3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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趣點閱讀Reading with SallieBeautySummaryIn our previous session I discussed the differences between Chinese and western aesthetics. Today we will talk about how different aesthetics impact the lives of women. 上節課中,我談論了中西方審美差異。今天,我們來聊聊審美差異對女性生活的影響。 The male gaze is 「the way in which the media depicts the world and women from a masculine point of view, presenting women as objects of male pleasure」. From the way we look to the content we digest on a daily basis, the male perspective seems to be the dominant one. Let』s listen. 男性視角即「媒體以男性的眼光來看待世界和女性,將女性視為取悅男性的物品」。我們的外貌,以及每天接收的各種信息,無一不受男性視角的影響。一起聽一下吧!Reading MaterialsMoreover, it is important to recognize that perfection is only an illusion. 更重要的是,我們要意識到,完美只是自己的幻想。 The common saying in America is 「Beauty is only skin deep」, because external attractiveness can only go so far. 美國有句名言,「美貌是膚淺的」,因為外貌的吸引力並不長久。Vocabulary aesthetics: n. 美學;美感Different cultures have different aesthetics.不同的文化有不同的美學。male gaze: 男性視角I am not going to change my look to satisfy the male gaze.我不會改變我的樣子來滿足男性的目光。voluptuous: adj. 撩人的;驕奢淫逸的;沉溺酒色的Her voluptuous body is beautiful.她妖媚的身材是美麗的。beauty is only skin deep: 美色是膚淺的Beauty is only skin deep, so it is important to understand her personality better before rushing into marriage.單說一個人美麗是膚淺的,重要的是在結婚之前要深入地了解她的個性。originality n. 創意;獨創性,創造力The CEO complimented Justin on the originality of his work.老闆讚揚賈斯汀在工作中很有創意。Language PointsThis means that everything we see, hear, and read about is mostly made by men and for men. 1. Everything→ is2. They are made by men (Men made them) vs. They are made for men (They are intended for men)原文In our previous session I discussed the differences between Chinese and western aesthetics. Today we will talk about how different aesthetics impact the lives of women. 上節課中,我談論了中西方審美差異。今天,我們來聊聊審美差異對女性生活的影響。 When I was a Political Science student at UCLA, one of the first lessons I learned in my Women and Politics class was the 「Male Gaze」. What is the male gaze? The male gaze is 「the way in which the media depicts the world and women from a masculine point of view, presenting women as objects of male pleasure」. This means that everything we see, hear, and read about is mostly made by men and for men. You will be shocked to find out how many film directors, music producers, literary critics and writers, magazine editors, and even our hairstylists are men. From the way we look to the content we digest on a daily basis, the male perspective seems to be the dominant one. 我在加州大學洛杉磯分校學習政治學時,在女性與政治這堂課上最早學到的概念之一就是「男性視角」。男性視角即「媒體以男性的眼光來看待世界和女性,將女性視為取悅男性的物品」。這意味著我們看到的、聽到的以及讀到的東西都是由男性為女性創造的。你會驚奇的發現,無數電影導演、音樂製作人、文學評論家、作家、雜誌編輯,甚至是髮型師都是男性。我們的外貌,以及每天接收的信息,無一不受男性視角的影響。 It is no surprise then that as women, we tailor our looks to please men. Especially in countries like China, Korea, and Japan, where the emphasis on 「perfection」 for women is great. Women and girls here are constantly being criticized for being too fat, too dark, too skinny, or too ugly. 女性為了取悅男性而改變自己的容貌,這是可以接受的。尤其是在、韓國和日本這樣追求「完美女性」的國家。在這些國家,女孩子常常因為身材胖、皮膚黑、太瘦或者太丑而被人批評。 First, there are better words to describe people』s appearances. 「Fat」 could be replaced by 「curvy」 or 「voluptuous」; 「Dark」 could be replaced by 「tan」; 「Skinny」 could be replaced by 「fit」; and 「Ugly」 could be replaced by 「unique」 or 「distinctive」. It is only through accepting others and their imperfections that we learn to accept ourselves. The process begins with the words we use to describe others and ourselves. 首先,我們可以使用更好的詞來描述外貌。「胖」可以是「身材豐滿」或「性感」;「皮膚黑」可以是「棕褐色皮膚」;「太瘦」也可以是「身材姣好」;而「太丑」也可以說是「長相獨特」,或「長得有個性」。我們只有接受他人及他們身上的不完美,才能學著接受自己。而第一步就是要學會用不一樣的辭藻來形容自己和他人。 Moreover, it is important to recognize that perfection is only an illusion. With makeup, plastic surgery, and Photoshop, we have learned to mask ourselves with tools and technology. 「V-shaped chin」, 「double eyelids」, 「high nose bridge」… in Asia, we now have a new generation of young women whose faces are disfigured due to the overwhelming pressure to be 「pretty」. Walking down the streets of Beijing』s Sanlitun, it is sad to see how our twisted values have turned naturally beautiful women into unnatural-looking objects. In a way, Chinese women today are no different than their foot-binding ancestors. 更重要的是,我們要意識到,完美只是自己的幻想。隨著化妝、整容和修圖技術的發展,我們學會了用各種技術手段來美化自我。亞洲流行的V型下巴,雙眼皮,高鼻樑……許多新時代的女性都因為「變美」的壓力而失去了本貌。走在三里屯的路上,有多少天然美女都整成了長相極不自然的「機器人」。正是我們的扭曲的價值觀造就了這樣令人遺憾的局面。 The common saying in America is 「Beauty is only skin deep」, because external attractiveness can only go so far. So it is my hope that my sisters learn to appreciate and love their originality. 美國有句名言,「美貌是膚淺的」,因為外貌的吸引力並不長久。所以,我希望我的小夥伴們都能學會欣賞自身的魅力。由於平台限制,更多文本音頻請前往微信公眾號「隨時隨課」。

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