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在騎士和勇士的總決賽第三戰中,現場出現多次爭議判罰,包括科爾和追夢技術犯規爭議這種鬧劇,這使得不少NBA記者和媒體人在網上怒批裁判,美國網友也發表了自己的看法:騎士球迷thefatpokemon:Doris is exposing people out hereDoris要讓大家炸了!註:doris burke是ESPN著名女記者、評論員和分析家,她在直播中爆粗口怒噴裁判凱爾特人球迷-poncho-:"fuck the refs" - doris burkeDoris Burke:裁判!草泥馬!騎士球迷TheCoupDeGrace:Doris is the GOAT.Doris可謂歷史最佳呀!熱火球迷heatup3:Lmao these Refs are idiots笑死我了,這些裁判真是白痴熱火球迷DTFpanda:Mark Jackson with the brutal honesty though馬克-傑克遜(擔任現場解說)都爆粗口了無主隊球迷Find_Your_MegaMan:Doris is the real MVP然而Doris才是真正的MVP湖人球迷Pardonme23:I just got off work and missed everything. Can someone fill me in please???我才剛下班,誰能告訴我到底發生了什麼嗎???無主隊球迷heyimworkinghere:Refs are shitting the bed.裁判在床上拉屎!無主隊球迷Itsmedudeman:I can't believe how fucking hard the broadcasters are going in on the refs lmfao. Never seen a shitshow like this ever我TM真的不敢相信現場播報員和裁判統一意見有多難,笑死了...沒從見過這樣的「狗屎秀」。相關鏈接:woj:NBA官方對於總決賽G4技犯判處錯誤的解釋凱爾特人球迷wellgroomedmcpoyle:GTFO dude nobody "misheard" who the first tech was on because of crowd noise.老兄,沒有人會因為觀眾的噪音而把科爾還是追夢吃到第一個技術犯規而聽錯。猛龍球迷Gainsgoham:Cmon dude Draymond Green and Steve Kerr are pretty similar names anyone could have made that mistake拜託,老兄!德雷蒙德-格林和史蒂夫-科爾這個名字太像了,大家都會犯這個錯誤好嘛...(調侃)勇士球迷lanismycousin:They even look alike. Easy to see how they can get confused他倆看起來也像,所以你就能明白裁判容易分不清他倆誰是誰湖人球迷myheartsaysyesindeed:lmaooo those cunts trying to cover their ass哈哈哈哈,這些傻X開始給自己擦屁股了馬刺球迷laststance:"uh, the technical was actually on the lady walking her dog outside"裁判:「額...其實這個技術犯規是吹在在場外路邊遛狗的女士身上...」無主隊球迷SF_Writer:Update: the technical was on the dog.更新:實際上是吹在這隻狗身上勇士球迷jonirabbit:They should have just ejected Draymond.他們確實應該驅逐追夢的,事情就簡單多了掘金球迷slayercage:They had to cover-up their mistake. They weren't rigging it for the warriors他們只是想掩蓋自己的錯誤,而不是幫著勇士操作爵士球迷jeffcrab:Not rigging it for the cavs either, they're just shit對,這個鬧劇也不是幫著騎士操作,完全就是裁判垃圾無主隊球迷aznassasin:Wow regardless of which team you're cheering for these referees are an absolute embarrassment to the NBA tonight拋開你支持的球隊而言,今晚的裁判真的讓NBA蒙羞。NBA球迷corgi_on_a_treadmill:My old man never takes the NBA seriously because he believes the league is rigged. I'm beginning to think he was right all along.我老爹從來不會把NBA比賽看太重,因為他相信聯盟是操控的,我開始相信他的想法是對的了雷霆球迷CageyTurtlez:It's literally a fact that officials have conspired to fix playoff games before. Why are people so surprised?實際上官方會介入操作季後賽已經是既定的事實了...為什麼人們還會這麼驚訝?太陽球迷ntn2:We know for a fact that multiple NBA games were rigged over a period of years. it's a pretty safe assumption that some games are still rigged.很多年來,不少NBA比賽都是操縱的,這是我們都知道的一些事實,現在依然是。無主隊球迷KylosApprentice:Especially for those of us who remember how they prevented the 02 Sacramento Kings from winning.尤其是對我們這些依然記得他們是如何阻止國王贏球的球迷來說雷霆球迷EwokaFlockaFlame:I'm sure Kings fans are painfully aware that it's rigged.我確信國王球迷知道比賽是被操控之後,一定很受傷太陽球迷hungarianmeatslammer:2007 Suns as well.2007年的我日也是!國王球迷Crom_laughs_at_you:Also Mavs fans, although they got one to make up for the rigged one.還有(06年)小牛球迷,雖然他們彌補了因被操控而失去的冠軍湖人球迷Sphexus:How the fuck does this happen in the NBA finals?NBA總決賽到底TM怎麼了?!無主隊球迷silverfox762:There's 45 million reason- all dollars they lose for each finals game not played.少一場總決賽,他們就將損失4500萬美元,這就是原因無主隊球迷jdub1631:Fixed game. Y do we tolerate this操控比賽!我們為什麼要容忍!凱爾特人球迷itstheclamburglar:it's not like we can do much about it我們也無能為力呀尼克斯球迷anuhobo:This is the shadiest shit I've ever seen live.這是我有生以來見過的最陰暗的狗屎爵士球迷NitroXYZ:Agreed. The 1st Q free throws, crosscourts, technicals同意,第一節的罰球、回場違例、技術犯規...太陽球迷royaljet:Worst officiating in Playoff history, maybe everNBA季後賽歷史上最糟糕的裁判執法,可能難以被超越了東部球迷ItTakesSomeLuck:Too far, kings lakers那不至於,第一當屬國王和湖人02年的系列賽湖人球迷kerouacian_comedy:Speak the truth Bill講真話的比爾(西蒙斯)註:知名媒體人比爾-西蒙斯怒噴裁判:This ref crew is an absolute abomination. It's a humiliating night for the NBA.National Writer這場的裁判讓人生厭,這是NBA的恥辱之夜。(勝天半子編譯)掘金球迷slayercage:They had to cover-up their mistake. They weren't rigging it for the warriors他們只是想掩蓋自己的錯誤,而不是偏勇士

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