3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Mother-of-three who started baking to entertain her children's friends makes incredible cakes that look EXACTLY like stuffed toys.最近,一位網友因為自製的創意戚風蛋糕而走紅。蘇珊娜是一名全職主婦,她從孩子的毛絨玩具得到靈感,將戚風蛋糕做成可愛的貓咪、胖胖的小熊等毛絨玩具形狀,這些卡通蛋糕不僅造型逼真,且鬆軟可口、健康美味,受到很多人的喜愛。白11From cute cats to cuddly bears, these adorable creations would not look out of place on a toy shop shelf. 從可愛的貓咪到萌萌的小熊,這些招人喜愛的蛋糕作品放在玩具店的貨架上應該可以以假亂真了。But these charming characters are not the latest must-have children's play things - they are actually delicious - and incredibly realistic - party cakes.不過,它們可不是孩子們必備的最新玩具,實際上,這些好看的小東西是美味且逼真的聚餐蛋糕。2Stay-at-home mother Susanne Ng, 37, from Singapore, delights family, friends and more than 23,000 Instagram followers with her creative chiffon cakes, which take the shape of animals, fruit, and cartoon characters. 37歲的蘇珊娜是來自新加坡的一位全職媽媽,她製作的動物、水果和卡通人物創意戚風蛋糕得到了家人朋友以及23000多位Ins冬粉的一致好評。Not only are the colorful designs eye-catching, they are also healthier than traditional bakes. 這些蛋糕不但有著吸引眼球的繽紛造型,而且比傳統烘焙糕點更健康。3Speaking to FEMAIL, she said: 'They are lower in sugar, being only around a quarter of the sugar content of normal cakes, and contain no butter.' 蘇珊娜告訴《每日郵報》女性頻道:「這些蛋糕的含糖量更低,只有一般蛋糕的四分之一,並且不含黃油。」'They are also fluffy and easy for kids and the elderly to eat.' 「它們口感鬆軟,老少皆宜。」A chiffon cake is made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder and flavorings. 戚風蛋糕由植物油、雞蛋、糖、麵粉、發酵粉和調味品製成。Its fluffy texture is created by folding beaten egg whites into the batter before baking.蛋糕口感鬆軟是因為在烘烤之前將打好的蛋白調入了麵糊。4Dr Ng, who has a PhD in biomedical engineering, quit her high-flying job to be a stay-at-home mother to her children, aged eight, five and three, a few years ago.蘇珊娜擁有生物醫學工程博士學位,幾年前她辭掉了高薪工作,成為全職媽媽,在家照看8歲、5歲和3歲的孩子。She started baking as a hobby and later decided to challenge herself with more ambitious designs. 起初,她把烘焙糕點當作業餘愛好,後來決定挑戰更有難度的作品。She is now the author of two best-selling cookbooks.現在她是兩本暢銷烹飪書的作者。Susanne said: 'I started baking for my kids' play dates around three-and-a-half years ago, then started baking more chiffon cakes when I realized they were so much healthier.蘇珊娜說:「大約三年半前,我開始為孩子們的聚會烤蛋糕,當我意識到戚風蛋糕更有利健康后就做的更多了。」'One day, I had the inspiration to pattern chiffon cakes and make them into cute things. My kids and their friends loved them and so that』s how I started.「有一天,我突然有了靈感,我將戚風蛋糕做成可愛的形象。我之所以開始這樣做是因為我的孩子和他們的朋友喜歡這樣的蛋糕。'I feel the need for an outlet for my creative ideas, hence find great joy in making new creations with chiffon cakes.'「我需要為我的創意尋找一種表達方式,我在創作新的戚風蛋糕上找到了極大的樂趣。」While she shares her charming bakes on Instagram, Facebook and on her blog, Dr Ng still bakes mainly for loved ones and said her children are her 'best critics'. 雖然蘇珊娜把這些好看的烘焙蛋糕分享在了Ins、臉書和博客上,但她依然主要為親人做蛋糕,她認為孩子是她「最好的美食評論家」。She is now working on a third cookbook. 蘇珊娜現在正在撰寫第三本烹飪書。 以上內容轉自《日報》英語點津yani無悅讀不成夏 讀一下怎麼夠,當然還要讀一夏! 《英語學習》暑期微店拼團活動正式開啟! 5本大滿足僅需35元還包郵(2人即可成團)2017年1月-7月刊現在已加入《英語學習》豪華套餐~ 快來呼朋引伴,參與活動吧!《英語學習》微店拼團了解更多詳情~《英語學習》7月新刊上市啦,市面均有售!天辣么熱,不想出門?快點擊下方按鈕,新刊速遞到家哦 ~戳我購買

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