才知道(列車)是香港、澳門和石化共同製作的,專家們也過來幫助我們。」When our reporters asked, "before receiving the treatment, how's your eyes condition?" , he answered, "I couldn't see anything on the blackboard at that time, but I can read book clearly after the treatment. Later, we just discovered that the train project was initiated by Hong Kong, Macao and Sinopec Group, and we appreciate them once again."停靠喀什的由中石化冠名的健康快車尼孜孜江.克里木當時接受手術只有十二歲,現在的他已經在新疆師範大學中文系畢業了。他說,如果沒有健康快車做免費手術,他都沒法想象自己能否順利地完成從國中到大學的學業。當年他七十三歲的父親老克里木也接受了一隻眼睛的白內障手術。At the age of 12, Kelimu received the free eye surgery. Now, he has graduated from the Xinjiang Normal University majoring in Chinese. He said " Without the free surgery from Lifeline Express, I couldn't image what my life would be. With the support of Lifeline, I finished my education and my father regained his sight."健康快車的車長王悅真現在正駐紮在喀什健康快車的車長王悅真,告訴我們說,尼孜孜江是先天性白內障患者,但是在喀什白內障發病率很高,現在健康快車已經可以為五十歲以下患者做雙眼手術。The captain of Xinjiang Lifeline Express – Wang Yuezhen told us that Kelimu (克里木) is a patient with congenital cataract disease. The chance of getting cataract disease is high in Kashgar, but now the situation has been improved as Lifeline Express can provide the surgery for patients who are aged below 50 ."「他是先天的,是和自然環境有關。原來二十歲以下患者需要專門打報告申請移植軟晶體手術,可以做兩隻眼睛,現在擴大到五十歲以下也可以同時做雙眼手術,也改用了軟晶體手術。因硬晶體手術切口較大,恢復起來慢,因此軟晶體對患者損傷更少。」The captain said "Cataract can be natural born, but may be affected by the surrounding environment. However, the situation of cataract in Xinjiang has been improved with the advancement of medical technology. In the past, only people who are aged below 20 can apply for the treatment for transplantation of soft eye intraocular lens, but now people who are aged below 50 can also apply for it. Compared with the hard eye intraocular lens treatment, the soft eye intraocular lens will have smaller wounds and a faster recovery."白內障手術愈來愈先進,對患者的損傷愈來愈少,現在患者在接受手術后兩天就可以揭開眼睛上的紗布,重見光明。在當時尼孜孜江接受手術時他並不知道健康快車是由香港同胞送給內地同胞的禮物,中華健康快車基金會理事長劉夢琳說,實際上是在信息層層傳遞的過程中,老百姓只記住了健康快車給他們帶來光明。中華健康快車基金會副秘書長劉夢琳介紹情況 「這件事回溯就是十幾二十年前了,尤其是這個工作又需要地方上提供很多的人力,提前三到六個月就要開始做篩查,開始做宣傳,在層層的宣傳過程中,最後人民記住的只是健康快車。而且現在健康快車不光是香港,第三列車是澳門光明號,澳門方面出資三千多萬進行了列車大修,重新配裡面的設備,另外中石化也捐贈了一列, 香港是中華健康快車發起者的角色。」Liu Menglin, Director of the China Lifeline Express Foundation said: "We want people to focus on the most critical messages. We want people just to remember Lifeline Express. When Lifeline Express trains come to a city, it will take around 3-6 months for locals to do preparatory work and coordination in advance. So at the end, people could only remember Lifeline Express. The trains are not only sponsored by Hong Kong. The third train Guang Ming Hao is actually from Macao, which has invested more than 30 million yuan for the train overhaul and re-distribution of the equipment. Sinopec Group also donated a train. Hong Kong is the initiator of China Lifeline Express."彈奏熱瓦甫的克里木在採訪的最後,尼孜孜江為我們彈唱了自己創作的歌曲,在歌詞當中他唱到"我的眼睛治好了,父母高興了,我終於可以再次上學了"。這次健康快車有兩列列車開到新 疆,分別駐紮在喀什和克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州,計劃為兩地各一千名患者進行手術,培訓醫生及建立兩所健康快車眼科中心,這是健康列車第十一次來到新疆,第 七次來到喀什,第一次來到克州。從二零零二年開始,健康快車先後服務於喀什、阿克蘇、庫爾勒、奎屯,累積為八千兩百多名患者進行免費手術治療,在新疆自治區人民醫院和喀什地區第一人民醫院建立了兩所眼科中心。今年的手術結束后,新疆地區將有超過一萬名的患者實現復明,這也是中石化第四次冠名贊助新疆喀什站。At the end of the interview, Kelimu ( 克里木)sang a song for us, " My eyes are treated well, my parents felt happily, I would finally go to school ". Lifeline Express has two trains moving to Xinjiang, docking in the Kashgar Prefecture and the Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture respectively to cure around 2000 patients in total, and to train local doctors and establish two eyes centers. This is the 11th time that Lifeline Express came to Xinjiang, seventh time to Kashgar, and first time to the Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture. Since 2002, Lifeline Express has served in Kashgar、Aksu、Korla and Kuytun, treated more than 8,200 patients for free, set up two eyes centers at the Xinjiang General Hospital and the Kashgar Prefecture No.1 Hopital. At the end of this year, after the treatment, more than 10,000 patients in Xinjiang are expected to regain the eyesight. It is the fourth time for Lifeline Express sponsored by Sinopec Group to travel to the Kashgar Prefecture.

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