3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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emmmmmm現在知乎都這麼不友善了么......似乎都沒有答主正兒八經的回答。作為一個偽軍迷弱弱的說一下吧。題主問毛子飛機上的彈射座椅,應該就是指的k36彈射座椅。k36現裝備在su25 su27 mig29 su57這幾型飛機上在新世紀以來的航展上,俄羅斯飛行員在發生事故世,k36的表現都非常好,能夠實現零高度彈射,挽救了許多飛行員的生命。但k36雖然面世已久,技術水平仍然很好,似乎還沒有研製出同樣優秀的彈射座椅型號。 @楊斯文@BLACK槍騎兵 不知道大神能不能指正一下(我會不會太菜被掛啊)下面是維基百科的一些描述The K-36 Ejection seat provides emergency escape for a crew member in a wide range of speeds and altitudes of aircraft flight, from zero altitude, zero speed (zero-zero) upwards, and can be used in conjunction with protective equipment, such as pressure suits and anti-g garments. The seat consists of the ejection rocket firing mechanism, gear box, headrest rescue system with a dome stowed in the headrest, and other operating systems all of which are aimed at providing a safe bail-out. The ejection seat ensures safe emergency escape of a pilot within the range of velocities (Ve) from 0 to 1,300 km/h (700 kn; 810 mph) to 1,400 km/h (760 kn; 870 mph) (depending on the type of protective equipment), altitudes from 0 to 20,000 m (66,000 ft) and Mach numbers up to 2.5. The ejection seat is used in combination KKO-15 protective and oxygen equipment and the installation weight of the seat is less than 103 kg (227 lb) (including the parachute system, survival kit, emergency oxygen system and pyrotechnic charges).

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