3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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[Kobe Bryant] @Isaiah_Thomas I challenge you to make the All-NBA First Team next season. #MambaMentality科比-布萊恩特發推:「以賽亞-托馬斯,我向你發出挑戰:下賽季進入一陣給我看!#曼巴精神」Kobe Bryant's Instagram: "@demar_derozan I challenge you to rekindle a lost friendship from your youth in Compton #mambamentality"科比-布萊恩特發ins:「德馬爾-德羅贊,我向你發出挑戰:重新點燃你年少時期在康普頓建立的友誼給我看!#曼巴精神」譯者註:康普頓堪稱美國最險惡的社區,多個人狠話不多的著名說唱歌手都出於此地。有名的有Kendrick Lamar、Dr. Dre等。科比此ins的目的可能是為了激勵德羅贊回饋社區,幫助康普頓年輕人脫離毒品與暴力。[Giannis] Still waiting for my challenge.. @kobebryant字母哥發推:科比,你要向我發出啥挑戰,我隨時準備著!The Kobe Challenges are all just an advertisement for his new Kobe A.D. shoe range which releases today.【科比挑戰】是耐克為今天發布的新款科比元年球鞋做的營銷。小托馬斯篇:[–]RaptorsBismackMyBiyombo 4253 指標 10小時前 Kobe wants IT to take all the shots away from lebron. #MambaMentality科比內心:讓詹姆斯無籃可投!#曼巴精神[–]Magicdirkelly 1754 指標 10小時前 Kobe out here playing 4D Chess科比下的是盤大棋啊。譯者註:普通人一般下的是2D國際象棋,也就是平面的。有些人為了趣味性和增加難度,會下3D的國際象棋。《生活大爆炸》里謝耳朵和萊納德就經常玩這種遊戲,如果譯者沒記錯的話,他們也下過4D的。美國文化中,多用4D chess甚至更多維度的chess來指代「大棋」、機智的宏觀部署規劃。[–]CelticsDontWorries 692 指標 10小時前 Just like when he told Westbrook he needed to not let Durant hold him back.他當初告訴威少:放開打就是干,別因為杜蘭特就剋制。跟這個有點像啊。[–]SpursBearsNecessity 1536 指標 9小時前 And when he told Kyrie to do the same thing.Kobe being the Littlefinger of the NBA to young stars who idolize him to secretly try and keep them from winning more titles than him is my favorite conspiracy theory. It'd be the most Kobe thing.Keep your eye out Warriors. I'm sure Klay and Dray are next in Kobe's eyes.他當初跟歐文也是這麼說的。我最喜歡的陰謀論:科比就是NBA的小指頭,崇拜科比的那些年輕球星都受他擺布,科比秘密地試圖防止他們比自己贏得冠軍更多。這是最科比的事了。勇士你們要小心了,湯普森和格林就是科比的下一個目標。譯者註:小指頭為《權力的遊戲》中的人物,角色特點為愛搞陰謀詭計。[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantdakak36 625 指標 9小時前 No you guys don't understand this is all about getting Dan Gilbert back for cheating him out of more titles.Influences Russ to run KD out of town so the Warriors become unbeatable, pushes each Kyrie and IT to not play second fiddle to LeBron, making the team blow up. All so the Cavs can feel nothing but pain.Fuck Dan Gilbert5D Yahtzee湖人球迷:不你們都搞錯了。科比現在做的一切都是為了報復丹-吉爾伯特,是他當初帶頭向聯盟投訴CP3的那筆交易,導致科比喪失了獲得更多冠軍機會。是科比攛掇威少將杜蘭特趕走的,這樣勇士就能變成無敵戰隊,也是科比鼓動歐文和小托馬斯不要成為詹姆斯的副手的,使騎士最終崩潰。一切的一切都是為了騎士被痛苦折磨,不能翻身。去NMD丹-吉爾伯特。科比這玩的是5D快艇色子啊。譯者註:Yahtzee快艇骰子是風靡全世界超過40年的經典骰子遊戲,通過擲骰子與記分表進行遊戲。遊戲的挑戰性部份是讓你平衡你選擇上的機會。它可讓你隨時煞費苦心、步步營算,充分享受賭徒的樂趣。[–]Cavalierswestendwaterboy 238 指標 9小時前 basketball reasons騎士球迷:籃球原因!啦啦啦啦啦。[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantdakak36 253 指標 9小時前 Dude put a trigger warning湖人球迷:憋逼我開槍。[–][ORL] Darko Milicicagon34 1010 指標 10小時前 "Are you a different animal AND the same beast?"科比:「你是不同的動物,同樣的野獸嗎?」譯者註:「Different animal, same beast」是科比的經典名言,出自ZK7的科比體系廣告,在reddit上是一個很流行的梗,因為大家都不知道科比這句話意思是什麼。[–]CelticsiAmTheRealLange 564 指標 9小時前 What the fuck does that mean, Kobe Bryant?科比,這tm到底啥意思?[–]KingsTheFoxKing5 1297 指標 10小時前 Kyrie will remember that歐文:我記住了。[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantdakak36 275 指標 9小時前 I love how Kobe keeps telling me who to root for now that he's out of the league.湖人球迷:雖說科比現在退役了,他還是在指引我應該為誰加油吶喊。太棒了。[–]333444422 365 指標 9小時前 I challenge you to root for the Brooklyn Nets #mambementality(假裝是)科比:「我向你們發起挑戰:做布魯克林籃網的球迷!#曼巴精神」[–][LAL] Kobe Bryantdakak36 168 指標 9小時前 He wouldn't do that to us湖人球迷:老大不會這麼對我們的。[–]Pelicanserldn123 804 指標 10小時前 Zero percent chance, having 2 guys on the 1st team will take something insane.73 win Warriors didn't even get 2.IT will have to average 30 and Cavs get like 65 wins. And then down years for WB, Curry or Harden....小托馬斯進一陣是完全沒可能啊。同隊的兩個球員要想雙雙進入一陣的話,他們的表現得非常出色才行73勝的勇士都沒有兩個一陣球員。小托馬斯得場均30分,騎士還得拿到65勝,而且威少、庫里或者哈登得出現下滑。[–][MEM] Bryant Reevesaiosan11 273 指標 10小時前 KD and Steph might do it this year. And i hate the Warriors灰熊球迷:雖然我是勇黑,但我不得不承認杜庫組合這個賽季可能可以。[–][WAS] Bradley BealA2daRon 301 指標 10小時前 The last time was the 06-07 Suns with Amare/Nash. Shaq/Kobe did it 3 times, Jordan/Pippen did it once上次一個隊有兩個一陣球員是2006-07賽季的太陽,小斯+納什。而OK組合三次攜手進入一陣,喬皮也做到了一次。[–]Lakersram0h 101 指標 7小時前 Dang Kobe earning top 5 in the league at such a young age impresses me科比在那麼年輕的時候就能躋身聯盟前五,讓我深覺他的NB。德羅贊篇:[–][BOS] Jaylen BrownNutty_ 1336 指標 10小時前 lol "I challenge Kobe to stop smoking weed with Snoop" in the comments哈哈哈評論里有:「科比,我也向你發起個挑戰唄?別跟狗爺抽葉子了。」譯者註:Snoop Dogg,傳奇說唱歌手,大X麻狂熱愛好者,湖人球迷。[–]RaptorsBismackMyBiyombo 992 指標 10小時前 Should have challenged him to play some defense.猛龍球迷:科比本該挑戰德羅贊去防守。[–]KnicksRustedWheel 395 指標 9小時前 Maybe defense was his friend from his youth.可能防守就是德羅贊少時好友呢。[–]RaptorsRaptorer 41 指標 8小時前 Is this like a new meme now? DD is not a defensive beast but he ain't no Jose Calderon either. Playing for a coach who is borderline anal with subbing offense-defense during late game situations, DD is almost always on the floor. And trust me, we have plenty of defensive wings that Casey could have replaced him with on key possessions if he ever saw him as such a liability.猛龍球迷:德羅贊不防守是個什麼新梗嗎?他肯定在防守端不是什麼野獸級別的怪物,但是你們也別把他當卡爾德隆看啊。凱西教練在比賽關鍵時刻更願意把防守好的放在場上,換下攻強守弱的,而德羅贊卻幾乎一直能留在場上。而且相信我,如果凱西認為德羅贊在防守端是個累贅的話,他會用防守型鋒衛換掉德羅贊的,我們有很多這樣的人選。[–]Raptorswolfinwhitevan 64 指標 8小時前 His defense is, I would say, definitely below average. Not a liability necessarily, but closer to that than "competent." Casey keeps him on the floor because he gets buckets.猛龍球迷:我認為德羅贊的防守是肯定低於平均水平線的,不一定算是個累贅,但是,相比說他防守是稱職的,說他是累贅還更準確些。凱西關鍵時刻把他留在場上是因為他的得分能力。[–]Lakers BandwagonDongsquad420BlazeIt 1487 指標 10小時前 That's such a weird thing to say科比關於德羅贊的這段話有點怪啊。[–]PistonsCrispyBalooga 480 指標 10小時前 one man's weird is another man's woke你覺得怪,有人覺得如醍醐灌頂。[–]Raptorsjhwyung 133 指標 9小時前 I'm so totally confused, is he asking DD to go back and hold a clinic in Compton or something like that? I'm pretty sure DD does that every year.我都懵逼了,科比是讓德羅贊回到康普頓開家診所什麼的嗎?我很確信德羅贊每年都會回饋社會啊。[–]NBAwhy_rob_y 326 指標 9小時前 No, I think he's literally challenging him to reconnect with an old friend from Compton.不,我認為科比是正八經的讓德羅贊重新跟康普頓的一個舊友重建聯繫。[–]Netsj_cruise 62 指標 8小時前Am I the only one who thinks this is straightforward as hell? What don't you understand about this? Kobe wants him to reunite with an old friend from his childhood.If you look deeper into it, Kobe probably probably wants him to help one of his impoverished childhood friends to become successful.難道只有我一個人認為科比這話明白地不能再明白了嗎?你們有什麼不懂的啊。科比想讓德羅贊跟他幼時的舊友團聚。如果你們再動動腦筋的話,科比可能是想讓德羅贊幫助兒少時期的窮困潦倒的朋友們獲得成功。[–]Lakersdissphemism 345 指標 10小時前 He's tryna get Demar popped or sumth科比是要玩死德羅贊啊,德羅贊被斃了這就不好玩了啊老大。譯者註:康普頓異常兇險。字母哥篇:[–]TimberwolvesFLigh8 2311 指標 7小時前 Fix Greece's economy估計會是:把希臘的經濟搞好![–]CelticsDontWorries 550 指標 6小時前* Dominate long-term national debt relief policies「統治」國家長期債務免除的政策!譯者註:科比非常喜歡用Dominate這一詞,reddit網友也喜歡拿這個詞進行調侃。[–][PHI] T.J. McConnellPM_Me_Nudes_or_Puns 83 指標 6小時前 He's not a miracle worker.字母哥:額,科比,換一個行不。[–]Kingsccupgirl 743 指標 8小時前 I challenge you to lead the Kings to the playoffs國王球迷:字母哥,我向你發起挑戰:帶領國王進入季後賽。[–]Raptorsdeisoswagger 322 指標 7小時前 Giannis not Papagiannis你看清楚了,是揚尼斯,不是帕帕揚尼斯。譯者註:前者為字母哥,後者為國王球員。[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesbootlegsupreme 135 指標 8小時前 Achieve 2nd puberty科比:字母哥,我向你發起挑戰:第二次發育![–]SpursMightBeJerryWest 169 指標 7小時前 idk if I'm ready for 9 foot Giannis九英尺(2.74米)的字母哥你們怕不怕。[–]Bucksdusters 46 指標 6小時前 I for one am ready for standing dunks every possession.雄鹿球迷:每個回合站著抬手就扣,我準備好了。[–]CelticsBrad-Stevens 209 指標 8小時前 I challenge you to dunk from the 3 pt line從三分線扣籃給我看![–]Celticsward0630 [+1] 136 指標 7小時前 Too easy. His challenge should be to hit a 3 pointer /s小菜一碟,他的挑戰應當是投進一個三分球。TX綜述篇:[–]Bucks BandwagonHarambeDied4Us 747 指標 10小時前 Waiting for"Paul George, I challenge you to play for the Lakers"等著看科比發起對喬治的挑戰:「泡椒,去個湖人給我看看!」[–]ThunderTheCoxer 215 指標 8小時前 Pacers: "TAMPERINGGG"步行者:「誘拐!誘拐!」[–]SunsBrett420 248 指標 8小時前 Dropping his shoes on 8/24 is pretty great, btw順便說一下,在8月24號這天發布新鞋挺棒的。[–]Lakersram0h 109 指標 8小時前 Kobe day in LA洛杉磯的科比日。[–][LAL] Kobe BryantBradster224 [S] 151 指標 10小時前 Also one thing to note: Every person Kobe challenged is associated with Nike in some form or fashion.另外:每個科比挑戰的人都與耐克有合作。[–]NuggetsChill_Oreo 70 指標 9小時前 What's kendricks relation to Nike? He has a shoe with Reebok.Kendrick Lamar跟耐克的關係是什麼?他不是跟銳步出鞋嗎。譯者註:Kendrick Lamar也是科比挑戰的人之一,當今著名說唱歌手。[–]LakersMrKoontar 197 指標 9小時前 its in his DNA耐克在他的DNA里。譯者註:DNA為Kendrick Lamar《DAMN》專輯中的一首熱門歌曲。[–][OKC] Russell WestbrookTulsaBrawler 27 指標 8小時前 His deal expired. His latest music video has him wearing the new Nike Air 98'sKendrick Lamar跟銳步的合同到期了。他最新的MV里是穿著新款耐克Air 98。譯者註:實際為97。[–]drawsony 659 指標 10小時前 Kobe issuing challenges like the wise teacher from a martial arts film.科比這就像功夫片里的大師,向各個弟子下達任務。[–]Hornetsleruma 117 指標 10小時前 Now I want Kobe to challenge me too..你這麼說聽起來好酷,現在我也想科比向我發起挑戰了。[–][CHI] Derrick RoseLL_Cruel_J 167 指標 10小時前 /u/leruma , I challenge you to give three strangers a compliment today #mambamentality我就是科比,我向你發起挑戰:給三個陌生人一些讚譽。#曼巴精神[–]CelticsFlannel_Channel 18 指標 9小時前 I like this one. Not who you challenged but I'm going to attempt it !凱爾特人球迷:我喜歡這個,我雖然不是你發起挑戰的那個JR,但我會去試一試![–]LakersMrKoontar 36 指標 9小時前 no one wants a compliment from celtics fans湖人球迷:沒人想要凱爾特人球迷的讚譽。譯者註:凱爾特人球迷和湖人球迷在Reddit上的爭吵罵戰也是一個很有趣的梗,多出於宿敵間惺惺相惜又爭鋒相對的玩笑。

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