3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

我是一個出生於上世紀六七十年代的美國人。我們那個年代出生的人都記得,凱迪拉克是有錢人和成功人士開的終極豪華車。I am an American who was born in the 1960s. Most of us of a certain age remember this time when Cadillac was the ultimate luxury car driven by the wealthy and successful people. My Grandmother gave me her car when I was 15, and I sold it when I was about 25 for $200 US. I had about $1000 US to spend on another car. One day I was riding my bicycle and saw a for sale sign in a parked Cadillac. I called the number and they wanted $1500 for an old, 1964 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. Here's a picture on one almost exactly like it.我15歲那年,奶奶把她的車送給了我。然後我在自己25歲的時候把它以200美金的低價賣掉了。當時湊了1000美金,可以再換輛車。一天,我騎腳踏車的時候,恰好看到有一輛停著的凱迪拉克在出售。我迫不及待地打了電話過去,是一輛1964年生產的老款凱迪拉克「帝威」牌轎車,那人要1500刀才賣。它看起來幾乎和這張圖片上的一模一樣:I came up with the money for it and made the purchase. My father was shocked. It was in perfect condition. The owner had some money problems and needed to sell it immediately. 我帶著錢爽快地買下了那部車。回到家,我爸驚呆了。這……這簡直就是天上掉餡餅啊啊啊~那個賣家一定是缺錢缺瘋了。429 cubic inch motor (7.03005 liter), 90,000 original miles (144,840 km) and 16km/3.8 liters fuel. It had many cool features and was like driving around in a fancy sitting room with a steering wheel. Again, the car was very old then, but still beautiful. I have owned many great cars in my life, but none of them I miss more than this one, which I wish I still owned. 車的配置超級贊:429立方英寸的發動機(7.03005升),駕駛路程僅9萬英里(144840公里),油耗16公里/ 3.8升。車子非常棒,就像是一間裝著方向盤的起居室,開得時候非常舒適。雖然有點兒舊,但真的很美觀。我的一生中擁有很多輛汽車,但沒有一輛汽車比這輛車更令我懷念,我希望還能擁有它。Currently, one of my cars is a Cadillac Escalade SUV. 現在,我的其中一輛車就是凱迪拉克的 SUV,它長這樣: I was recently watching a Hollywood movie featuring one of the biggest American stars, Matthew McConaughey, who plays a desperate businessman trying to dig for gold in Indonesia. He tries to close a deal with the playboy son of the leader of the country by giving him an older Cadillac similar to mine. He tells the son a dirty joke that is the the following video. It is a joke every American would understand, that a fancy car like a Cadillac is a "pussy magnet." 最近,我看了一部好萊塢大片,大明星馬修·邁康納西在裡面扮演了一位拚命想在印度尼西亞淘金的絕望商人。他為了要跟國家領導人的花花公子兒子做成買賣,就送他一輛跟我之前買的二手車一樣的老式凱迪拉克。他還給那位官二代講了個葷段子,說一輛拉風的凱迪拉克就是一個「撩妹神器」,這是每個美國人都能理解的笑話。請戳視頻↓↓↓As far as Cadillac in China goes, there was an article yesterday in the Wall Street Journal about how well Cadillacs are selling now there. They're even competing with BBA (BMW, Benz, Audi), and the buyers are younger than in the US. 昨天,我還在《華爾街日報》看到一篇文章,講述的是現在凱迪拉克在銷量喜人。他們甚至可以與BBA(寶馬、賓士、奧迪)相媲美,而且,購車者都比美國的要年輕。我喜歡通過自己的微信公眾號分享有趣的生活經歷和商業經驗。作為一名剛退休的職業投資顧問,我每天早上都會讀《華爾街日報》、《金融時報》等商業報紙,並將有價值的信息編輯成文章與大家分享,如果您感興趣,期待您的到來!微信公眾號ID: ToddSandness

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