3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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✸✸ ANGLERS love a record catch. Fish farmers, too. So when a salmon bred and raised near this village at the head of a Norwegian fjord was pulled out of captivity earlier this year weighing a sumo-sized 17kg, it was cause for jubilation. 「It was fantastic,」 says Einar Wathne, head of aquaculture at Cargill, the world』s biggest food-trading firm. Not only was it produced in 15 months, one-fifth faster than usual, it also looked and tasted good. Mr Wathne』s Norwegian colleagues celebrated by eating it sashimi-style shortly after its slaughter.1) at the head of 英 [æt ðə hed ɔv] 美 [æt ði hɛd ʌv] adv.在…的最前面Every day a different name was placed at the head of the chart. 每天都有一個不同的名字被列在這張表的最上端。2) pull out of 英 [pul aut ɔv] 美 [pʊl aʊt ʌv] 退出,取消Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession 經濟未能走出衰退,英鎊因此受到了打擊。3) shortly after 英 [ˈʃɔ:tli ˈɑ:ftə] 美 [ˈʃɔrtli ˈæftɚ] …之後立即Shortly after moving into her apartment, she found a job 搬進公寓不久,她就找到了份工作。4) slaughter 英 [ˈslɔ:tə(r)] 美 [ˈslɔtɚ] n.大屠殺;屠宰(動物);大減價,賤賣;〈口〉強烈譴責,猛烈抨擊 vt.屠宰(動物);大屠殺,殘殺;大減價,賤賣;〈口〉強烈譴責,猛烈抨擊Thirty four people were slaughtered while queuing up to cast their votes 有34人在排隊投票時遭到殘殺。✸✸ Cargill is a company usually associated with big boots rather than waders. America』s largest private company has built a reputation after 152 years of existence as middleman to the world, connecting farmers with buyers of human and animal food everywhere. Through a trading network that spans 70 countries (and that includes scores of ports, terminals, grain and meat-processing plants and cargo ships), it supplies information and finance to farmers, influences what they produce based on the needs of its food-industry customers, and connects the two.1) associate with 英 [əˈsəuʃieit wið] 美 [əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt wɪð] 與…交往, 聯繫;交接;躡足其間;軋Never associate with bad companions. 別和壞人結交。2) scores of 英 [skɔ:z ɔv] 美 [skɔrz ʌv] 大量的,許多的Scores of congratulatory telegrams and letters greeted Franklin on his return富蘭克林一回來,就收到了好幾十封賀電和賀信。✸✸ Its purchase of EWOS, a Norwegian fish-food company, in 2015 for $1.5bn was its first big foray into aquaculture. It was the second-biggest acquisition in Cargill』s history. That made it quite a splash for David MacLennan, Cargill』s chief executive since 2013, who took over the company just as a dozen fat years in the agriculture industry had drawn to a close. He is now fishing for future sources of growth.1) take over 英 [teik ˈəuvə] 美 [tek ˈovɚ] 接管;帶;幫…學習;在…上花費A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.一家英國報紙稱,英國航空公司計劃接管環球航空公司。2) fish for 英 [fiʃ fɔ:] 美 [fɪʃ fɔr] 捕魚;間接打聽;摸索著找;儘力想出They'd gone out to fish for mackerel. 他們已經出海去捕鯖魚。✸✸ The firm』s foray into the salmon business should help in two ways. First, it is part of Cargill』s attempt to expand into higher-value markets. One of its traditional mainstays, the trading of bulk agricultural commodities, has struggled since the end, in around 2013, of a China-led commodities supercycle. The firm has also suffered from a recent slump in demand for grains for biofuels. Consumption of farmed fish across the world has boomed, meanwhile, partly at the expense of beef, pork and other meats. Fish feed is its highest-cost component, and more efficient ways of feeding are key to the salmon industry』s growth.1) foray 英 [ˈfɒreɪ] 美 [ˈfɔ:reɪ] n.突襲;侵略;冒險 vi.襲擊 vt.劫掠Most guests make at least one foray into the town 多數客人至少去過一次城裡。2) attempt to 英 [əˈtempt tu:] 美 [əˈtɛmpt tu] 嘗試,企圖;試圖做某事He made no attempt to conceal his dislike of me 他毫不掩飾對我的厭惡。3) suffer from 英 [ˈsʌfə frɔm] 美 [ˈsʌfɚ frʌm] 患(某種病),受(某種病痛)折磨;因…而受罰[苦,損];鬧;罹Many kids suffer from acne and angst. 許多年輕人都會受到青春痘和焦慮的困擾。4) at the expense of 英 [æt ðə iksˈpens ɔv] 美 [æt ði ɪkˈspɛns ʌv] 在損失[損壞]某事物的情況下The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit. 那個管弦樂團現在更有紀律性了,卻喪失了靈魂。

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