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Beijing Sideways Show來自北京外語廣播Today we offer you a tour of Beijing, its suburbs and even the great wall in a very interesting and unusual vehicle - a motorbike sidecar!Today we are meeting Gael Thoreau, the man behind Beijing Sideways, the only tour company in Beijing offering sidecar tours. 今天我們會為大家介紹一種非常有趣、但又不常見的交通方式來遊覽北京——乘坐跨斗!(也叫邊車、側車;是一種加裝在機車側的單輪設備,可以將車輛從二輪變成三輪)Beijing Sideways 是北京唯一一家提供跨斗機車觀光的公司;而在今天的節目中,我們就會和它的創始人 Gael Thoreau 來好好聊聊。It is summer, the weather is great foreigners living in Beijing use the summer vacation to explore the city and the mountains around it, it is also the time when a lot of friends and relatives from home come to visit us here and we always want to make their Beijing experience unforgettable and show them new and exciting things. 現在正值夏季,天氣也很好;許多在北京的外國人選擇利用暑假去探索這座城市,以及周邊的山脈。當然,夏季也是親朋好友們前來探望的時刻;我們總想讓他們在北京的經歷更加精彩、難忘。For local Beijingers a sidecar ride along the walls of the forbidden city at sunset or the rush of riding fast down the mountain in Miyun can be a whole different way to see our city.Beijing Sideways helps you explore Beijing and its surroundings from a sideways view, seated in the sidecar of a motorbike.Avoiding traffic jams, enjoying the pleasures of a roofless vehicle, wind in the hair (or in a helmet), admiring the stunning, hilly landscapes of Beijing, savoring a French picnic on the crest of the Great Wall, cruising the less known hutongs and markets.對於本地北京人來說,乘坐跨斗機車在日落時沿著紫禁城的牆邊兜風、或者在密雲來一次快速下山……我們可以通過完全不同的方式來看待這座城市。通過坐在機車的跨斗里,你不但可以從側面觀察北京及其周邊地區,同時還能避免交通堵塞,感受風吹在頭髮(或頭盔)上的感覺、享受敞篷車的樂趣。此外,我們還能欣賞北京令人嘆為觀止的丘陵景觀、在長城上品嘗法式野餐、徘徊在相對無名的衚衕和市場里……And all this in quite a unique vehicle - the Chang Jiang 750. This motorcycle has a lot of history and people who grew up in Beijing saw many of them when they were young, however today there are less and less of them and it brings back memories seeing one driving through the streets.所有這一切都仰仗一款獨特的機車——長江750。這款車有著悠久的歷史,在很久以前的北京,滿大街跑的都是它。但是後來,這款車的數量開始慢慢減少;今日一輛跑在街上的長江750,能給見到它的人帶來許多回憶。Originally elaborated by Germany in order to be used as military off road transportation during World War II, these bikes were then produced by the USSR in 1942 under the name M72. In 1957, The Soviet Union moved their factory to Ukraine, modernized the bikes with the type II engine and decided to offer the machine tools and know-how of the old factory to The People Republic of China, where they have been produced until now. 這款車的原型最早是由德國在二戰時精心研發,用作軍事越野交通工具的。隨後於1942年,這些車開始由USSR(蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟)負責生產;在當時被命名為M72。 1957年,蘇聯將工廠搬到了烏克蘭,並開始用II型發動機對機車進行改造升級;同時決定向提供生產這款機車的設備,以及專門的知識。從此以後,這款車就開始在生產,直到今日。There are lots of advantages to a sidecar tour, you get to cover more distance than walking or cycling but you are also outside, exposed to the sounds and smells of the city. 跨斗觀光有很多優點。比如相比步行或騎腳踏車,乘坐跨斗能讓你在走得更遠、看的更多的同時,也能暴露在城市的聲音和氣味里。With Beijing sideways, you enjoy the company of an expat insider who has been living in Beijing for years, guiding you in your exploration. And what can be more fun than taking a ride in this sidecar that appears to be straight out an old black and white movie?Beijing sideways 還會提供一位已經在這裡生活很久的、對一切都很了解的駕駛員擔任導遊,指引你進行探索。 還有什麼能比乘坐跨斗,這種好像來自黑白電影的交通工具兜風更有趣呢?Beijing Sideways also offers weekend excursions riding on beautiful mountain roads to less-known parts of the great wall and a chance to spend the night at a secret hotel. Beijing sideways 還提供周末長途旅行,從漂亮的山路到長城不太知名的區域都可以前往。你還可能在某個秘密酒店過夜哦!The suburbs trip is a great activity for a few families traveling together, it』s an original idea for a birthday celebration and something you shouldn't miss before relocating out of Beijing. Beijing Sideways can cater for a pretty big group. 郊區旅行對於一些家庭來說,將會是一次很棒的活動。 Beijing Sideways 還可以為一個很大的群體提供服務哦!As Gael said, one of the greatest advantages of the sidecar is the 360 degree view and the chance to lift your head and look up at the pigeons in formation flight if you are in the heart of old Beijing or at the tops of skyscrapers if you are in the CBD. That makes the sidecar a particularly favorable vehicle to explore the city's architecture form, and indeed, Beijing Sideways has a themed architecture tour.正如 Gael 所說,360度的視野是跨斗最大的優點之一,這也使得跨鬥成為一個絕佳的、探索城市建築的交通工具。如果在老北京城中心,乘客抬起頭來可以看到正在天上飛的鴿子;若是在CBD,乘客則可看到一座座摩天大樓的頂端。 Beijing Sideways 也有相應的建築主題之旅哦!Other than hutong themed tours, architecture themed tours and excursions to the great wall, Beijing Sideways also offers an art themed tour visiting some of the city's nicest galleries and art centers, a Beijing By Night tour or even Beijing in a Nutshell speed tour if you only have a few hours in the capital and want to see everything. Now, there is a new item on the menu: a scooter tour.除了衚衕主題之旅、建築主題之旅和長城遊覽外, Beijing Sideways 還有參觀一些城市最美畫廊和藝術中心的藝術之旅、北京夜遊甚至僅需幾個小時的快速遊覽。 現在, Beijing Sideways 的服務單上又多了一個新項目:踏板摩托之旅。About us:FM Lifestyle is Radio 774's new lifestyle magazine flag show.Launched in January 2016, FM Lifestyle is an interview based daily show focusing on lifestyle, entertainment, services and creative projects around China.Hosted by two of our lead hosts, Gail Zohar and Chloe Liu, the show combines traditional and new media platforms as well as social networks. Throughout the year Gail and Chloe will be visiting venues, attending events, meeting with entrepreneurs, innovators, chefs and artists bringing first hand experience reports, sounds and sights to our listeners in China and around the world.-長按關注-

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