3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

After years of pushing myself to the limit, one day in 2009 I woke up and found that I couldn』t get out of bed. My body wouldn』t function. 過去多年我曾一直將自己逼到極限,但是2009年有一天當我醒來之後,我發現自己無法起床,我的身體完全不能動! I was in my mid-30s, running training companies in Singapore. I loved my job. I had a great time socialising, but I wasn』t looking after myself. I was living in a lovely apartment, but I remember walking through the door one day and thinking, 『I don』t really live here, because I』m away so often』. 我當時30多歲,在新加坡經營一家培訓公司。我熱愛我的工作。我有很多時間去和人打交道,但是我卻沒有照顧好自己。我住在一幢很漂亮的公寓里,但是我記得有一天走過房間門的時候我想:「我其實不住在這兒,因為我經常外出。」 I would send emails at 3am, then be up again at 6am. I was on a treadmill that I couldn』t see was having an effect… 我會在凌晨3點的時候發郵件,然而6點的時候又起來。我在跑步機上鍛煉身體,但是卻完全看到不有什麼效果… SO HOW CLOSE TO BURNOUT ARE YOU? 那麼你的壓力到底有多大呢? 1. I am easily upset by small things 1、我很容易為小事兒感到沮喪。 Often, score 2, sometimes, score 1 or never, score 0 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 2. I often try to please others 2、我經常試圖取悅別人。 Often 2, sometimes 1, never 0 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 3. I find it hard to breathe or breathe excessively 3、我覺得呼吸困難或者呼吸過度。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 4. I feel impatient if I』m delayed 4、如果我被推遲了,我會感覺很不耐煩。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 5. I often feel lonely 5、我經常覺得孤獨。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 6. I feel refreshed when I wake up 6、一覺醒來時我會感覺神清氣爽。 Often 0, sometimes 1, never 2 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 7. I worry what others think of me 7、我很擔心別人怎麼看我。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 8. I wake naturally in the morning 8、早上我會自然醒來。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 9. I have quality time with friends 9、我和朋友一起度過美好時光。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 10. I worry about how things will turn out 10、我會擔心事情的發展。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 11. I check my phone compulsively 11、我會強迫性地查看手機。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 12. I can turn my technology off at the weekend 12、周末我能不使用科技產品。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 13. I compare my life to the stories I read on social media 13、我會把自己跟在社交媒體上讀到的故事進行比較。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 14. I feel I my life has purpose 14、我感覺我的生活有目標。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 15. I worry about money 15、我對金錢感到擔憂。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 16. I can let my mistakes go 16、我可以原諒我的錯誤。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 17. I feel happy with my looks 17、我對自己的長相感到高興。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 18. I feel full of energy 18、我覺得精力充沛。 經常:0分;有時:1分;絕不:2分。 19. I fall asleep on the sofa before bedtime 19、我會在入寢前就在沙發上睡著。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 20. I dream of a different life 20、我會夢想一個不同的人生。 經常:2分;有時:1分;絕不:0分。 Your results 你的分數及分析結果: 0–10 If you scored 0 for many answers, you』re taking good care of yourself and your emotions; perhaps you』ve developed practices for switching off. Look carefully at the questions you scored 1 or 2 for — now is the time to address areas of your life that feel overwhelming, frustrating or disappointing. It is not a case of 『fixing』 these areas; but about asking yourself what you need and what you wish to give. 0-10分:如果你許多答案都是0分,那就說明你很好地照顧了自己和你的情緒;也許你已經養成了抵制壓力的習慣。好好看看那些得1分或者2分的題目,現在是時候解決那些生活中讓你不知所措、沮喪或者失望的問題了。「修復」這些方面並不是什麼難事兒,但是重要的是問問你自己需要什麼、想要給與些什麼。 11–20 Sometimes, it』s harder to pause when everything on the surface seems good, albeit with a nagging sense of unease. It feels selfish to complain, but you can』t seem to stop worrying about what might go wrong, or you don』t feel passionate about life any more. Take the chance to take a break, before things get ahead of you. Be ready to ask yourself uncomfortable questions, but recognise that these are key to opening up your horizons. 11-20分:有時儘管有一種揮之不去的不安感,但是當表面上看起來一切都好時候,真的很難停下來。抱怨是自私的,但是你總是不由自主地擔心有什麼事兒會出錯,或者你對生活不再抱有激情了。在事情超出你的控制之前,找機會好好休息一下。要準備好問自己可能會讓你不舒服的問題,但要意識到這是打開你眼界的關鍵。 21–40 The signs are there for you: your body and/or your heart are showing you it』s time to take better care of yourself, to give yourself a bit of space. It might be frightening to think of spending time alone, with no phone to check and only a blank page. But deep down, you know you need this, even if you fear pausing may be setting yourself up for more disappointment, confusion or heartache. Keeping going is the one thing that is keeping you from falling apart. It is important to be gentle with yourself as you pause and allow your life to slow down, to let what really matters to you come to the surface 21-40分:有跡象表明:你的身體和精神都在告訴你,是時候好好照顧自己了,給自己一點兒空間。想到花時間獨處,沒有手機,只有一張空白的紙,這可能會令人感到恐懼。但是在內心深處,你知道你需要這樣做,即使你害怕停下來可能會讓你更加失望、困惑和心痛。堅持下去是防止你崩潰的一個方法。停下來的時候對自己溫柔一點兒很重要,讓你的生活放慢一點兒腳步,關注那些對你來說真正重要的事情。

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