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日前在華為P10上海發布會的群訪中,余承東表示,P9/P9 Plus的全球銷量已經超過1200萬台。我們知道P9是一款全球多國都有發售的機型,對此,外媒也紛紛報道,外國朋友也注意到並發表自己的看法。S4NDY@PhoneArena:I love my p9 but now i upgrade it to the P10 plus(超愛P9,已經換P10P)。haruken@PhoneArena:They sold 2M copies of those 2 devices since December (4 months now) and expect to ever top Samsung ? Good luck(去年底P9破1千萬,也就是不到4個月又賣出200多萬,超過三星指日可待!)Alter@PhoneArena:They sell roughly 1/3 as many phones as Samsung overall. The goal is to sell more than Samsung in about 4 years.(華為銷量已經是三星1/3了,四年很快,三星瞧好吧)fistigons@PhoneArena:Bought a P9 while living in the UK and now I'm waiting for nougat. I'm not sure if I'll ever see it.(英國的P9何時能升7.0啊,我說老余)techlover@GSMArena:The competition is incredibly huge. Well done to Huawei(厲害了,我的華為)Subham@GSMArena:70-80% phones of 12 million actually sold in china!(老夫猜,至少7成都是人買走的吧)JAU@GSMArena:They shipped millions but i wonder how many got nougat update. Been patiently waiting. (賣這麼多,所以快升級7.0吧,等哭了) 驅動之家 "加關注,每日最新的手機、電腦、汽車、智能硬體信息可以讓你一手全掌握。推薦關注!【微信掃描下圖可直接關注】

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