3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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20多年的西部拍攝,我一直行走在"母親"的懷抱之中,找到了創作的原點和動力。當我在8500米的高空俯瞰黃河源頭的瑪曲河匯入扎陵湖和鄂陵湖時,當我在5200米的登山大本營仰望雄偉的珠穆朗瑪峰時,心中飽含著對大地母親的深情和敬仰,這種激情始終溶化充溢於我的血脈之中,讓每一次的拍攝和感動都會在瞬間釋放,回蕩在西部的天地之間。For more than 20 years, photographer Wang Jianjun has traveled to western regions of China to find inspiration for his creations.He has gone as far as Mount Qomolangma, Zhaling Lake, Eling Lake and the headwaters of the Yellow River.Wang said that he held great attachment and reverence for nature and the splendid scenery added passion to his photography.Wang, a member of the China Photographers' Association, has devoted himself to geographic photography and has developed unique artistic features.Wang's following selected works show the breathtaking landscapes of western China.西藏·珠穆朗瑪峰Mount Qomolangma seen in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region.西藏·喜馬拉雅山大折皺The Himalayas in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region.雲南·元謀士林Tourists travel through the Yuanmou Earth and Forest Scenic Resort in Southwest China's Yunnan province.甘肅·騰格里沙漠Tengger Desert in Northwest China's Gansu province.四川·石象湖Shixiang Lake in Southwest China's Sichuan province.西藏·江孜宗山古堡Jiangzi Zongshan Castle in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region.四川·阿壩Amazing scenery of Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture in Southwest China's Sichuan province西藏·珠峰絨布寺Rongbuk Monastery at Mount Qomolangma in Southwest China's Tibet autonomous region.青海·黃河源頭瑪曲與扎陵湖和鄂陵湖An aerial photo shows the first great bend of the Yellow River in Maqu, Northwest China's Gansu province.青海·玉樹勒巴溝Lebagou Rock Painting in Yushu, Northwest China's Qinghai province.青海·青海湖畔The moon hangs above Qinghai Lake in Northwest China's Qinghai province.四川·康定木格錯Snow covers the Scenic Spot of Kangding Love Song (Mugecuo) in Southwest China's Sichuan province.四川·海螺溝Fog shrouds the Conch Gully in Southwest China's Sichuan province.

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