3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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My good gentleman, no matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, there is always an accepted etiquette to follow – and the gym is no different.紳士們,無論在哪裡、無論做什麼,總有一套不成文卻被普遍認可的禮儀需要遵循– 健身房也不例外。 Below are our 13 Rules of Gym Etiquette and a description of the type of guy that breaks them. For those who have never entered a gym before and are preparing to go for the first time, be warned. And for the gym rats that live to lift, you』ll relate to this no problem – I just hope you are not on the list!下面我們來說說有關健身房裡的13個潛規則,以及對不遵循這些規定的人,一些有趣的描述。給那些準備第一次去健身房的人一些小小的心裡準備。而對於那些一直健身的人,應該已經非常清楚這些情況– 只希望你們不在下面的列表中!Rule#1: No unnecessary noises潛規則#1: 不要發出沒有必要的聲音The Grunter公牛That guy who screams at the top of his lungs every time he pushes a rep.做每一次動作都要大叫的人。Rule#2: Don』t give unrequested advice潛規則#2: 不要給予沒有被要求的教導The Teacher叫獸That guy who thinks he knows better than everyone and feels the urge to tell you everything you are doing wrong – even when you』re right, and especially if you』re a girl.個自認為什麼都懂,一定要告訴你你做的一切都是錯的人– 哪怕你做的是對的。尤其是那種喜歡搭訕女性,以教導做為借口的。Rule#3: Your sweat, your towel潛規則#3: 你的汗水,用你的毛巾擦乾淨The Sweater蛞蝓That guy who sweats over all the equipment and doesn』t wipe after.使用完設備后留下很多汗水不擦乾淨的人。Rule#4: Don』t ogle yourself潛規則#4: 不要對自己拋媚眼The Poser自己的明星That guy who stares at the mirror the entire time, lifting his t-shirt from time to time to enjoy his six-pack – and show everyone else in the process.總是看著鏡子並自拍的人,或偶爾拉起衣服欣賞自己的腹肌– 同時更重要的,他們是為了給其他所有人看。Rule#5: This is not a place to pick up girls潛規則#5: 健身房不是相親會The Gods-Gift痴漢That guy who gets overly excited every time a pretty girl walks by and tries to impress her with his next rep or by increasing his weight immediately. And can』t help but stare as she works out.一旦有漂亮女性在附近時立刻再做一個健身的動作或開始增加重量顯示自己的人。當漂亮女生鍛煉時也不斷地注視著。Rule#6: This is not social hour潛規則#6: 這不是社交時間The Talker話癆That guy who thinks he knows everything about everything and just talks and talks and talks for everyone to hear, even when you are trying hard to concentrate on your reps.上知天文下知地理,一直說話表現自己給所有人聽的人,哪怕你在認真鍛煉並沒有注意他說話時。Rule#7: Use it or lose it潛規則#7: 要不使用,要不走開The Skiver樹懶That guy who just sits on a machine and plays with his mobile phone doing absolutely nothing for ages.會霸佔一個器械,長時間什麼都不做只看著移動設備的人。Rule#8: Never slam/drop weights unnecessarily規矩#8: 不要故意大力地將重量扔在地上The Over-Actor大力士That guy who throws his weights down and grunts to get everyone』s attention and let you know how heavy his last rep was.故意將杠鈴很大力地扔在地上同時發出類似哼哼聲想引起大家注意的人,為了讓別人知道他剛拿了很重的重量。Rule #9: Have some dignity規矩#9: 保留你的尊嚴The Full-Monty裸體主義者That guy who thinks it』s ok to air-dry in the shower as he walks around oblivious of others as he grooms himself, all in his birthday suit.不喜歡用毛巾,喜歡全裸地行走在更衣室並且等待身體自然風乾,還毫無忌諱地清潔自己私密部位的人。Rule#10: Re-rack after use規矩#10: 使用后把重量放回The Boss上帝That guys who thinks he owns the place and just throws weights and equipment all over the place and expects others to handle the mess.認為健身房是他自己的,亂丟重量默認別人會整理的人。Rule#11: No singing and dancing規矩#11: 不要唱歌或跳舞The Performer奧斯卡得主That guy with his earphones on, completely lost in his own world as he sings loud and out of tune, and just can』t help busting a groove between sets.帶著耳機,完全沉浸在自己的小世界里,唱著歌並走音,在每套動作中還會跳舞的人。Rule#12: Maintain personal hygiene規矩#12: 注意個人衛生The Skunk臭鼬That guy who hasn』t showered in days and leaves a stink trail as he walks by.好像很多天沒有洗澡,路過的地方都留有臭味的人。Rule#13: No stunts規矩#13: 禁止驚險動作The Clown特技演員That guy who does unnecessary, strange or dangerous exercises and is just asking to be injured.經常作出沒有必要、奇怪或危險的動作,好像在等待著自己受傷只為尋求別人關注的人I like the gym. In fact, I love it! And when you start to enjoy something that is healthy for you, that』s a great recipe for success! If each and every one of us followed the above rules, we could make heading to the gym more fun for everyone. Be sure to lead the way gentleman.我喜歡去健身房。其實,我愛去健身房!而一個人一旦開始熱愛一個同時對他健康很有利的事情時,那就是成功的開始!如果我們每個人都服從這些潛規則的話,會有更多的人喜歡上去健身房。紳士們,做個好榜樣。部分資料來源於網路—— END ——更多內容歡迎關注微信公眾號:KingsCross

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