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Metta World Peace: This was 2013 when I said @StephenCurry30 will be MVP. Look at what people said慈世平:這是2013年我在推特上說「庫里將來會成為MVP時」,人們的反應。「我認為庫里只是聯盟前十的球員罷了...」「@慈世平 難道他比科比和霍華德厲害?」「阿泰斯特你喝多了吧,庫里現在甚至都不是全明星」哈哈哈[–]Jazziamabigdreamer[S] 50 指標 6小時前* The original tweet by MWP:Curry gets the #Twinhearts co sign. I think Steve Curry is Top 10 in the NBA. If he works on his defense , he will be MVP next year.Jarret Jack's reply:I think his name is steph RT @MettaWorldPeace: I think Steve Curry is Top 10 in the NBA If he works on his defense he will be MVP next year.MWP's another tweet in 2013:Lebron gets MVP because he is the best player on the best team. If golden state improves and wins ,Curry is a Potential MVP for 2014Curry appreciated the love from Mr. Peace:Replying to @MettaWorldPeace @MettaWorldPeace appreciate it bro!MWP explained why it should be Steve instead of Steph:There is a V in MVP but not in Steph. So had to come up with a name until he receives a MVP. Steve Curry ladies and gentlemen is up next!!慈世平最開始的推特是這樣說的:「庫里具備雙重大心臟. 我認為史蒂夫-庫里現在就是聯盟前10的球員,如果他再提高一下自己的防守的話,明年他就是MVP。」賈瑞特-傑克的回復:「我認為他的名字應該是史蒂芬-庫里。」慈世平在2013年時的另外一條推特:「勒布朗拿到MVP是因為他是最好球隊中最好的球員,如果勇士能夠進步並拿下很多的勝利,庫里便是2014年MVP的潛在候選人。」庫里很感謝慈世平對於他的欣賞,他是這樣回復慈世平的:「很感謝你說出這些話,大兄弟!」慈世平也解釋了他為什麼在當時要說史蒂夫而不是史蒂芬:「史蒂芬的拼寫里可沒有V這個字母,而史蒂夫里有,而MVP里也有這個V。所以直到他獲得MVP之前,我都會用這個我想出來的名字。女士們先生們,下面有請史蒂夫-庫里上場!」[–]LakersTrebolations 831 指標 9小時前 He said MVP next year as in 2014. Still kinda crazy though.他說的下一年是2014年,不過這眼光仍然很瘋狂啊。(庫里第一個mvp是在2015年)[–]KnicksDussstBunnny 374 指標 9小時前 Also good to remember how much perception about players can shift in two years time. There are players in the league right now that are gonna have unforeseeable skyrockets.另外也請記住對於一個球員的看法能在短短兩年內發生如此大的改變。現在聯盟里的一些球員也會火箭般速度爆棚蛻變,擁有不可預見的未來。[–]76ersCharlesBarkley- 53 指標 7小時前 Metta didn't say this at such a crazy time considering the way Curry was performing even back then. 2013 was the year Curry dropped 54 on the Knicks, 47 on metta's Lakers, and went off in the playoffs against the Nuggets and Spurs. But he was an All-Star snub that year, so obviously MVP would be considered a huge stretch.其實慈世平在那個時間節點上說出這些話並不是很瘋狂,考慮到就算是在那一年,庫里的表現也已經很日天了。正是在2013年,庫里在對陣尼克斯時砍下了54分,對陣慈世平的湖人時砍下了47分,並在季後賽與掘金和馬刺的交手中徹底爆發。但是那一年他卻被全明星冷落了,所以顯然當時他離MVP還是很遠的。[–]Warriorscheerioo 38 指標 7小時前 The year mark Jackson said klay and curry were the best backcourt也正是那一年,馬克-傑克遜說過,庫里和湯普森是聯盟里最好的后場。[–][GSW] Stephen Curryec20 24 指標 4小時前 He said best shooting back court of all time. Gotta say, at the time I was like, man Mark Jackson is overdoing it with supporting his guys. Little did any of us know he'd turn out to be right.他具體說的是,歷史上最出色的后場投射組合。老實講,當時我還覺得,馬克-傑克遜這麼說高估了他們,只是一種支持自己球員的方式吧了。幾乎沒有人知道他居然是對的。[–]CelticsIfuckinglovebball 161 指標 8小時前 It is pretty fucking insane that he predicted that. Curry is one of the most out-of-nowhere MVPs ever.慈世平能預料到這一點非常不可思議。庫里可能是最橫空出世的MVP之一吧。[–]Raptorsitssowingseason 95 指標 6小時前 I honestly don't think it's that out-of-nowhere. He has never averaged under 17.5 pts, even in his rookie season. He lead Davidson to the final 8, a team that was totally an underdog. Like, really. It's not the fact that he's out of nowhere, it's the fact that everyone slept on his ass for so long. I'm being honest when I say I've been watching Curry since his Davidson days, and he was my favorite player in the NCAA at the time because of his tenacity and adaptability. I think he was meant to rise, just nobody wanted to pay any mind to some small PG from Davidson.實際上我並不覺得庫里是那麼的橫空出世。他場均從來就沒有低於過17.5分,就算是在他的新秀賽季里。他帶領戴維森學院進入了NCAA8強,而這是一支徹頭徹尾不被人看好的球隊。就好像,真的嗎,他居然做到了。事實上庫里並不是突然就變得這麼厲害了,而是之前人們一直都忽視了他的存在。我說我從庫里在戴維森學院時就開始看他的比賽並不是騙人的,而且當時他是我在NCAA里最喜歡的球員,因為他極強的韌性和適應力。我認為他一定會大放異彩的,只是當時沒有人願意去給這個來自戴維森學院瘦小的控衛一點點的關注。[–]CelticsIfuckinglovebball 74 指標 6小時前 I mean, he's never been a bad player by any means. And he was a top 10 pick. But he was an All-Star for the first time at 26, still had major injury concerns, and his team had never finished better than 6th in the conference.Then at 27, he had this renaissance where he went from being a borderline top 15-20 player to unquestionably top 5 seemingly overnight. The Warriors as a team went from a middling playoff team to an unstoppable 67-win power the year Kerr got hired. That level of development at age 27 is pretty much unheard of.Again, it's not like he was a nobody before. But it would be weird if today a 27-year-old with only one All-Star appearance suddenly blew up into the league's MVP.從任何方面來說,庫里都從來不是個糟糕的球員,而且他是在前10順位被選中的。但是直到26歲,他才第一次入選全明星,當時他仍然有著主要傷病的擔憂,而且他的球隊在那之前從來沒有達到過比分區第6更好的成績。然後在27歲時,他迎來了重生,從一名聯盟前15~20邊緣的球星一夜之間變成了毫無疑問的前5的巨星。勇士也在科爾被僱用的第一年從一支季後賽中游球隊一躍成為不可阻擋的67勝的豪強。在27歲時庫里所經歷的進步幾乎是從來沒有聽說過的。但是再一次需要說明的是,他並不是在之前就默默無聞。但是如果現在一名27歲,從來沒有進過全明星的球員,一躍成為了聯盟的MVP,你還是會覺得很奇怪的。[–]Raptorssixfoh 209 指標 8小時前 Say what you want, Metta World Peace is an intelligent man. He had some mental health issues that he worked out over the years and if you guys read any articles he's been in about that time of his life, it is pretty impressive the progress he's made from that night of Malice in the Palace.不管你怎麼說,慈世平都是個聰明的人。他有一些精神上的問題,這些年來也一直在改進,如果你們讀過他寫的一些關於自己人生節點的文章的話,你會發現從奧本山宮殿鬥毆那晚的惡棍到現在,他已經取得了非常不錯的進步。[–][TOR] Amir JohnsonIanicRR 53 指標 8小時前 I know he was a Math major, though he obviously didn't do all 4 years. Who knows if he went to his classes but he at least picked a much more different major than most student athletes.我知道慈世平是數學專業的學生,儘管他沒有完成4年的學業。誰知道他究竟有沒有去上課呢,但是最起碼他選擇了一個和大多數運動員都不一樣的專業。[–]Lakerschimpaman 12 指標 8小時前 Here's hoping in a few years he'll be reminding us that he predicted Brandon Ingram would be a superstar.湖蜜:希望幾年後慈世平能提醒我們當年他預測過英格拉姆會成為一名超級球星的。[–]Warriorspiderall 11 指標 7小時前 This is why I always get really irked when NBA fans discredit real NBA players' opinions on basketball... Like when Chuck/Kenny/Shaq were ranking the top 25 players in the NBA and people were throwing comments out like "wow these guys don't know anything about evaluating players" even though they are guys who literally dedicated their lives to basketball.Random anecdote... I met Kent Bazemore in 2013 and people asked him if this Warriors team was good enough to win a championship. At that moment, we had most of the Championship core on the roster, and many people believed we were missing a good center (i.e. Dwight) to turn us into a contender. Bazemore said the current roster was good enough to win it all. I rolled my eyes a little when he said that... but I guess he was right.這就是我總是對球迷不尊重真正NBA球員對籃球所發表的見解而感到厭倦的原因...就像當巴克利/肯尼/沙克在排現在NBA里前25的球員時,人們的評論都是「哇這些傢伙根本不懂得怎麼去評估一名球員」,儘管他們仨把一生都貢獻給了籃球。另外一件軼事...2013年時我遇到過肯特-貝茲莫爾,當時人們在問他那支勇士有沒有足夠好到去贏得一座總冠軍。在那時候,我們已經有了奪冠陣容里幾乎所有的核心拼圖,但是很多人都相信我們離總冠軍爭奪者還差一名優秀的中鋒(比如霍華德)。但是貝茲莫爾說,當時的陣容就已經足夠去贏得總冠軍了。當他說道這話時我眼睛都睜圓了...但是我想他是對的。

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