3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

通過英語句型學習口語,你覺得這樣的方式適合你嗎?通過句型,短語讓你學習英語,不僅是口語,辭彙量,還有語法問題,下面就跟我一起學習吧,如果你想要學習更多英語口語,通過英語口語知識公眾號學習更多精彩內容。一、Not really. 並不完全······用法透視: 如果你認為某事並不是百分之百正確,就可以用該句型來表達。支持範例: 1. Do you hate other's smoking in the office? Not really. 你討厭別人在辦公室抽煙嗎?不完全是。 2. Do you think we can get to the station on time? Not really unless we take a taxi. 你覺得我們能按時到火車站嗎?不坐計程車的話不行。 3. Your parents must be worried about you. Not really. I'm not a little girl, anyway. 你父母一定很擔心你。不完全是這樣。我畢竟不是小孩子了。會話記憶: A: The road ahead is blocked. There might have been an accident. 前面的路被堵住了。也許出了事故。 B: Are there many accidents in the city every day? 城裡每天有很多交通事故嗎? A: Not really, but they are on the rise. 並不是很多。不過正在不斷上升。 B: Please drive slowly, we've got lots of time. Safety first. 請慢慢開,我們有很多時間。安全第一 二、Not only..., but also... 不僅······而且······用法透視: 表達"和,也"之意,除了用"and",還有很多方法,這就是一個。支持範例:1. She is not only a singer but also an actress. 她不僅是歌手,還是演員。 2. Not only your father but also I don't approve of your plan to travel alone. 不只是你父親,我也不贊成你獨自旅行的計劃。 3. He is good at planning his time, so he has enough time not only for work, but also for play. 他很善於安排自己的時間,所以他既有足夠的時間工作,也有足夠的時間玩兒。會話記憶: A: Do you do morning exercises? 你早晨鍛煉嗎? B: Yes. I do one set of shadow-boxing every morning after I get up. 是的,我每天早上起來都打一趟太極拳。 A: Shadow-boxing? How interesting! Do you think it really helpful for your health? 太極拳?有意思!你真以為它有助於你的健康嗎? B: Definitely. It not only keeps me fit but also helps me concentrate on my soul. 當然。它不僅使我保持健康,而且也幫助我集中精神 三、Needless to say... 不用說······用法透視 這個句型除了有"不用說"的意思之外,也有of course / naturally(當然)的意思。支持範例: 1. Needless to say, one should be dressed neatly when being interviewed for a job. 不用說,參加面試時應該穿上正式的衣服。 2. Needless to say, it's difficult to do manual labor on an empty stomach. 不用說,空著肚子勞動是很難的。 3. Needless to say, we should fill up the gas tank before starting on our trip. 不用說,啟程旅行之前應該要先將車子加滿油。會話記憶: A: Is it true that rice is the staple food in most of Southeast Asia? 大部分東南亞國家人民是以米為主食嗎? B: I'm not an expert, but that's the impression I have. 我不是專家,不過我的印象是如此。 A: Is rice your staple food, too? 你的主食也是米嗎? B: Needless to say, as a Westerner, it's bread. 不用說,身為西方人,我的主食是麵包

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