3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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煙熏妝、大金牙、一言不合就愛掐蘭花指的傑克船長前不久又回來啦!小夥伴們有沒有去刷這部苦等六年的《加勒比海盜5:死無對證》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales)呢?世紀君這就帶大家看看海盜船長和他的小夥伴們都在電影里說了啥吧~Captain Salazar: [to the only survivor of a ship he attacked] Jack Sparrow...薩拉查船長:(對遭襲的唯一倖存者說)傑克•斯帕羅……[holds up a wanted poster of Jack Sparrow](舉起傑克的通緝告示)Captain Salazar: Do you know this pirate?薩拉查船長:認識這個海盜嗎?Henry: Only by name.亨利:只是聽說過。Captain Salazar: Find Jack Sparrow for me and relay a message, from Captain Salazar. Tell him: death will come straight for him. Will you say that to him, please?薩拉查船長:找到傑克•斯帕羅,幫我捎句話。告訴他:死神會直奔他而來。你會跟他這麼說吧?拜託!Carina Smyth: I'm not looking for trouble!卡琳娜•史密斯:我不是來找麻煩的!Captain Jack Sparrow: What a horrible way to live.傑克船長:多麼可怕的活法。Henry: I saw her ankles.亨利:我看見她腳踝了。Captain Jack Sparrow: You would've seen a lot more if you kept your cakehole shut.傑克船長:你要是閉嘴能看見更多。 Henry: We are to be allies!亨利:我們將是盟友!Carina Smyth: Considering where your left hand is, I'd say we're more than that!卡琳娜•史密斯:從你左手放的位置判斷,我們不止盟友那麼簡單!Henry: Do you even have a ship, a crew... pants?亨利:你的船呢?你的船員呢?你的褲子呢?Captain Jack Sparrow: A great pirate does not bother with such intricacies.傑克船長:一個偉大的海盜才不會在意這些繁文縟節。 Captain Jack Sparrow: Guillotine? Sounds French. I love the French!傑克船長:Guillotine? 聽著像法語!我喜歡法國人![sees what the guillotine actually is](看到斷頭台的樣子后)Captain Jack Sparrow: Here's an idea, how about a good old-fashioned stoning? I'd kill to be stoned right now!傑克船長:我有個主意,要不還是老款的石刑?我寧願立馬被石頭砸死![gets put in the guillotine](上了斷頭台後)Captain Jack Sparrow: This basket is full of heads!傑克船長:這筐人頭已經滿了!Captain Hector Barbossa: I have heard stores of a mighty Spanish captain who sunk and killed thousands of men...巴博薩船長:我已經無數次地聽說一位威猛的西班牙船長淹死了成千上萬的人……Captain Salazar: No no no no! Men, no! Pirates!薩拉查船長:不不不!不是人,是海盜!Carina Smyth: My calculations are precise and true. I'm not just an astronomer. I'm also a horologist.卡琳娜•史密斯:我的計算十分精準。我不僅是天文學家,還是鐘錶學家。Captain Jack Sparrow: No shame in that, dear. We all have to make a living.傑克船長:沒什麼不好意思的,親愛的。我們都得謀生。 (這裡想必是傑克船長誤會了~ 把「horologist鐘錶商/鐘錶研究者」聽成了whore-ologist,而whore的意思即為「妓女」,卡琳娜做完這段自我介紹后,在中文字幕中,傑克船長和其他海盜們便稱她為「計時女」了,這裡是借「計」與「妓」的諧音來個搞笑梗~)

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