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父親節,祝天下所有的爸爸節日快樂,健康、幸福!朱小迪英語故事:我爸爸來自寶貝書單My Dad 我爸爸朱小迪翻譯、錄播He's all right, my dad! 我爸爸真的很棒!My dad isn't afraid of anything, even the big bad wolf. 我爸爸什麼都不怕,連壞壞的大灰狼也不怕。He can jump right over the moon, and walk on a tightrope without falling off. 他能從月亮上跳過去,也能在鋼絲上行走,而不掉下來。He can wrestle with giants, or win the father's race on sports day, easily.他能跟大力士摔跤,也能在運動會那天輕鬆贏得跟其他爸爸的賽跑。He's all right, my dad! 我爸爸真的很棒!My dad can eat like a horse, and he can swim like a fish. 我爸爸可以吃得像馬一樣多,也可以游得像魚一樣好。He's as strong as a gorilla, and as happy as a hippopotamus.他像大猩猩一樣強壯,也像河馬一樣快樂。My dad is as big as a house, and as soft as my teddy. 我爸爸像房子一樣高大,也像我的泰迪熊一樣柔軟。He's as wise as an owl, except when he tries to help.他像貓頭鷹一樣聰明,當然他幫忙做家務時卻時常犯傻。He's all right, my dad!我爸爸真的很棒!He's fantastic at soccer, and he makes me laugh, a lot. 他踢球踢得特別好,他也經常逗我笑。I love my dad. 我愛我爸爸。And you know what? He loves me! And he always will! 而且你知道嗎?他也愛我!他會永遠愛我!詞語解析1. tightrope ['taɪtrəʊp] n. 繃緊的繩索或鋼絲 2. giant ['dʒaɪənt] n. 巨人,大力士3. gorilla [gə'rɪlə] n. 大猩猩 4. hippopotamus [ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs] n. 河馬 5. brilliant ['brɪljənt] adj. 傑出的,出色的北外英語大學部畢業,並直接保送本校繼續攻讀英國研究碩士。英語八級,人事部口筆譯專業資格認證。學習期間,在多家英語培訓機構授課,錄英語學習語音資料,並給多個學生做過家庭私教。畢業后,在世界500強企業海外業務部門任職,具有豐富的英語應用經驗。如果你不知如何教孩子開口說英語,立即掃碼加入「朱小迪英語」口語社群。寶貝書單(shudan100)已經提供上百個適合各年齡段孩子的書單掃碼關注,回復關鍵詞「書單」即可免費獲取!—投稿或其他合作—請發郵件至:shudan100@qq.com

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