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rlyl陪你每天認識一個新物種(總第290篇)好好學習 天天想上▲美洲河狸潛水界:動物界 Animalia門:脊索動物門 Chordata綱:哺乳綱 Mammalia目:嚙齒目 Rodentia科:河狸科 Castoridae屬:河狸屬 Castor種:美洲河狸 C. canadensis (Kuhl, 1820)分佈:北美洲物種概述 Summary中文名:美洲河狸(拼音:měi zhōu hé lí);英文名:American beaver;學名:Castor canadensis。美洲河狸,原產加拿大,美國和墨西哥北部,后被引入到阿根廷、芬蘭、俄羅斯等國家。棲息於的溪流、池塘和湖泊附近,有在水道築壩的習性。晝伏夜出,擅長游泳,潛水時間可達15分鐘。以樹木的葉、芽和樹皮為主食。世界自然保護聯盟紅色名錄列為:無危(LC)▲美洲河狸築的河壩體長:74-90厘米體重:11-32公斤生命:10-20歲食性:葉、芽和樹皮繁殖:每胎產2-6仔習性:在水道築壩分佈:北美洲▲美洲河狸游泳外形特徵 Description美洲河狸體長74-90厘米;尾長20-35厘米;重量11-32公斤。生長繁殖 Growth and Breed美洲河狸是一夫一妻制,雌性孕期平均128天,大多在春末繁殖,每胎產2-6仔,重約430克。3歲左右性成熟。野生美洲河狸的壽命10-20歲。地理分佈 Distribution美洲河狸原產加拿大,美國和墨西哥北部,后被引入到阿根廷、芬蘭、俄羅斯等國家。亞種與分類 Subspecies and TaxonomyC. c. acadicus BaileyC. c. baileyi NelsonC. c. belugae TaylorC. c. caecator BangsC. c. canadensis KuhlC. c. concisorC. c. carolinensis RhoadsC. c. duchesneiC. c. frondator MearnsC. c. idoneusC. c. labradorensisC. c. leucodonta GrayC. c. mexicanus BaileyC. c. michiganensis BaileyC. c. missouriensis BaileyC. c. pacificus RhoadsC. c. pallidusC. c. phaeus HellerC. c. rostralisC. c. repentinus GoldmanC. c. taylori DavisC. c. texensis BaileyC. c. subauratusC. c. sagittatusC. c. shastensis Taylor▲美洲河狸的腳爪與足跡知 識 Knowledge美洲河狸學名:Castor canadensis,由德國博物學家、動物學家--海因里希·庫爾(Heinrich Kuhl)於1820年命名。美洲河狸的英文介紹 IntroductionThe North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is one of two extant beaver species. It is native to North America and introduced to Patagonia in South America and some European countries (e.g., Norway). In the United States and Canada, the species is often referred to simply as "beaver", though this causes some confusion because another distantly related rodent, Aplodontia rufa, is often called the "mountain beaver". Other vernacular names, including American beaver and Canadian beaver, distinguish this species from the other extant beaver species, Castor fiber, which is native to Eurasia.▲美洲河狸啃過的樹木在神秘的大自然面前,我們無知的像個孩子......海狸鼠(Coypu)逗逼!水獺打架爭領地,輸者遮面羞於見人~rlyl【rlyl物種說】作為《rlyl的自然世界》常設專欄,每天將為你詳細介紹一個動物物種!希望在這裡,你能收穫到知識和快樂From:動物世界Editor:rlyl