3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

你喜歡英語嗎?你喜歡用英語口語表達嗎?下面我們一起來學習一下50句常用的英語短語,喜歡就收藏吧!如果你想要學習更多英語口語,通過英語口語知識公眾號學習更多精彩內容。1.Don't you think he is good for nothing? 你不認為他是個廢物嗎?2.It's a good deal;I like it.這是個好差事,我喜歡它。3.Green back.美鈔。4.I did it on my own hook.我全靠我自己。5.I'll take care of him.讓我來對付他。6.I don't want to talk to you any more.我不想再跟你談了。7.I'll happy to run.我很樂意做。8.No credit,cash only!現在交易,賒賬免談!9.She is a show-off.她是個愛出風頭的人。10.She's really a tomato.她真是豐滿迷人。11.All sales are final!貨物出售,概不退換!12.You are out of shape.你的健康情況不太好。13.He is a sort of happy-go-lucky,never thinks of getting a job.他是個遊手好閒的人,從未想找工作做。14.You will set the world on fire someday.你總有一天會成名的。15.No sweat on this job,we have three weeks to do it.這個工作很簡單,我們有三個星期時間來做。16.With girls nowadays it is no money,no honey.現時代的女孩子,無金錢即無愛情。17.When I asked him to lend me his car for the afternoon,he said,"Nothing doing!I want to use it myself".我向他借車用一個下午時,他說「不行,我自己要用」。18.My father is a square.我父親是個老古板。19.See you around.再見。20.She makes sport of me.她玩弄我。21.She is a bitch.她是個賤女人。22.I'll pick up the phone.我去接電話。23.He's a financial wizard.他是個生財有道的人。24.He'll dock my pay.他要扣我的薪水。25.Me and my big mouth!誰叫我自己多嘴!(自責語)26.I watch my money.我不亂花錢。27.He's a con man.他是個大騙子。28.Trying to get me killed?想害死我嗎?29.It's yours,for nothing.免費送給你。30.I can eat a horse.我快餓死了。31.Don't let me disturb you.不要讓我耽誤你的正事。32.She is a nighthawk.她是個夜貓子。33.My room is at sixes and sevens.我的房間亂七八糟。34.It's a general question.這是一般性的問題。35.Have a nice time!=Have a good time!痛快地玩一下吧!(好好享受一番吧!)36.It's beyond me to spank him.我捨不得打他。37.Any kickback for me?有回扣給我嗎?38.You have my blessing.我祝福你。39.She is very fashionable.她很時髦。40.This is to our friendship.這一杯祝我們友情永固。41.Let me see you out.我送你出去吧。42.Rotten luck.惡運(倒霉)。43.Runaround.一連串借口。(遁詞,推三推四的)44.Run off at the mouth.說話太多了。45.No sweat.很簡單(別大驚小怪)。46.Nuts to you!你這傻瓜!47.You are off base,my friend!朋友,你大錯特錯了!48.Old maid.老處女。49.You have to be on your toes about that matter.關於那件事,你要機警。50.Your answer is right on the ball.你的答案完全對了。

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