3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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《我的前半生》前一段時間迎來大結局,不知大家對最後的開放式結局有何看法?小編覺得這未嘗不是一個耐人尋味的結局。隨著這部戲的熱播,其作者亦舒的經典著作和語錄也跟著火了起來。下面就跟小編一起欣賞一下吧~1. If a man couldn』t get away, it』s just because he did not want to go away; If a man stood you up, it』s just because he did not want to keep the appointment. All excuses are nonsense used to cover the unwilling to sacrifice.一個人走不開,不過因為他不想走開;一個人失約,乃因他不想赴約,一切借口均屬廢話,都是用以掩飾不願犧牲。——《一千零一妙方》2. The best revenge is not hatred, but the unalloyed coldness. You don』t have to take efforts to hate an irrelevant person.最佳的報復不是仇恨,而是打心底發出的冷淡,幹嘛花力氣去恨一個不相干的人——《我的前半生》3. Human have a natural fear of the unknown things, so the idea that the new is no better than the old is acceptable.人類對未知有天生恐懼,所以新不如舊,這種想法情有可原。——《忽而今夏》4. It』s no need to prove something to people who do not worth that. A better life is for your own.何必向不值得的人證明什麼,生活得更好,乃是為你自己。——《忽而今夏》5. Love someone will never be chic. Leaving a way out in a relationship is not the truth love.愛一個人決不瀟洒,為自己留了後步的,也就不是愛——《星之碎片》6. A real graceful lady, never shows off what she has. She would never tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has, or what jewellery she got. Because she has no sense of inferiority.真正有氣質的淑女,從不炫耀她所擁有的一切。她不告訴人她讀過什麼書,去過什麼地方,有多少件衣服,買過什麼珠寶,因為她沒有自卑感。——《圓舞》7. Worry about relationships and feelings is always not worthy of forgiveness for they are luxury. Some people even have no relationship in their whole lives. Love is same as a bottle of flowers which can not maintain permanent.人為感情煩惱永遠是不值得原諒的,感情是奢侈品,有些人一輩子也沒有戀愛過。戀愛與瓶花一樣,不能保持永久生命。——《城市故事》8. If love is not deep and enough, there will be countless excuses.愛得不夠,才借口多多。——《紫薇願》9. The grievances can be told is not real grievances; The lover can be stolen is not a real one.能夠說出的委屈,便不算委屈;能夠搶走的愛人,便不算愛人。——《開到荼蘼》10. I want a lot of love. If there』s not, then a lot of money is OK. If I can』t have them,be healthy is also a good choice.我要很多很多的愛。如果沒有愛,那麼就很多很多的錢,如果兩件都沒有,有健康也是好的。——《喜寶》11. Human nature is so cold that as long as there is something better to change, people will be willing to.人的天性便是這般涼薄,只要拿更好的來換,一定捨得。——《要多美麗就多美麗》12. It』s good to cry because it is a symbol of recovery.能夠哭就好,哭是開始痊癒的象徵。——《絕對是個夢》13. No matter what you do, remember you do it for yourself, then you have nothing to complain.無論做什麼,記得為自己而做,那就毫無怨言。——《流金歲月》14. Too often, people only believe what they want to believe.人們往往只相信他們願意相信的事。——《舊歡如夢》15. The most stupid thing is to show off your self-esteem before money and love.在金錢與愛情面前賣弄自尊,是最愚蠢的事。——《我的前半生》

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