3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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提起歐洲的著名景點,你可能首先就會想到巴黎的凱旋門、倫敦的大橋、德國的柏林牆、米蘭的大教堂……然而,這些大城市裡,並不只有這些擠滿了旅遊觀光客的景點。在現代化都市的大街小巷中,也隱藏著許多不為人知,卻別有一番趣味的好去處。想去歐洲旅遊,又怕盲目隨大流?下面就帶你一起,看看這些大都市裡隱藏著的有趣景點!Speaking of famous senic spots in Europe, you may first consider the Arc de Triomphe, London Bridge, Berlin Wall, Milan Cathedral and so on. However, they are not everything about metropolises. In those big cities, there are also many unkown but interesting places to go.If you don't want to follow the crowd, then visit these exciting places hidden in the metropolis!日內瓦日內瓦-宗教改革牆Geneva-Mur des Réformateurs宗教改革牆位於日內瓦大學內,用雕塑和浮雕來表現歐洲宗教改革的重要人物。它高7米,長100多米,是1909年為紀念宗教改革家約翰·加爾文誕辰400周年而修建的。在碑的正中,有四尊高大的全身雕像,加爾文和其他三位改革者並肩而立,碑的上方,刻著一行醒目的拉丁文大字:「黑暗過去即光明」。The Geneva-Mur des Réformateurs), usually known as the Reformation Wall, is a monument in Geneva, Switzerland. It honours many of the main individuals, events, and documents of the Protestant Reformation by depicting them in statues and bas-reliefs.The Wall is in the grounds of the University of Geneva, which was founded by John Calvin, and was built to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Calvin's birth and the 350th anniversary of the university's establishment. It is built into the old city walls of Geneva, and the monument's location there is designed to represent the fortifications', and therefore the city of Geneva's, integral importance to the Reformation.布拉格布拉格-布拉格玩具博物館Prague-Toy Museum Hracek布拉格玩具博物館位於布拉格古堡區內的皇宮旁,從黃金小巷出來后就可以看到。布拉格玩具博物館共有兩層。博物館外圍的拱門高牆,明亮的鵝黃色粉刷,營造出童話城堡的調性。吹號角的小童化身為玩具博物館的招牌。進入高牆的中庭之後,來到博物館的入口,循著古老的木梯拾階而上,陰涼而饒富古意。這裡收藏有1000多個芭比娃娃,此外,還有數千件兒童玩具。其中為數不少的玩具是捷克導演、漫畫家Ivan Steiger的私人收藏。如果有帶孩子來玩的,一定值得進去看看。The seat of the museum is the Supreme Burgrave's House at Prague Castle. Here's you'll find an extensive exhibition of unique toys. You can enjoy traditional Czech toys, historical toys from around the world from the 18th to the 20th centuries, including the oldest Märklin model trains and accessories, model airplanes, trains and cars, and a collection of Barbie dolls. The museum also has a permanent exhibition of the filmmaker and cartoonist Ivan Steiger with wooden and tin toys.巴黎巴黎的綠蔭步道只是一個種滿植物的散步道,但它是高架的。1859年建造了一條貨車鐵路,其中一段是高架橋,將巴士底廣場站與聖莫爾站連接起來。1969年12月14日,這條鐵路線壽命終止。它被遺棄了好幾年,逐漸成為一個發展中社區的眼中釘。20世紀90年代早期,巴黎市將這個野草叢生的鐵路改造成綠蔭步道。狹窄鐵路周邊長滿植物,甚至被覆蓋,給你一種在森林鐵路中迷失的感覺。這條步道上的植物有上百個玫瑰叢、堅硬的灌木叢、毛莨葉、薰衣草、竹子、常春藤、藤蔓、紫藤、櫻桃樹、楓樹、菩提樹以及其他品種。The Promenade plantée is a 4.7 km elevated linear park built on top ofobsolete railway infrastructure in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, France. It was inaugurated in 1993. The Promenade plantée is an extensive green belt that follows the old Vincennes railway line. It becomes a grassy mall and then follows the old railway direction below street level towards the east, passing through several tunnels.倫敦-櫻草山相比諾丁山的異域風情、多元文化,位於倫敦城西北,與攝政公園毗鄰的櫻草山則顯得單純、寧靜。這塊高地每年春天會開滿櫻草花,因而被稱作櫻草山。這片綠洲是倫敦最昂貴也是最具特色的區域之一,住著很多名人,就像是英國版的比利佛山莊。Primrose Hill is a hill of 213 feet located on the northern side of Regent's Park in London, and also the name given to the surrounding district. The hill summit has a clear view ofcentral London, as well as Hampstead and Belsize Park to the north and is adorned by an engraved quotation from William Blake. Nowadays it is one of the most exclusive and expensive residential areas in London and is home to many prominent residents.哥本哈根哥本哈根其實最有名的應該是他40-60年代黃金一代設計師留下的大量設計遺產,包括傢具燈具配件生活用品等等。所以對於熱愛包豪斯時代設計的人來說,這裡是個大寶庫。這條古董街名叫Ravnsborgade,街上有大大小小十幾家中古設計品店,幾乎囊括了你可能喜歡的任何東西:傢具、燈、開瓶器、玻璃杯、包包……另外,這邊還有由社區組織的室內二手貨交易集會,可能會有意外的收穫。Ravnsborgade is a street filled with antique shops, mini breweries and eateries. You may find everything you like here: furniture, lights, glasses, bags and so on.Besides, there will also be regular fairs, where you may receive windfalls. 18945696294

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