3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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最近,我在看緋聞女孩第一季。她的主要內容就是,我的好朋友睡了我的男朋友,我的男朋友不理我,我一生氣就睡了男朋友的好朋友。我還是個雙標婊,好朋友睡自己男票就是whore,我睡男票的好朋友就是個小意外,心情差咯┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍下邊~ 是我精心給大家整理出來的地道表達快快學起來,變成人見人愛的小婊貝哦~下一期,給大家分享一下,因為英語說得好,有個跟nate一樣帥的男朋友,是怎樣的體驗~捂臉...When the cat』s away, the mice will play山中無老虎,猴子稱霸王Freak out 抓狂Cut the cord. Go nuts 說重點!Family reunions 家庭團聚that』s my specialty 這我擅長Learn from the master.青出於藍Student becomes master而勝於藍Elaborate / detailsIt drives me crazy 啊.. 我要瘋了I don』t want to be an imposition (無理要求)Curling up on a sofa and reading a good book文藝范:蜷縮在沙發上,讀一本好書You』re supposed to be with your familyMake it snappy 快點Blow me off 放鴿子A ridiculous accusation 荒謬的指控Punishing sarcasm 懲罰性的挖苦Gear up to take her company public抓緊讓她的公司上市Court her 接近Clean-freak 潔癖Screw up 搞砸I cant pick, overwhelmed by choice 我選擇恐懼了啊Slash the tires 卸下疲憊Dump her. 甩掉她Frankly, I am relieved.Revitalize your flagging career 重振旗鼓Do all those errands 差事Step out for some air 出來透透氣Appearance cant be deceiving 表象不可信It's getting late, i'm losing heat 太久了,我沒熱乎勁兒了I've got chills 你可真是嚇死我了(可做反語)Pompous ass the fourth 蠢傢伙I'm so obsessed with u. 著迷You can lay off the sarcasm 你別挖苦我了How about I lay off the whole evening 那我消失一晚上好了In the long run 長遠看來Throw me for a loop 再一次丟下我Ill see u in the am 明早見Let me say, in the record, I like u, only u 我鄭重我告訴你,我喜歡你,只有你Run out on meVanish on meGiving up on me渣男有三寶,消失玩最好作者:石小秀悉尼大學 · IT碩士雅思閱讀8.5,口語7分留學申請,經驗豐富掃我諮詢,立減500元!

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