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即便很多人認為比特幣是一種泡沫,但那些在去年目睹比特幣價格飆升290%的饑渴投資者們仍有機會大賺一把。至少高盛分析師希巴·加法力持有這樣的看法。周日,這家銀行業巨頭髮布了一則消息。美國財經頻道在看到這一消息后稱,如今價格2568美元的比特幣可能會跌至1857美元,然後出現價格反彈,升至3212-3915美元區間。這意味著如果投資者密切關注這一虛擬貨幣,並找準時機,那麼他們的初期投資可以斬獲110%的回報。誠然,這需要一點耐心,而且高盛也表示,要達到3915美元的高位可能需要一定的時間。如果比特幣的價格升至3915美元,那麼該公司的市值就將增加220億美元,較比特幣當前430億美元的市值增長53%。在此之前,這一虛擬貨幣的價格較6月中旬的3000多美元的高點有所下跌,包括馬克·庫本(Mark Cuban)在內的投資者警告說,比特幣的價格已經見頂。(財富中文網)譯者:Pessy審稿:夏林Even though Bitcoin has been called a bubble, investors who have hungrily watched Bitcoin's price soar 290% over the past year from the sidelines still have a chance to win big. Or at least that's according to Goldman Sachs analyst Sheba Jafari.On Sunday, the banking giant sent a note seen by CNBC that said Bitcoin, now priced at $2,568 a piece, could fall as low as $1,857 before bouncing to a much higher valuation between $3,212 to $3,915. That means if an investor watches the cryptocurrency carefully and times it perfectly, they could gain as much as 110% on their initial investment. Granted, that would take quite a bit of patience, with Goldman acknowledging that "it might take time" to hit $3,915.If Bitcoin were to hit $3,915, then that would add another $22 billion in market capitalization to cryptocurrency, which is up 53% from Bitcoin's current market capitalization of $42 billion.That comes as the cryptocurrency has fallen from a high of just over $3,000 in mid-June, with investors, including Mark Cuban, warning that Bitcoin's price has already peaked.

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