3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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2017年可算是財會行業的改革元年,在證書領域,從年初的會計從業取消的一聲驚雷,到初級職稱報名條件調整的再起波瀾,每一個都是重磅消息!然而,這些會計人非常關心的消息,至今缺乏官方的文件出台,讓人懸著的心始終沒辦法落地。雖然缺乏財政部正規的文件,可是很多已經基本塵埃落定;我們可以從很多官方渠道,得到這些問題的答案。看小編從安徽省財政廳官方網站的信件處理中心,以及山東省財政廳業務諮詢板塊中截取了一部分正式的回復,來解決廣大會計人最關心的問題。一:關於會計從業資格證1、會計從業資格證書是否會被取消? ▲安徽省財政廳信件處理中心▲山東省財政廳2、會計證是否作為從事會計工作的必要條件? ▲安徽省財政廳信件處理中心▲山東省財政廳 總 結1、國務院已經明確決定取消會計從業資格證書,將在《會計法》修改後正式實施,全國人大正在修改會計法;2、會計從業資格證將不作為從事會計工作的必要條件,且會計工作將不設准入門檻。二:關於初級會計職稱1、報名初級會計職稱需不需要會計從業證? ▲山東省財政廳2、初級職稱的具體報名條件▲山東省財政廳 總 結1、從18年初級會計職稱的報名開始,會計從業資格證書將不作為報名的必要條件;2、具備高中以上學歷即可以報名參加初級會計職稱考試。以上所有信息來自安徽省財政廳官網公眾諮詢板塊、山東省財政廳官網業務諮詢板塊,以最新政策為準。 2017 year cab be regarded as the first year of reform in the financial and accounting industry.In the field of certification,from the beginning of the cancellation of Certificate of Accounting Professional to the adjusting of the conditions of the primary titles,each one is big news!However, the news that these accountants are very concerned lacks official documents so far.So that ,many people very worry about it.Although there is a lack of formal documents from the Treasury, a lot of the news has been largely established.From the letter processing center of the Anhui provincial finance department's official website and the business advisory section of the Shandong Provincial Department of finance, the editors intercepted a part of the formal reply to solve the problems that the majority of accountants are most concerned about. 1.About Certificate of Accounting Professional1.Will the Certificate of Accounting Professional be cancelled?▲Letter processing center of Anhui provincial finance department▲Shandong Provincial Department of Finance2.Is the accounting certificate necessary for accounting work?▲Letter processing center of Anhui provincial finance department▲Shandong Provincial Department of FinanceSummary1.The State Council has made a clear decision to cancel the Certificate of Accounting Professional,and will be formally implemented after the amendment of the accounting law.The National People's Congress is revising the accounting law;2.The Certificate of Accounting Professional will not be the necessary condition for accounting work, and the accounting work will be without admittance threshold.2.About the primary title of accountant1.Do I need the Certificate of Accounting Professional to sign up for the primary title of accountant?▲Shandong Provincial Department of Finance2.Specific conditions for primary title▲Shandong Provincial Department of FinanceSummary1.Beginning with signing up for the primary title of accountant since 2018,the Certificate of Accounting Professional will not be a necessary condition for registration;2.With high school education, you can sign up for the primary title of accountant examination.PS.All of the above information from the public consultation section of the Anhui provincial finance department official website,the public consultation section of the Shandong Provincial Department of Finance.The most accurate information is subject to the latest policy.

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