3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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2017年7月7日小米公司董事長兼CEO雷軍宣布小米第二季度手機出貨量2316萬台,環比增長70%,創造了我們季度手機出貨量的新紀錄。小米手機季度出貨量破記錄,雷軍說明年目標破1億台!以下為雷軍講話原文:小米同學們,大家好!今天下午,公司舉辦了手機業務誓師大會,我在會上發布了一個好消息:第二季度手機出貨量 2316萬台,環比增長70%,創造了我們季度手機出貨量的新紀錄,這意味著經過兩年的調整,小米重新恢復高速增長!這是小米發展史上意義非凡的重大勝利!世界上沒有任何一家手機公司,銷量下滑之後能夠成功逆轉,除了小米!我們為什麼能夠逆轉?一、始終堅持技術創新,以用戶為中心推動精細化管理過去幾年,我們持續加大了研發投入,碩果累累。二月發布的澎湃S1晶元,突破了手機晶元核心技術。我們還在相機、屏幕、電池等幾個核心器件方向上不斷死磕,也獲得了不少成績,四月發布的小米6光學變焦雙攝的出色拍照效果,五月發布的小米Max 2長達31天插卡待機的續航表現,這都是我們技術實力的體現。我們去年在全球申請了7071項發明專利,獲得了2895項專利授權(其中一半是國際發明專利)。今年年初,我親自牽頭質量委員會,經過十多次專項會議的討論,制定了翔實的質量行動綱要,並組建質量辦公室專門督辦!我們的目標是用品質的鐵拳贏得市場!過去一年多的銷量不理想,主要是兩次長達幾個月的嚴重缺貨。這是小米創業以來最嚴峻的挑戰,也是我們補課的重點。第二季度出貨量證明了我們的交付能力在逐步提高。二、新零售模式升級,線上線下成功聯動小米作為一家互聯網公司,電商是我們的立身之本。在線上,我們持續改善小米商城的購物體驗,同時重視和其他平台合作,比如說,今年618,我們在天貓、京東、蘇寧三平台都拿下手機銷量冠軍。在線下渠道建設方面,截至7月7日,小米之家全國開店的數量已達123家,而且開一家,火一家,坪效在業內遙遙領先。7月8日當日,預計再開14家店!三、三年投入終見成效,國際業務爆發成長經過三年堅決投入和不懈努力,今年捷報頻傳,這是小米國際化業務全面爆發的元年。印度市場表現尤其突出,今年上半年我們的業績同比增長328% ,市場份額已經排名第二,小米品牌成了印度最受歡迎的手機品牌,紅米Note4X成為當地最暢銷的手機。同時,我們在印度尼西亞、俄羅斯、烏克蘭等國家都取得了優異的成績。角逐國際市場,是智能手機崛起、三四線市場換機潮之後,手機行業的第三波風口。抓住這波新風口,也是小米真正走向全球科技行業舞台的開端。我們為什麼能夠逆轉?本質上是小米模式和小米價值觀的勝利!小米創辦七年來,無論是早期震驚世界的超高速發展,還是經歷戰略調整后的再度崛起,都充分證明了小米模式強大的生命力。只要我們始終堅持和用戶交朋友,始終堅持做感動人心、價格厚道的好產品,始終堅持「真誠與熱愛」的價值觀,必然能贏得用戶,贏得市場!今天的成績來之不易,感謝米粉們長久以來給予我們寶貴的信任和認可,感謝所有合作夥伴們的鼎力襄助,更要感謝小米13000多名員工的浴血奮戰,以及員工家屬們的理解與支持!手機市場的競爭依然慘烈,我們的征途才剛剛開始,要想保持持續的增長,我們必須始終堅持小米價值觀,不斷加大技術創新的力度。要讓工程師們大膽去想,放手去做,對於探索,我們不設邊界,對於投入,我們不設上限。未來一年,我們在手機業務上還需要招募上千名研發人才,進一步壯大創新力量。年初,我就告訴大家,最壞的時候已經過去了,並定了一個「小目標」,銷售破千億。目前看來,今年實現的把握很大。小米的新篇章才剛剛揭幕,已經預示了風光無限的未來。我們的征途是星辰大海!現在,我們再加一個「小目標」:明年手機出貨量破一億台!雷軍2017.7.7Xiaomi achieves record high quarterly smartphone shipmentsDear Xiaomi colleagues,I was pleased to announce a breakthrough achievement at today』s smartphone all-hands meeting: we shipped 23.16 million smartphones in Q2 2017, an increase of 70% from the previous quarter, marking a record high for Xiaomi』s quarterly smartphone shipments. This achievement signifies a major inflection point in our growth — after two years of internal recalibration, Xiaomi is once again embarking on a rapid growth trajectory.This is a truly significant milestone for Xiaomi — to date, no other smartphone company globally had been able to resume growth after a decline in sales. How were we able to achieve this?1. Relentlessly pursuing technological innovation, striving for operational excellence with users at our coreOver the last few years, we have consistently increased our investment in R&D. Today, these investments are bearing fruit. In February, we launched Surge S1, our proprietary chipset designed and developed in-house, marking a breakthrough in our chipset technology capabilities. We have been unyielding in our pursuit of technological breakthroughs in other smartphone core components such as the camera, screen and battery. In April, we launched Mi 6 that has an optical zoom dual camera setup, which takes exceptional portrait shots. In May, we launched Mi Max 2, which achieved an incredible 31-day standby time in an endurance challenge. These are practical demonstrations of our technological capabilities. Last year, we applied for 7,071 patents globally; we were granted 2,895, of which half are international patents.At the start of this year, I also personally spearheaded a committee to assess the quality of our products. After much internal discussions, we laid out the blueprint of our action plan and established a division solely focused on product quality. Our goal is to win through the 「iron-fist」 of quality!Our recovery follows a year of setbacks that collectively signify the most challenging period in our company history. Smartphone sales softened as we struggled with two instances of supply issues, each one hampering our supply chain for several months. However, we were able to use this time as an opportunity to recalibrate many aspects of our business. Our Q2 shipment results reflect the improvements we have made in relation to the supply of our products.2. Upgrading into a new retail model, successfully integrating online and offline retailAs an Internet company, e-commerce is at the very core of Xiaomi』s retail strategy. While we continue to improve the customer experience on Mi.com, we also deeply value partnerships with other platforms. During this year』s 「618」 online shopping festival, we ranked number one in terms of smartphone sales on JD.com, Tmall, and Suning.We have made great strides in our offline presence too. As of July 7, we have opened 123 Mi Home stores across China. Each store that we open receives such overwhelming reception that our revenue per square foot numbers are now industry-leading. On July 8, we expect to open another 14 stores!3. Explosive growth in our global business as a result of three years of investmentsAfter three years of unwavering investment in our global business, this year has seen Xiaomi rack up successive wins as our global business crosses the inflection point of explosive growth.Our performance in India has been especially encouraging— revenue in the first half of the year is up 328% year-on-year and we are now the #2 brand in the overall Indian smartphone market. Redmi Note 4 has become the highest-shipped smartphone in the country, and Xiaomi is now widely recognized as a leading brand. Elsewhere, we are seeing great results in Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine, and a number of other countries.Competing for global market share represents the third wave of opportunity that will shape the Chinese smartphone industry. This follows the first wave of urban Chinese smartphone adoption and the second wave of new smartphone users from China』s third and fourth-tier cities. Seizing this opportunity marks the beginning of Xiaomi』s journey as a technology company on the global stage.Why were we able to resume growth? The secret lies in Xiaomi』s business model and our values!Xiaomi has proven the resilience of our business model over the last 7 years, both through our incredible growth in the early days, and our reversion to growth after a period of recalibration.We firmly believe that as long as we continue to befriend our users, produce exciting products with accessible pricing, and stay true to our core values of sincerity and passion, we will inevitably win users and the market!Today』s accomplishment is not an easy feat. We offer our sincere gratitude to all of our Mi Fans for the trust they have placed in us over the years. We are grateful to our partners for their support, and especially to Xiaomi』s 13,000 employees and families for your dedication.The smartphone market is brutally competitive, and we are only taking the first steps in our journey. In order to continue growing, we must keep true to our core values, and innovate relentlessly. We have to give our engineers the freedom to think outside of the box, and explore fearlessly without boundaries. We set no limit when it comes to innovation and investment. In the next 12 months, we will need to hire thousands of R&D talent for our smartphone business and further bolster our innovation capabilities.I told everyone at the start of the year that the most difficult times are behind us. I also set a humble revenue goal of RMB 100 billion for the year. I am now confident we can achieve this goal. A new chapter for Xiaomi has just begun, and so many possibilities lie ahead of us. Our future is as vast as the constellations and beyond.Finally, let』s just add another humble goal: to ship 100 million smartphones in 2018!Lei JunJuly 7, 2017

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