3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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精算這冷門專業也是不少留學生在計劃留學時的一個選擇,網路上基本都是在一邊倒的宣揚澳洲精算就業率高,薪資好,還可移民。根據澳洲Payscale的網站搜索,果然薪資不凡!中間位就達到了$10萬+。但是吧,如果說會計是一個眾人追捧,坑人不留情的綠茶婊,那麼精算絕對是脾氣不好,又難撩的一個大小姐。(往期熱文:會計婊,你還要我拿什麼來愛你?)且看精算16-17年的移民配額在2241這個大類中一共有1000的配額,整個大類一年消耗調配額132。妥妥的60分移民專業,一般澳洲畢業生不需要雅思7777也能達到!這時候有人要問了。剩餘的配額還很多,一個薪資那麼高,就業率那麼高的職業為啥才用掉這點配額?精算技術移民的話需要先完成職業評估,不是說一年的工作經驗就能完成職業評估了嗎?對啊!可是這一年工作經驗好搞定嗎?咱們用澳洲Seek求職網站的搜索數據來做個對比。先搜一下會計吧,和會計相關的信息有1萬1千多個。咱們再帶著美好的期待搜索一下精算師,什麼???140?雖然這個網站的數據不能完整體現精算職業的需求狀況,但是也太少了吧!一般同學們都是畢業后申請2年的工作簽證來尋找工作,但是精算師這個職業真的不容易。除非你具備能直接上手工作的能力或極其之優秀。要麼,回國找工作來積累經驗做職業評估。有人要問了,還為啥需求少還是緊缺職業?這不很正常嗎?連工程師這種local都很多找不到工作的職業都在上面,有精算也不足為奇啊。Hi, I am an International student and graduating this year from Leeds University in BSc Economics and Finance with a first degree in the UK and I'm considering to get a master in actuarial science in Australia. Now the choices are ANU's 2.5 year programme, UNSW's and MQ's 2 year programmes. I am planning to get a master then to work for 2 years in financial industry in Australia and then apply for another master in Financial engineering in the UK or in the US. I prefer a quantitative job in financial industry, because I'm so bloody good at math and so terrible at literature. However, I chose the wrong bachelor as economics and this course involves too many "literature" things, which is not my taste. So which university should I choose to fortify my math skills in order to pursue a top master in the US. e.g. Master of Mathematical Finance at MIT, Berkeley, LSE or Oxbridge. Will ANU's world reputation bring me any convenience? Or will MQ's reputation in Actuarial field be better?Can some one please give me some advice? I know very few about universities in Australia. Many thanks!I'm considering to get a master in actuarial science in Australia.Why?I am planning to get a master then to work for 2 years in financial industry in AustraliaHonestly you will struggle to land a job. A masters degree with no experience will make you look overqualified. The fact you are an international student will just make your situation more dire.then apply for another master in Financial engineering in the UK or in the US.Why another masters? Why not apply to the US/UK first?I prefer a quantitative job in financial industry, because I'm so bloody good at math and so terrible at literature.Bad news for you, even quantitative jobs require you to write reports about your results. I'm an engineer, a very quantitative discipline, but I do a LOT of report writing.I chose the wrong bachelor as economics and this course involves too many "literature" things, which is not my taste.Undergraduate economics is more about the underlying theories and knowledge. Graduate economics is more about maths and modeling. Either way, your quantitative skills are useless if you can't communicate what you did, why you did it, and what the results are.雖然這些問答不權威,也沒有事實依據。但是也從側面體現了部分精算的學習和就業問題。精算這個職業在澳洲絕對高大上!薪資高,逼格也不低。但是就業上需要自身具備很強的能力,競爭也不小。準備讀精算回國的同學,沒問題!這專業也很棒棒!回國有不少機會去大展拳腳。但是想移民的話就三思一下,掂量下自己的實力。在澳洲精算就業面窄,供過於求,湊職業評估的工作難找這些都是事實存在的情況。

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