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[Lillard on being compared to Kyrie as #1 guy] Bro I'm really gettin tired of y'all throwing my name around. Maybe you should check my track record. Over 500 and in the playoffs every yr[利拉德發推回應自己作為球隊老大與歐文的比較] 夥計們,我已經厭倦你們到處提到我的名字了。也許你們應該查查我的歷史戰績——超過50%的勝率和年年打進季後賽。註:NBA記者Tom Haberstroth此前發表了一篇文章討論歐文要求交易離隊一事。在文中,Haberstroh認為比起科比,達米安-利拉德和以賽亞-托馬斯很可能是歐文最好的比較對象,他還提及在過去3個賽季里,當詹姆斯缺席並且歐文首發時,騎士的戰績是4勝13負(勝率0.235)。詳情可見虎撲新聞。[–][OKC] Russell Westbrookbirdleec47 2035 指標 6小時前And doing it in the West, tell em Dame.而且是在西部做到的這一切,告訴他們這個,大米。[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 106 指標 3小時前*While being the BEST (RAPPER) IN THE NBA同時還是NBA最強的饒舌歌手。[–]ismokeforfun2 25 指標 3小時前While also rapping on the side, and having some bad ass shoes.Dames a fucking beast.一邊做著說唱音樂,一邊坐擁騷爆潮鞋。利拉德的范兒真是要上天。[–]Raptorscrisscross424 105 指標 6小時前*Blazers went 13-17 against the eastEdit: Woah what's with the downvotes, I just said they struggled vs the east開拓者上賽季對陣東部的戰績是13勝17負。補充:咦,為什麼要點滅我,我只是說他們面對東部時很掙扎。[–]Trail Blazersdont_care- 247 指標 6小時前Just means their record vs West was pretty good這僅僅意味著他們對西部的戰績非常之好。[–]CelticsITsLoverBoy 114 指標 5小時前East better than West confirmed. Explains why everyone is going West. Pack it up boys.東強西弱已證實。充分解釋了為什麼所有人都在往西部跑。這麼說你們總滿意了吧。 [–]Blazers Bandwagonbakitbakitba 416 指標 6小時前Why they gotta keep disrespecting Dame like this...為什麼他們一直如此不尊重利拉德...[–]Trail Blazerstoadtruck 106 指標 5小時前Fuel for the fire這隻會給利拉德內心燃燒的怒火澆上更多的油。[–]Trail Blazersgrandpawillow 99 指標 5小時前It's a fucking forest fire at this point with how much fuel has been poured on it 想想現在他們到底澆了多少油,這得是一場停不下來的山林大火了。[–]76ersTmwill87 2 指標 2小時前He's gonna win MVP next year if people keep shitting on him如果人們一直詆毀他,利拉德明年會拿到MVP的。[–][LAL] Brandon Ingrambobberr 456 指標 6小時前*Well he's not wrongedit: we're both wrong但是利拉德說的並沒錯啊。【補充】好吧,我和利拉德都錯了。[–][TOR] Jose Calderondeadskin 448 指標 6小時前He is though: in his rookie season they finished 33-49但利拉德確實說錯了:在他的新秀賽季,開拓者的常規賽戰績是33勝49負。[–][LAL] Brandon Ingrambobberr 410 指標 6小時前Did they get the 4th seed as well?但他們同時還拿到了4號種子么?註:2006-07賽季起,季後賽種子排名規則為:排名1由最好的榜首球隊獲得,排名2-4由2個賽區的榜首球隊和最好的非榜首球隊以成績排列。2015-16賽季起,季後賽種子排名完全由成績排列。[–][TOR] Jose Calderondeadskin 153 指標 6小時前Haven't seen that meme in a while已經有一陣子沒見到人用這個梗了。[–][PHO] Devin BookerKeefJerky 105 指標 6小時前Silver changed the rules because of that meme就因為這個段子,肖華把規則都改了。[–][CHA] Baron DavisHello_Dawl 47 指標 6小時前Genuinely cant believe the sheer volume of people who needed the concept of winning a division explained to them.完全不能理解,居然有那麼多人需要別人來給他們講解分區冠軍的概念。[–][ATL] Predrag Drobnjakrewat5 80 指標 7小時前I fucking love Dame, but weren't the Blazers 41-41 last year?我愛死利拉德了,但是上賽季開拓者的戰績不是41勝,41負么?[–]Celticsshooknibba 127 指標 7小時前*I think he means over .500 in his career and that he has made the playoffs every year.Edit: Every year excluding his rookie year when the Blazers had the injury bug.我覺得他是想說生涯總勝率超50%,同時每年都打進季後賽。【注】除去他新秀賽季的每一年,那時開拓者被傷病深深困擾。[–][SAC] Mahmoud Abdul-Raufheydigme 44 指標 6小時前He wasn't the #1 option on that rookie team. 新秀那年利拉德也並不是球隊的頭牌。 [–][MIA] Daequan CookJaySpike 428 指標 7小時前Yeah but the west is easy AF. If he was in the east he'd be like an under .500 10 seed at best. Check the facts, Lillard話是這麼說,但西部輕鬆如狗啊。如果利拉德在東部,那麼他的勝率會低於50%,最多也就拿個10號種子吧。好好想想這回事兒,利拉德。[–]Knicks Bandwagondillonc2 170 指標 6小時前Couldn't make the All-Star team in the shitty west? Trash在差得要命的西部進不了全明星?辣雞。[–]Rocketsjsting 97 指標 6小時前As a PG no less. Seriously whats his competition? Ty Lawson and a few others.而且還是在控衛這個位置上。說認真的,都誰和他競爭啊?也就泰-勞森,和其他幾個路人甲乙丙丁罷了。[–][UTA] John StocktonThehealeroftri 52 指標 5小時前He has a chance this year now that D'lo went to Brooklyn今年利拉德有機會進全明星了,因為拉塞爾東征布魯克林。[–]CelticsITsLoverBoy 29 指標 5小時前Also that dude Curry. Seth was it? Idk? His dad was an NBA player iirc.還有個競爭者,是那個姓庫里的哥們,是叫賽斯來著不?我不確定哈。要沒記錯,他老爹是個前NBA球員。[–]Warriorsmilkonyourmustache 41 指標 6小時前「Inside Kyrie Irving's losing track record as "the guy" and why he's more Dame than Kobe」Haberstroh didn't need to slight Dame like that. It's the West, they were a 50+ win team until Aldridge left as a Free Agent and Dame has done a pretty good job keeping them .500+ since then with moderate playoff success.「深挖凱里-歐文作為『當家老大』的輸球紀錄,以及為何他比起科比更像利拉德。」Haberstroh用不著這麼貶低利拉德。在西部,開拓者曾經是一支50+勝球隊,直到阿爾德里奇作為自由球員離開。在那之後,利拉德已經幹得相當不錯了,他把球隊勝率維持在50%以上,外加穩健的季後賽表現。[–]Trail BlazersCroutons 41 指標 5小時前And ironically what does Kobe's record without Shaq or Pau look like? Below .500 and missing the playoffs more often then making them.而諷刺的是,離開了鯊魚或加索爾後,科比的戰績又如何呢?不到50%的勝率和季後賽出席少,缺席多。[–]Lakersslayinbzs 13 指標 4小時前Haberstroh has built a career on degrading kobe, and now he's propping kobe up in order to degrade dame and kyrie. It's pretty sadHaberstroh這記者是靠踩科比發家的,而現在他又把科比捅出來,從而黑利拉德和歐文。這真是相當的可悲啊。[–]johannvandelay 26 指標 6小時前FUCK THE MEDIA媒體滾粗。

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