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BARCELONA, SPAIN—Feature phones are cool again! At least that』s the feeling you get when you are holding the new Nokia 3310, a candy bar feature phone made out of weapons-grade nostalgia. It doesn』t really have apps, you』ll be texting with T9, it has a new color version of Snake, and of course it plays the traditional Nokia tone when you get a call. 西班牙,巴塞羅那——功能機又變酷了!至少這是你拿到新諾基亞3310的感受,這是個有著糖果樣式和軍工品質的復古產品。嚴格來說它不含有app,你要通過T9鍵盤來打字,它有一個新的彩色版的貪吃蛇,而且當然,它會在來電話時響起經典的諾基亞鈴聲。 The new 3310 is no longer a "brick." It』s a lot rounder than the old one—it feels like a well-worn river rock. I actually would have liked if it was a little squarer and more reminiscent of the original. Given that it has a really light plastic body (79g) and a plastic screen, it can probably stand up to lots of abuse (though no one would let me test this at the event). 新版的3310不再是一個「磚塊」,它比老版的圓潤了不少——感覺像一個久經沖刷的鵝卵石。說實話如果它能方正一些並且更復古一點,我肯定會喜歡。鑒於它非常輕的塑料機身(79克)和塑料屏幕,它應該可以承受不少的蹂躪(儘管沒人會讓我在會場進行測試)。 Like everything about the Nokia 3310, the screen is tiny. It has a 240x320, 2.4-inch color (!) display with a polarized layer, which should make it easier to see in the sunlight. The tiny screen paired with a dead-simple OS leads to tons of battery life. Nokia is promising a month of standby time out of the 1200mAh removable battery, along with 22 hours talk time, which is 10 times more than the original 3310. 同老諾基亞3310一樣,屏幕非常小,240×320像素,2.4英寸的彩色(!)屏幕,具有偏振層,這樣在陽光下也能比較容易看清。這塊小屏幕搭配上超級簡單的操作系統使得電池使用時間大量增加。諾基亞許諾這塊1200mAh的電池待機時間能達到一個月,並具有22小時的通話時間,這比原版3310要多10倍。 The MicroUSB port is curiously on the top of the device, while a headphone jack sits on the bottom. On the back is a whopping 2MP camera with an LED flash. The back pops off, revealing a removable battery and a spot for a MicroSD card (32GB max). The device comes in four colors with two finishes, a matte black or light gray, and a glossy red, or yellow. 比較奇怪的是MicroUSB插口被放在頂部,耳機插孔卻在底部。背面有一個200萬像素攝像頭和LED閃光燈。取下后蓋后展現出可拆卸電池和MicroSD卡(最大32GB)插口位置。這款手機共有四種顏色,深黑和淺灰(均為啞光),暖紅和暖黃(均為亮光)。 There』s no touchscreen. You get the traditional feature phone controls: a 5-way D-Pad just below the screen, with left and right action buttons that correspond to labels on the screen. 沒有觸摸屏,操作體驗就是傳統功能機樣式:屏幕下方是一個的五維方向鍵,兩個對稱的左右功能鍵。 The OS is Series 30+, an operating system originally cooked up by Microsoft made by Mediatek for Microsoft』s Nokia. Unlike the other Nokia/HMD feature phones, which are loaded with Microsoft products like Skype and Bing, I didn』t spot any Microsoft influence here. S30+ means you aren』t exactly going to get a ton of apps. There was a "Games & Apps" store, but given that the devices had no Internet access, I couldn』t see what was in there. 操作系統是Series 30+,這原本是由微軟編寫由聯發科製造,在微軟時期的諾基亞手機里使用過的操作系統。不同於其他預裝了微軟產品(比如Skype和Bing)的諾基亞/HMD功能機,我看不出這款手機有任何的微軟基因。S30+操作系統意味著你應該找不到很多app下載,手機里雖然有一個「遊戲和軟體」商店,但是因為這款手機不能聯網,我沒法看到裡面有什麼。 Speaking of games, it comes pre-loaded with a fancy new version of Snake that was whipped up by Gameloft! It』s in color now. There were also a few other Gameloft games, like Asphalt 6. Web browsing is handled by Opera, but I can』t imagine you』ll want to do much web browsing on the 2.4-inch screen. 說到遊戲,這款手機預裝了一個精美的由Gameloft製作的新版貪吃蛇!現在它是彩色的了。還有其他幾個Gameloft遊戲,比如狂野飆車6。網頁瀏覽器由Opera提供,不過我不能想象你用這塊2.4寸的屏幕經常進行網頁瀏覽。 As fun as the new 3310 is; does anyone want to spend money on a feature phone? The long battery life, high nostalgia factor, and 49 euro ($52) price might earn it a few niche customers in the US, but most of the 3310 units seem headed for the developing world, where HMD already has a line of feature phones. 雖然新3310很有趣,但是真的有人會把錢花在一台功能機嗎?超長的電池續航,復古風格,49歐元(52美元)的售價也許能在美國贏得一些客戶,但是大部分3310的客戶似乎應該從發展家裡尋求,然而在那HMD已經有一條功能機的產品線了。

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