3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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2018考研複習進行時,考研英語閱讀真題中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有時候你認識所有單詞、搞清全部語法還不夠,還需要了解英美文化,掌握他們的表達方式,這就是閱讀的潛台詞。下面新東方在線考研整理《2018考研英語雙語閱讀精選》,速來學習吧!Barack Obama kicks off tropical holiday in Indonesia』s Bali故地重遊 歐巴馬攜家人赴印尼度假訪問UBUD, Indonesia (AFP) - Barack Obama has kicked off a 10-day family holiday in Indonesia that will take in Bali and Jakarta, the city where he spent part of his childhood, officials said on Saturday (June 24).烏布.印度尼西亞(法新社電)——據星期六(6月24日)官方消息,美國前總統歐巴馬攜家人至印度尼西亞進行為期10天的旅行,他們會在巴厘島和雅加達度假——他的部分童年是在雅加達度過的。The casually dressed former president arrived in the resort island of Bali with his wife Michelle and their two daughters, a local military commander said.一身休閑打扮的歐巴馬和妻子米歇爾及兩個女兒到達了度假勝地巴厘島,據當地一名軍事指揮官透露。"They arrived late last night and went straight to the hotel in Ubud," a local military commander, I Gede Widiyana, told AFP.當地指揮官蓋德告訴法新社:「他們昨夜到達,直接入住了位於烏布的酒店。」Obama woke up early and did some exercise in the lush green riverside resort, Widiyana said, but it was not known how the family would spend their time in the quiet and artsy Ubud area.蓋德說,歐巴馬起的很早,在度假勝地鬱鬱蔥蔥的河畔做了一些鍛煉,不過還不知道歐巴馬一家將會如何在靜謐又具藝術氣息的烏布度過假期。Next week, the family is slated to depart for Yogyakarta, where they are expected to visit ancient Borobudur temple. They will spend two days there before flying to Jakarta.下周,他們一家計劃去往日惹,在那裡他們應該會去參觀古老的婆羅浮屠寺。兩天後飛往雅加達。Obama spent four years until 1970 as a boy in the then sleepy capital of Indonesia after his divorced mother married an Indonesian.由於他的母親改嫁給一位印尼人,歐巴馬幼年時期曾在印尼首都雅加達住過4年,直到1970年離開,那時這個城市還略顯寂冷。Many Indonesians felt a strong bond with Obama because of his exposure to Indonesia and its culture, even making him a 2m bronze statue that was placed in his former school.由於歐巴馬在印尼生活過,以及對印尼文化的了解,許多印尼人感到自己與歐巴馬有著強烈的紐帶關係,甚至在他就讀過的國小建了一座2米高的銅像。The statue of "Little Barry" - as Obama was known to his Indonesian school friends - depicts the boy Obama dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with a butterfly perched on his hand.這座「小巴里」雕像——歐巴馬在印尼學校的朋友們所稱呼他的——描繪了少年時期的歐巴馬穿著短褲和T恤,一隻蝴蝶在他的手上逗留。Indonesia』s foreign ministry said Obama』s visit to holiday in Indonesia came after several invitations from President Joko Widodo.印尼外交部稱,歐巴馬到印尼度假是應其總統佐科.維多多數次邀請之後。While in the capital, Obama will meet the president on June 30 and give a speech at an Indonesian diaspora convention the next day.6月30日,歐巴馬會在雅加達與印尼總統佐科會面,並在7月1日舉行的 「印度尼西亞僑民大會」上致辭。

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