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為了幫助大家高效備考托福,熟悉托福口語,新東方在線托福網為大家帶來托福口語範文解析:英文課程一文,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。更多精彩盡請關注新東方在線托福網!托福口語題目:英文課程 Describe your favorite subject in school.觀點:最喜歡的課程是英文課解題思路:1.可以提高語言技能,幫助我找到好工作2.交外國朋友、拓寬視野、了解異域文化重點表達:great motivation:很大的動機pick up:逐步學習develop my English language skills:培養我的英語語言技能give me a better shot to:給我一個更好的機會去…people who are from distinctive cultural backgrounds:有著獨特的文化背景的人get to know their culture, customs and way of living:了解他們的文化、習俗和生活方式broaden my horizon:拓寬我的視野new perspective:新視角思維導圖參考答案Well, English is the subject that I like most. I have great motivation to learn English, to begin with, I find English not very difficult to learn, and actually it is pretty easy to pick up. I can develop my English language skills in the English class. Employers value this skill, and it will definitely give me a better shot to find a good job in the future. Additionally, it is very cool to be able to speak a foreign language, and I can make friends with people who are from distinctive cultural backgrounds, thus I got a chance to talk to foreigners and get to know their culture, customs and way of living. By interacting with them I can broaden my horizons and have new perspective on things, and I bet I can learn from them enormously.以上就是新東方在線托福網為你帶來的托福口語範文解析:英文課程,更多精彩敬請關注新東方在線托福網。

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