3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

英語六級聽力成為許多同學心中揮不去的陰霾,距離2017年6月大學英語六級考試還有不到一個月時間,聽不懂成為大家英語聽力的一大難題。下面新東方在線英語六級頻道整理了大學英語六級聽力考點辭彙,希望對大家的聽力練習有所幫助!有聚總有散。告別情景的設置往往並非簡單、直接地告別,常伴隨著理由、託辭等。直接的告別話語有:Good bye!(Byebye! Bye!)See you (tomorrow)! See you later!So long! Farewell!委婉的告別辭有:I'd like to say goodbye to everyone.I'm afraid I must be going now.I'm calling to say goodbye.其他帶有祝願以及叮囑等的告別辭有:I'll look forward to seeing you soon.Let's hope we'll meet again.Hope to see you again.Drop in anytime you like.Mind how you go,bye!Take care of yourself,and don't forget to keep in touch.Do keep in touch!My regards to your family.A pleasant journey to you!I'll miss you!Be Good!這種表達方式與人的日常言談頗為相似,所以有時不妨可作大膽推測。請在下面的對話中對此加以體會:M: I'm afraid I've got to go now.W: Can't you stay just another minute?M: Oh,dear,I really have to...W: Ok,take care of yourself,and I will miss you.Bye!M: Bye!...

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