3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Women who put on make-up before taking a test achieved 20% higher marks than those who were bare faced別人考前在背書,而她卻在化妝,你會不會暗暗地為她的成績擔心?那你可能錯了。最新研究顯示,考試前化妝有助於提聯考試成績。Women have long known how that extra flick of eyeliner or dash of lipstick can boost their confidence.女性們一直都知道塗點眼線和唇膏可以幫助她們提高自信。And now, it seems, it』s also more likely to help them pass exams.而現在看起來,這還可能幫助她們順利通過考試。Research shows that women who put on make-up before taking a test achieved ten to 20 percent higher marks than those who did not wear any.研究發現,考試前化妝的女性比不化妝的女性成績高出10%到20%。Psychologists say the result could be down to the "lipstick effect", whereby using make-up boosts self-esteem and has a knock-on effect on memory, confidence and mental ability.心理學家認為,這是出於「口紅效應」,通過化妝提升自尊心,這對記憶力、自信心和心智能力有連鎖反應。The study in journal Cogent Psychology involved 200 female undergraduates, all studying the same subject with similar self-esteem, make-up habits and IQs.研究調查了200名女性大學部生,所有人都學習同一科目,自尊心、化妝習慣和智商也類似。研究結果發表在《令人信服的心理學》期刊上。The women were randomly split into three groups and asked to put on make-up, listen to music, or draw. All then took an exam based on a chapter of a textbook they had just read. Results showed the women who used cosmetics scored an average of 24.2 out of 30, compared to 19.9 and 22 in the other groups.這些女性被隨機分為三組,分別被要求化妝、聽音樂和畫畫。之後所有人參加考試,總分30分,內容是她們剛剛閱讀過的一章課本內容。結果顯示,化妝的女性平均分為24.2,另外兩組平均分分別是19.9和22。The researchers, from Harvard Medical School and Chieti University in Italy, said: "Women may use make-up to increase self-esteem by boosting their attractiveness; this makes them feel better during stress. Positive emotions increase information accessible in memory."哈佛醫學院和義大利基耶蒂大學的研究人員說:「女性可能會通過化妝來增強自信心,進而提升魅力,這讓她們在壓力之下感覺更好。積極的情緒有助於提高記憶力。」以上內容轉自日報網英語點津yani訂閱全年1、郵局訂閱全年雜誌(郵發代號2-447)1)撥打當地郵局服務電話11185,工作人員上門收訂;2)到郵局訂閱窗口辦理郵局每年10月至12月受理次年雜誌訂閱,請勿錯過。2、微信平台「訂閱直通車」訂閱新刊3、登錄噹噹網「中郵期刊旗艦店」訂閱新刊購買單刊1、微店購買單刊(https://waiyants.tmall.com/)進行網上購買(可購買各期次單刊、過刊)諮詢電話:010-88819926

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