3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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上方廣告位正在投放公司簡介:普聯技術有限公司(以下簡稱"TP-Link")是全球領先的網路通訊設備供應商。自1996年成立以來,TP-Link始終致力於為大眾提供最便利的本地區域網絡互聯和Internet接入手段,為大眾在生活、工作、娛樂上日益增長的網路使用需求,提供高品質、高性能價格比的全面設備解決方案。TP-Link產品涵蓋乙太網、無線區域網、寬頻接入、電力線通信,在既有的傳輸、交換、路由等主要核心領域外,正大力擴展移動互聯網終端、智能家居、網路安全等領域。公司總部位於深圳,同時在北京、上海、廣州等20個中心城市設有銷售和服務中心,並在33個國家和地區分別設立了海外直屬子公司或代表處,產品已應用於全球128個國家,產品銷售總數將超過8億件。TP-Link荷蘭子公司 (TP-Link Netherlands B.V.) 於2013年開始正式運營,並且不斷發展壯大,市場連續3年平均增長率超過30%,目前市場佔有率全荷第一。TP-Link堅持自主研發、自主製造、自主營銷,整合全球優質資源,形成強大的合力,在牢固樹立國內領先基礎上,TP-Link已經成為網路通訊設備領域全球領先品牌。我們渴求具有高素質正能量的人才加入我們的團隊,與我們一起進步與發展,見證自主品牌一步步走向國際化的歷程。現招聘職位如下:業務銷售助理 1名 (實習一名)需能夠提供學校實習證明職位描述:1. 協助處理銷售訂單,與客戶進行基本商務溝通;2. 客戶意見、建議的接收、反饋、匯總與處理;3. 客戶資料、銷售數據的整理與維護;4. 公司工作氛圍和諧輕鬆,崗位待遇優厚。職位要求:1. 4-6個月,最少一周工作32小時;2. 熟練使用office,有一定Excel進行數據處理;3. 工作富有責任心,適合團隊合作精神;4. 為人穩重、細心、踏實,有著優秀的溝通能力和服務意識;5. 思路清晰、思維敏捷,快速學習能力強;6. 有條理,能夠同時處理多個任務;7. 需能提供實習證明。發送至: hr.nl@tp-link.com,並附近照一張。郵件主題請命名為「應聘實習業務銷售助理-中文姓名-英文姓名」。我們會儘快給您答覆。如需了解更多公司相關信息,可登錄荷蘭TP-Link官網:http://nl.tp-link.com/Company Introduction:Founded in 1996, TP-Link has become one of the world's leading providers of SOHO & SMB networking products, offering both innovative and award winning solutions to the market. Ranked No. 1 provider of WLAN products, TP-Link supply to over 120 countries, serving tens of millions of consumers worldwide.TP-Link is a company that is fully committed to developing its products, services and consumer relations through extensive R&D, strict Quality Assurance practices, and effective outreach initiatives. Customer loyalty through interaction, focus and feedback are policies that help form the TP-Link culture, as well as a commitment to achieve, and a dedication to innovate.In their efforts, TP-Link's global achievements in the industry have received both recognition and respect, proving their level of quality and commitment time and time again. TP-Link continues to develop award-winning products, offering a complete range of networking solutions consisting of Routers, Adapters, Cameras, Switches, and many other Wired and Wireless devices for both Home and Office use.Job Duties:1. Help to proceed orders and perform daily communication with clients;2. Collect customer information and perform sales data analysis;3. Tracking the daily sales operation on the order flow;4. Sort out customer feedback and advice internally;5. Assist finance department with financial notes and payment;6. Assisting administration and local sales staff in other related tasks;7. The company has a KM qualification.Requirements:1. Fluent in English and Chinese, Dutch is a plus;2. 2-3 years relevant job experience;3. Familiar with office software, Excel is a must;4. Data analyzing experience is a plus;5. Team player and fast learner;6. Ability to multitasks and meet tight deadlines on a consistent basis.What we Offer:We offer you an attractive salary and a job in a pleasant atmosphere and a modern surrounding with opportunities for individual development. Our company also has the qualification of applying the KM visa. If you want to join a young, motivated team, we look forward to meeting you!Interested?Are you interested in the above position and does the description suit your profile? Please sent your resume and expected salary to Email: hr.nl@tp-link.com本月最新活動,識別圖中二維碼可報名接機&行李搬運&送到家,輕鬆搞定荷蘭第一步!義大利頂級草本護膚品,你值得擁有!荷蘭也有江浙菜,帶你夢回煙雨江南!海牙塔里木維吾爾風味餐廳,最正宗新疆味!更多精彩 請用食指長按以下圖片選擇識別二維碼

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