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有關英超名將韋恩•魯尼或將加盟中超的消息最近頻繁見諸於英國媒體。曼聯主帥穆里尼奧近日表示,魯尼去不去踢球由他自己決定。這位31歲的英國名腳目前的周薪是30萬英鎊(約合人民幣257萬元)。據稱,中超球隊開出的周薪是當前水平的兩倍多,北京國安、廣州恆大和天津權健等俱樂部都曾與魯尼的經紀人接觸。2月23日,魯尼公開回應此事,稱不會離開曼聯,要幫球隊打進英超前四。 Wayne Rooney said on Thursday that he has no plans to leave Manchester United, despite reports that his agent Paul Stretford had traveled to China to discuss his future with Chinese Super League clubs. 2月23日,韋恩•魯尼表示,雖然有報道稱他的經紀人保羅-斯特雷特福德曾趕赴與中超俱樂部商討他的未來計劃,不過,他並沒有打算離開曼聯。 The Manchester United and England player told the UK's Press Association: "Despite the interest which has been shown from other clubs, for which I'm grateful, I want to end recent speculation and say that I am staying at Man United. I hope I'll play a full part in helping the team in its fight for success on four fronts. It's an exciting time at the club and I want to remain a part of it." 魯尼對英國國家通訊社表示:「有其他俱樂部對我感興趣,我很感激,不過,我不想讓最近的各種猜測繼續下去,我會留在曼聯。我希望能夠在球隊爭奪英超前四的征程中發揮全力。這是俱樂部非常激動人心的時刻,我希望自己仍然是其中的一份子。」 British media speculation surrounding a possible transfer of Manchester United and England skipper Wayne Rooney increased as United manager Jose Mourinho said he would leave the decision up to the player if he chose to head for a Chinese Super League club before the Chinese transfer window slams shut next Tuesday. 近日,曼聯主帥穆里尼奧表示,下周二(2月28日)中超轉會窗口關閉之前,該隊隊長韋恩•魯尼是否選擇加盟中超俱樂部,由他自己決定。此言一出,越來越多的英國媒體開始猜測這位英格蘭隊隊長轉會的可能性。 At a news conference early this week, Mourinho said he was leaving the decision up to Rooney, doubling down on a statement made in January that he would not stand in the player's way. 在本周早期的一次記者會上,穆里尼奧曾表示,他會讓魯尼自己做決定,再次確認了他在1月份的表態:他不會擋魯尼的路。 "You have to ask him. Of course, I can't guarantee (he will stay),"Mourinho said at a news conference on Tuesday. "What I can guarantee is that if one day Wayne leaves the club, it is not because I want him to leave the club. I would never push a legend of this club to another destiny.」 穆里尼奧在周二的記者會上說:「你們得去問他。當然了,我不能保證(他會留下來)。我能保證的是,如果有一天,魯尼離開了曼聯,一定不是因為我想讓他走。我絕不會把本俱樂部的傳奇球員推向另一條路。」 The 31-year-old England international, Manchester United's leading goal-scorer of all time, has become increasingly marginalized at United, having started just three of the club's 12 fixtures this year, leading several Chinese clubs to believe the player could be tempted by a big money offer. 現年31歲的魯尼是英格蘭國家隊隊長,是曼聯歷史上進球最多的球員,但是在曼聯開始逐漸被邊緣化。今年的12場比賽中,他只首發了三場。這讓幾個中超俱樂部認為,可以花重金邀魯尼加盟。 Media reports claim a move to China could see Rooney more than double his current 300,000 pound ($374,000) weekly wage and earn 32 million pounds ($40 million) annually. Both Beijing Sinobo Guoan and Guangzhou Evergrande are linked with England's all-time top scorer, while on Wednesday, Tianjin Quanjian manager Fabio Cannavaro confirmed the club made an approach for the player but it was rejected. 媒體報道稱,如若加盟中超,魯尼的周薪可能是當前30萬英鎊(約合人民幣257萬元)的兩倍還多,年薪可能達到3200萬英鎊。目前,北京國安和廣州恆大都與魯尼方面有聯繫。周三,天津權健主教練卡納瓦羅確認他們也曾試圖接近魯尼,但是被拒絕。 Beijing Sinobo Guoan attempted to lure Rooney to China before. In November, the club's honorary chairman Luo Ning confirmed team representatives met with Rooney's agent Paul Stretford in the summer of 2016. 北京國安此前就曾試圖吸納魯尼。去年11月,北京國安俱樂部名譽董事長羅寧確認,該俱樂部曾派代表於2016年夏天與魯尼的經紀人保羅-斯特雷特福德會面。 "We indeed made an approach for Rooney at the beginning of the season but he's informed us that he wants to stay in Manchester United,"Luo Ning told Beijing broadcaster Sports Night Talks. "Rooney says he'll keep playing in the Premier League as long as his health allows. We even met with his agent.」 羅寧對北京電台《體壇夜話》節目表示:「我們的確在本賽季開始的時候試圖接觸魯尼,不過,他傳話給我們說,他想留在曼聯。魯尼說,只要他的身體狀況允許,他會一直在英超踢球。我們還跟他的經紀人見了面。」 Should he leave United, Rooney would join a growing number of high profile soccer players opting to play in China. In January, Argentine striker Carlos Tevez moved to Shanghai Shenhua where he earns a reported 615,000 pound ($766,000) weekly wage, while Shanghai SIPG bought Brazil star Oscar in a 60 million pound ($74.7 million) transfer. 如果魯尼離開曼聯,他將成為又一位高調進入踢球的球員。1月,阿根廷前鋒卡洛斯•特維斯加盟上海申花,據稱周薪為61.5萬英鎊,與此同時,上海上港用6000萬英鎊的轉會費買入巴西球星奧斯卡。 北京時間1月22日結束的一場英超聯賽中,曼聯客場1比1逼平斯托克城。魯尼下半場替補出場,在第94分鐘憑藉直接自由球為曼聯扳平了比分。這粒進球是他為曼聯攻入的第250粒進球,也使他超越了曼聯傳奇博比·查爾頓,成為曼聯隊史上進球最多的球員。一起來看看傳奇魯尼的進球集錦: Vocabulary: skipper:(體育運動隊的)隊長;船長double down:堅定立場marginalize:使處於邊緣,忽視make an approach:試探,接近 英文來源:日報網翻譯:馬文英編審:yaning

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