3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

每個國家的人都有不同的生活習慣,這些可能在你平時沒有注意到的細節里都體現出來了。就像英國人喜歡喝下午茶,法國人愛吃法棍,美國人喜歡往所有飲品里加冰塊,包括水...那麼,你知道人都有哪些特有的習慣嗎? 美國問答網站Quora上有人提出問題「What is the most Chinese thing a Chinese person can do?」人做的最「式」的事情是什麼? 特殊的菜、喜歡數字吉利的汽車牌照、吃的東西一定要熱的,各種腦洞大開的回答,原來,那些我們習以為常的東西,在外國人眼裡是那麼的「獨特」↓快來看看,你覺得網友的總結準不準? Caspar Chiquet: Drink warm boiled water. 喝熱水; Taylor Bradford: Live to be 95, look like you're 50, and stand around inparks all morning clapping your hands. 95歲的人看上去像50歲的;每天一大早會在公園裡拍手; SI Nuo: Very senior men; walk a bird in a cage. Middle to senior men; play chess in the public with peoplewatching. 老人:遛鳥; 中年大叔:在公眾場合下象棋,周圍還有一圈人圍觀; Xiang Li: Playing majiang which is really interesting. By the way, the unbelievable lose of Chinese team in euro is really a national shame even compared with Team China of soccer. 打麻將,這真的很有趣;再插一句,在歐洲麻將比賽中,隊竟然輸了,這簡直比足球隊輸球了還丟人啊; Tierney Wong: eat Lao GanMa; 吃老乾媽; Wenzhe Chen: Try to pay the bill first of all. 搶著買單; Drake Ballew: Has anyone already mentioned how people in China tend tosquat? It's pretty noticeable when you first arrive and you make alot of jokes about how it looks like everyone's getting ready to unload into atoilet...but then you start doing it and it feels awesome. Great for the lowerback. 有人提到人喜歡蹲著嗎?當你到了的時候,你會覺得人蹲著上廁所很搞笑…但是,當你開始嘗試這樣做的時候,你會感覺超贊的(汗...) Xu Niandong: Eat Century eggs. Also, as others have noted, save things that we could use for later. 吃皮蛋,還有,就像別人提到的,會留著以後可能能用到的東西。 Andrew Hui: Have 8's in our License Plates. (or 9's depending on whichpart of China you're from) 喜歡在帶數字8的汽車牌照(或者數字9,取決於你在的那個地方) Conrad Ko: Hoarding plastic bags at home! Please vote up for me! I am Chinese, I have over 50 of various sizes. EWHHHH! 喜歡囤塑料袋!快來贊同我吧! 我是人,我有超過50個各式各樣的塑料袋; Shana Tiang: Talk way too loudly--almost to the point of yelling--on the phone. 打電話的時候總是控制不住很大聲,幾乎在用叫的;

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