3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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點擊圖片搶峰會門票每周二與酒店高參相約酒店高層任命,不見不散!酒店高參投稿郵箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,,可申請加入酒店高參傳訊聯盟。第三名:佛山嶺南天地馬哥孛羅酒店總經理馬塞爾先生 (1958票)恭喜以上三位獲得上周最具人氣的酒店高層,酒店高參近期將為他們做一次專訪。最新任命2017年第28期1、上海五角場凱悅酒店任命總經理——梁建邦先生畢業於夏威夷馬諾大學,梁建邦先生於1995年以集團培訓生的身份進入香港君悅酒店,開始其在凱悅酒店集團的職業生涯,在之後的22年中,梁先生在數家凱悅酒店擔任要職,積累了豐富的從業經驗。2005年,梁先生加入東莞松山湖凱悅酒店,並擔任酒店餐飲總監。2008年,他出任上海柏悅酒店餐飲總監,並於2010年晉陞為餐飲行政總監,2012年初被集團任命為寧波柏悅酒店總經理。在加入上海五角場凱悅酒店之前,他擔任成都群光君悅酒店總經理,梁先生將憑藉其酒店行業的專業素質帶領上海五角場凱悅酒店敬業的團隊開拓新的輝煌。Leo Leung, a graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, started his career at Grand Hyatt Hong Kong as Corporate Trainee in 1995, and gained valuable Food & Beverage experience in different Hyatt hotels. He was promoted to be the pre-opening Director of F&B in Hyatt Regency Dongguan in 2005, and followed by an appointment as the pre-opening Director of F&B in 2008 and then EAM-F&B in 2010 in Park Hyatt Shanghai. With wide ranging knowledge in all aspects in hotel industry, he was appointed to his General Manager position in Park Hyatt Ningbo Resort and Spa in 2012. Prior to joining Hyatt Regency Shanghai, Wujiaochang, Leo was General Manager at Grand Hyatt Chengdu. With his experience in various Hyatt hotels, Leo will work together with his dedicated team at expending the Hyatt Regency brand awareness and preference in Shanghai. 2、豪生酒店集團任命重慶秀山豪生大酒店總經理——張文波先生 近日,豪生酒店集團宣布由張文波先生(Andy Zhang)正式擔任重慶秀山豪生大酒店總經理一職,全面負責重慶秀山豪生大酒店的管理及運營工作。 張文波先生自2016年5月加入重慶秀山豪生大酒店,任行政副經理一職。張文波先生擁有20餘年的酒店從業經歷,其中有17年從事於銷售及銷售管理領域。曾就職於喜達屋、蘇寧環球、洲際等酒店管理集團。自2011年加入大中華酒店(香港)有限公司,曾先後就職於寧波逸東豪生大酒店、舟山阿魯亞豪生大酒店、海南文昌溫德姆至尊豪廷大酒店,曾參與四家國際品牌酒店籌備運營工作。從 張文波先生尤其注重員工的關愛與培訓,常為員工提供充分的發展空間,創設靈活多樣的發展平台。3、洲際酒店集團任命南京上秦淮假日酒店及南京上秦淮套房假日酒店總經理——魏峰先生洲際酒店集團正式任命魏峰先生為南京上秦淮假日酒店及南京上秦淮套房假日酒店總經理,他將全面負責兩家酒店的日常營運及管理工作。魏峰先生於2002年加入洲際酒店集團,在近20年的酒店職業生涯中,魏峰先生曾在洲際酒店集團和雅高酒店集團旗下的酒店供職並擔任行政助理經理和總經理等職務。魏先生秉承「行動勝於一切、不斷學習與轉變」的工作理念,他豐富的經驗,必將使他在新的崗位上創造出更加驕人的業績。在此之前,魏峰先生任南京上秦淮套房假日酒店總經理一職。 The IHG Hotel Group appointed Mr. Waley Wei as General Manager of Holiday Inn Nanjing Qinhuai South and Holiday Inn & Suites Nanjing Qinhuai South where he is responsible for all aspects of two hotels operations and management. Mr. Wei joined IHG Hotel group in 2002 .He has nearly 20 years』 managerial experience in the hospitality industry. He has held Executive Assist Manager, General Manager positions at IHG and Accor Hotel Group. 「Action is character, constantly learning and changing」 is his work philosophy. His extensive experience will support the inaugural position and create new achievements.Prior to this appointment, he is working as General Manager of Holiday Inn & Suites Nanjing Qinhuai South. 4、希爾頓全球任命青島東方影都萬達希爾頓逸林酒店總經理——Sandy Murray先生近日, 希爾頓全球(Hilton Worldwide)宣布任命Sandy Murray先生為青島東方影都萬達希爾頓逸林酒店總經理。Sandy Murray先生向希爾頓全球北部及南部區域運營副總裁大衛. 凱利(David Kelly)先生彙報,全面負責酒店籌備和開業后的運營管理,酒店計劃在2018年春開業。 Sandy Murray先生來自澳大利亞,擁有非常豐富的從業經驗。Sandy Murray先生加入希爾頓集團已有35年的時間,先後工作於12家希爾頓酒店,曾任北京希爾頓逸林酒店、瀋陽希爾頓逸林酒店總經理,迪拜朱美拉希爾頓酒店營運總監。他致力於為客人提供高品質的服務,為員工打造精誠團結的團隊,為業主管理卓越非凡的酒店。5、南京景楓萬豪酒店任命總經理——黃凱迪先生近日,萬豪國際酒店集團正式任命黃凱迪先生為即將開業的南京景楓萬豪酒店總經理,全面負責酒店前期籌建及開業后整體運營工作。黃凱迪先生是一位擁有多年奢華酒店及酒店集團管理經驗的資深管理者。在此之前擔任迪拜帆船酒店所在的迪拜卓美亞酒店管理集團亞太區市場銷售副總裁一職。擁有在亞太地區超過20年的奢華酒店管理工作經驗,在酒店市場銷售領域頗有建樹,曾在香港半島酒店、麗思卡爾頓、萬豪、萬麗、凱悅等多個知名酒店品牌擔任要職。此次履新,相信她也將為西安皇冠假日酒店管理團隊注入新的活力,繼續為客人提供卓越的服務,創造更加輝煌的未來。6、北京金融街威斯汀大酒店任命餐飲總監——沈成富先生來自馬來西亞的沈成富先生擁有超過13年的餐飲從業及管理經驗。沈成富先生的職業生涯開始於吉隆坡麗晶酒店,足跡遍布馬來西亞和,他精通普通話、粵語、英語及馬來西亞語。沈先生曾先後任職於瑞吉、四季、千禧、喜來登等高端品牌。2014年1月他來到大陸工作,就職於海南神州半島喜來登及福朋喜來登複合酒店並出任餐飲部總監一職。加入北京金融街威斯汀大酒店之前,沈成富先生擔任天津瑞吉金融街酒店餐飲部總監。 工作之餘的沈成富先生喜歡探索遊歷周邊事物,感受不同風土的文化,特別是對不同地域的飲食文化情有獨鍾。他推崇工作和生活的平衡,同時享受和家人朋友在一起的愜意閑暇。Ray is from Malaysia and has worked in Food and Beverage Industry for well over 13 years. Ray started his career from the Regent Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia as Assistant Manager. He has managed the Food & Beverage teams at various renowned hotels ranging from St. Regis, Four Seasons, Grand Millennium and Sheraton across Malaysia and China. His first career step in China began in 2014. He worked as Complex Director, Food & Beverage in the Sheraton & Four Points Shenzhou Peninsula Resort. In this period time, he made the revenue a sizable increase and made the restaurant transformed perfectly which has been nominated for as Concept restaurants. Most recently, Ray worked in St. Regis Tianjin as Director of Food & Beverage. During his leisure time, he likes to explore around to enjoy different culture, especially different cuisine. He also loves to stay with family or friends to keep a good balance with work.7、深圳機場凱悅酒店任命工程總監——郭頌斌先生郭頌斌先生於2008年加入廣州富力君悅酒店,憑藉過硬的專業技能,腳踏實地的行事作風以及出色的管理能力從一名值班工程師升任至工程部副總監一職。2014年8月調任成都群光君悅酒店擔任工程部總監,參與酒店籌備並幫助酒店成功開業。近10年來,郭頌斌先生親身經歷和見證了「鼓勵個人成長」的凱悅文化。」此次加入深圳機場凱悅酒店,郭頌斌先生將繼續秉承凱悅對工程質量高要求的嚴苛標準,帶領團隊努力奮戰,圓滿助力酒店開業。Ben joined Grand Hyatt Guangzhou in 2008 as Duty Engineer. Depending on his excellent professional skills and management capabilities as well as down-to-earth attitude, he was promoted to Deputy Director of Engineering Department. In August of 2014, Ben was transferred to Grand Hyatt Chengdu as Director of Engineering and assisted with the successful opening of the hotel. In the past 10 years, Ben personally experienced and witnessed the Hyatt Culture of "encourage personal growth". He said he felt extremly honored that he could become a member of Hyatt family and he will continue to contribute his strength for the brand. For the appointment to Hyatt Regency Shenzhen Airport this time, Ben will continue to uphold the high standard engineering quality requirements of Hyatt, leading the team to work hard and booster hotel opened.8、深圳機場凱悅酒店任命行政總廚——陳嘯龍先生陳嘯龍先生1995年畢業於廣州旅遊學院烹飪系,至今擁有22年的行業經驗。2006年,陳嘯龍先生從東莞松山湖凱悅酒店擔任中餐廚師長開始了他在凱悅酒店集團的職業生涯,隨後他歷經三家集團內酒店-貴陽凱悅,瀋陽君悅和三亞海棠灣君悅酒店的開業和餐飲營運,積累了豐富的經驗。他曾帶領團隊為所服務酒店摘獲《橄欖餐廳評論》,《美酒與美食》等業界權威雜誌授予的當地最佳餐廳等多項行業大獎。陳嘯龍先生將繼續帶領他的團隊為深圳機場凱悅酒店未來的成功開業和營運效力,不斷研發高質創意菜品,回饋所有熱愛美食的八方賓客。Steven graduated from the Culinary Department of Guangzhou Tourism School in 1995 with 22 years of field experience until now. In 2006, Steven started his career journey in Hyatt as Chinese Chef in Hyatt Regency Dongguan and then he experienced pre-opening operation in 3 hotels of Hyatt Group such as Hyatt Regency Guiyang, Grand Hyatt Shenyang and Grand Hyatt Sanya Haitang Bay and has accumulated rich experience. for the local delicacy promotion help. He once led his team to receive serverals industry awards for the served hotels such as the Best Restaurant by and Magazines, etc. Steven will continue to lead his team to well serve Hyatt Regency Shenzhen Airport for it sucessful opening and operation in the future, constantly explore and develop creative dishes to welcome the guest who love delicacy around the world.9、合肥元一希爾頓酒店任命行政總廚——馮寶健先生馮寶健先生擁有23年的餐飲行業從業經驗,先後任職於希爾頓集團、洲際集團、萬豪集團、凱賓斯基集團等多個國際知名酒店集團,有著專業的餐飲烹飪技能和豐富的團隊管理經驗。擅長製作義大利、亞洲菜、以及新派西式菜肴的馮寶健先生,憑藉對美食的熱愛與挑剔, 20年來不斷創新烹飪技巧並且勇於嘗試推陳出新。2017酒店品牌高峰論壇2017酒店品牌高峰論壇—暨非標住宿峰會、暨第二屆酒店高參峰會將於2017年8月30日-31日在上海閔行寶龍艾美酒店舉辦,本次峰會由「酒店高參」主辦,聯合主辦方是「酒店邦」及「客棧群英匯」。90%一線酒店業主,70位總裁級別演講嘉賓,600位酒店行業決策共同出席本屆峰會,這是今年最值得參加的酒店行業盛會!▲掃二維碼搶峰會優惠門票▼戳「閱讀原文」搶峰會限時優惠價門票

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