3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

自開播以來,長時間霸佔各個頭條的《歡樂頌2》,上周末終於大結局了。 很多人說第二部安迪太自我, 樊大姐太負能量, 邱瑩瑩還是沒腦子, 關關的腹黑毀了好形象, 曲妖精髮型像枯草蓋腦袋上。 沒關係,歡樂頌2的台詞沒變 依舊是句句暴擊。 1、安迪氣場強大的冰山御姐 『 也許彼此最了解的兩個人 只能成為知己 不能成為愛人 』 Maybe, if you people know each other too well, they can only be soulmates, not lovers. 『 所以說女人啊 時代發展這麼多年 卻依然只有忍和鬧兩條路可以走 好像沒有男人活不下去一樣 真是唏噓。』 Women. With all those decades gone by, the choices we have are still only silence or drama. It's almost as if we can't even survive without a man. Sad.Sad. 『 談戀愛那麼浪費時間 而且整個人的生活節奏都要被打亂 還要去身不由己地去配合一個人 到底一個人愛一個人愛得多深 才會想要跟他結婚生孩子 』 It cusumes so much time to have a relationship. Every day of your life becomes disorganized. And you have to match up with someone else's pace. ...... How deeply must a woman love a man to decide to have a baby with him? 『 天上不會掉餡餅 一般無緣無故的餡餅都與詐騙有關 』 Pies don't fall to you from the sky. If they do, then someone is conning you. 『 出發點不能作為借口 錯了就是錯了 』 What's wrong is wrong. Where you started from doesn't change it. 『 解決問題 需要理智,而非態度 』 It takes sanity to solve problems. Not attitude. 『 懂你的人才配愛你 』 Only someone who understands you is eligible to love you. 2、樊勝美 獨立自強的驕傲女王 『 越是活的時間長 我就越相信命 』 The longer you live, the more you believe in destiny. 『 有誠意,就拿出行動 這個年紀的女人 都該明白語言的蒼白 』 If he did mean it, he should've shown some real efforts. A woman at such an age should understand how useless words are. 『 感情是最脆弱的 經不起這麼折騰 』 Feeling is the most fragile thing in the world. It can only take so much. 『 談戀愛這種事情 無話不說未必是好事 有時候適當地保持些距離 也許會更美 』 Leveling with each other completely may not be necessarily healthy to a relationship. Sometimes, beauty comes from distance. 『 朋友不是樹洞 你說得多了 難免會不耐煩 』 A friend is not a tree hole. You can't vent all you have to them and expect them not to be annoyed. 『 高跟鞋就是女人的第二生命 我寧願累死,也不要沒命 』 A woman is born a second time when she climbs up high heels. I'd rather die than give up this life. 『 但凡有人疼愛 誰能早早成熟啊 』 If there is love to hold on to, who bothers growing up early? 3、曲筱綃古靈精怪的小妖精曲 『 所有以結婚為目的的戀愛 都是功利的 』 Every relationship with marriage as it's destination, is a business. 『 又愛狐狸精 又想讓狐狸精賢良淑德知書達理 你以為你是窮書生做白日夢呢 』 You want a succubus. And you want this succubus to be civilized and virtuous. What an idiotic dream you are having! 『 要是你滿臉痘 即便你心靈再美 誰願意多看你一眼啊 』 Who would bother getting to know your beautiful soul if it's covered beneath a face full of pimples? 『 你要是沒點真本事 誰願意看你真性情啊 』 If you can't do anything, why would anyone care whether you're sincere or not? 『 這個世界這麼殘忍 鼓勵有什麼用 在這個世界上除了你自己 誰都沒有義務讓你高興 』 What's the point of encouragement in a world so curel? It's nobody's but your own business to make yourself happy. 『 做人真正經,自己最累 做人假正經,身邊的人最累 做人沒正經,但只要有真本事 別人都會說你真性情 …… 沒正經和不正經不是一回事 』 Being a person of honor will only get yourself exhausted. Being a person who pretends to be of honor gets eveyone around you exhausted. Being a person who doesn't give a shit about honor, well, as long as you keep your own business running with flying colors, people will only see you as sincere. ...... There's a difference between "don't have" and "don't care". 4、關雎爾文靜內斂的乖乖女 『 這夢想還是要有的 萬一見鬼了呢 』 What's the point of encouragement in a world so curel? It's nobody's but your own business to make yourself happy. 『 人這一輩子能夠奮不顧身地愛一個人 是一件特別美好的事情 千萬不要害怕沒有結果 就害怕投入 』 It's really a blessing to find someone that you can love at all costs once in a lifetime. Don't be afraid of trying just because you're not sure if there's a future. 『 你們兩個都是好人 但是好人在一起也有可能不合適 也有可能性格對不上 』 You are both good people. But good people may not necessarily meant for each other. Sometimes your personalities just don't match. 『 婚姻就是戰場 是女人的戰場 你不上,隨時都有人上 』 ——關雎爾媽媽 Marriage is a battlefield, especially for women. There is always another person to take your place if you don't take it yourself. 5、邱瑩瑩自強不息的雜草 『 我以前覺得吧 相親挺尷尬的 現在覺得 只要遇到合適的 什麼場合、什麼地點、什麼方式 都不重要了 』 I used to see blind dates as awkward. But now, as long as it's with someone who is right, nothing matters. 6、老譚酸菜牛肉麵成熟穩重 洞若觀火 『 愛情本來就是不公平的 否則這世上哪來這麼多痴男怨女 』 Love has never been fair. Or why would there be so many people devastated in it? 『 很多事情 時間自然會給你答覆 』 For many things, time answers a lot. 『 問一個男人 他媽媽和女朋友同時落在水裡 到底先救哪一個 太苛刻 』 It's all too harsh to ask a man who he'll save first if his mother and girlfriend fall into the water at the same time. 包奕凡 熱情似火 『 有些人在分手的時候 喜歡把困難說得天大地大 給彼此留條後路 為什麼呢? 方便江湖重逢 』 Some people like to exaggerate the obstacles when they break up to leave each other the chance to come back. Why? Because they're already preparing for a reunion. (醒醒吧,那就是不愛你) 『 美女是用不著說對不起的 』 Apologies are not necessary for a beautiful woman. (這就是美女的特權) 『 別動 推開我 誰來心疼你 一切都是最好的安排 』 Stop. Don't push me away. Without me, who is there to care about you? Everything that happened is the best we can get. 7、趙啟平帥氣英俊腹黑『 默契的一對 不是湊到一起有說不完的話 而是即使一天一個字也不說 也不會無聊尷尬 』 What makes two people a real couple is not that they can talk all day, but that they won't feel awkward even if they don't speak a word. 8、王柏川二十四孝好男兒 『 小美,我想你,我現在就想見到你 』 Xiaomei,I miss you. I want to see you, now. 『 小美,你好美,你真的好美 』 Xiaomei, you're so beautiful. You're really really beautiful. 『 小美,有你真好 』 Xiaomei, it's such a blessing to have you. 『 小美,我錯了,你再給我一點時間 』 Xiaomei, it's my fault. Give me more time. Please. 『 小美,你別急,我現在馬上過來 』 Xiaomei, calm down. I'm coming. 『 小美,你放心,我一定努力, 讓你在上海有個家 』 Xiaomei, trust me. I will do everything I can to give you a home in Shanghai. 《歡樂頌2》結束了,從她們的故事裡,我們看到的不僅僅是社會現實,人情冷暖,更有不斷旋轉的人生背後,隱藏著的點點溫情。

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