3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

The silver sewing needle is not typically used to prick and pierce human skin, which is far more resilient than cloth. You Ling (pseudonym) had to push harder, yet still gently, to make the needle break through his skin, with a red thread following behind it. As he continued stitching, the thread silently crawled across his hand, forming a string of arrows.相比於織物,人的皮膚更有彈性,所以縫紉針並不是用來刺穿皮膚的。尤林(化名)不得不用力、但是仍然很小心地用針尖刺穿皮膚,而那枚縫紉針後面還墜著一根紅色的線。隨著他繼續在自己皮膚上縫紉,紅色的線慢慢爬過他的手,留下一個個箭頭符號。You Ling posted the photos of his embroidered hand on Sina Weibo. The date was Feb. 10, 2015.2015年2月10日,尤林將自己帶有刺繡的手的照片傳到了新浪微博上。「I』ve found something interesting and I just can』t stop,」 wrote You Ling, hashtagging his post 「human-body embroidery.」尤林用帶有「人體刺繡」的標籤將微博發了出去,並說道:「我發現了一件好玩的事兒,根本停不下來。」Two years passed, and You Ling remained the same comic-drawing teenager, still prone to dozing off in class. Judging from his Sina Weibo, his passions turned to baking, but the dark art of human-body embroidery continues to lure young people in China.兩年過去了,尤林還是像漫畫中的少年一樣,容易在課堂上打瞌睡。從他的微博來看,他的激情已經轉移到了烘焙上,但是人體刺繡這種黑暗藝術仍然吸引著的年輕人。The so called human-body embroidery game is nothing new to many cosplayers and manga lovers. It allegedly originated from the character Juzo Suzuya from the Japanese dark fantasy "Tokyo Ghoul." In the manga, Suzuya engages in this self-stitching habit using red thread, which he explains is a form of "body modification.」對於許多cosplayers和漫畫迷來說,人體刺繡並不是什麼新鮮的玩意兒,據說起源於日本黑暗奇幻故事《東京喰種》種的角色鈴屋什造。在該部漫畫中,鈴屋什造很喜歡用紅線在自己身體上刺繡,據他自己解釋稱這是一種「人體改造」。Some cosplayers use red marker to draw stitches on their bodies, but many have gone to the extreme length of piercing their bodies with real needle and thread, exactly as the non-human Suzuya does in "Tokyo Ghoul."一些cosplayers用紅色的筆在自己身上畫線,但是許多人卻達到了一個極端——真的用針線在自己身上刺繡,就如同那部漫畫中的非人場景一般。Teenagers are very suggestible - more open than others to extreme behavior like human-body embroidery. It is unknown who first started the trend among non-cosplayers, yet thousands have gathered in online forums and chat rooms to discuss the habit.青少年很容易受到暗示——比其他人更易於接受諸如人體刺繡等極端行為。並不知曉是誰最先在非cosplayers人群中開始這種趨勢,但是數以千計的人都聚集在網上論壇和聊天室中討論這種習慣。

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