3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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16. GO DOWN IN FLAMES: to end or fail suddenly16.毀於一旦:突然失敗She』d wanted to become Managing Director, but her career went down in flames when they found out she』d been leaking information to our competitors.自從向競爭對手泄漏公司信息的事敗露,她成為總經理的夢想便毀於一旦。17. TAR SOMEONE WITH THE SAME BRUSH: to believe that someone has the same bad qualities as others in a group17.一丘之貉:相信同組的人沒有差別,一樣差勁I don』t think much of that band, but the singer shouldn』t be tarred with the same brush. She』s got a fantastic voice.我不覺得樂隊怎樣,但是歌手不該與他們混為一談。她的嗓音棒極了。18. COME OUT SWINGING:to be confrontational and strongly defend yourself at the beginning of a debate18.相互進行攻擊:辯論初始,對抗性地、強烈地捍衛自己的觀點Our local MP came out swinging against the current leadership and demanded that the government resign.當地議員站出來反對當前的領導班子並要求重組政權。19. HANG IN THERE: wait and be patient19.堅持下去:耐心等待I know you』d really like to call him, but I don』t think that』s the right thing to do now. Just hang in there and he will call you.我知道你想給他打電話,但這並非一個明智之舉。在等一會兒,電話就來了。20. SHOOT FROM THE HIP: to speak directly20.信口開河:直言不諱If you want to get on well with your boss, try not to shoot from the hip next time. You don』t want to offend him, do you?如果你打算跟老闆好好相處,下次就別沖他大喊大叫。你不想冒犯他的,對吧?21. GO THE EXTRA MILE: to make a special effort/try very hard to achieve your goal21.付出更多努力:極其努力以實現目標If you want to become proficient in English, you』ll have to go the extra mile and start learning idioms.要想精通英語,你必須付出極大努力,還要學習習語。22. RUNNING ON FUMES:to continue to stay awake when feeling exhausted22.精疲力盡以後繼續奮戰:極度勞累的狀態下保持興奮I』m sorry, but I』ve got to go home now. I haven』t slept for twenty hours and I』m running on fumes.不好意思,我現在必須得回家。我已經連續20小時沒有休息了,早就筋疲力盡了。23. SOLD ME OUT:to snitch on someone, or let their secret out23.出賣:揭發別人或泄露他人秘密I asked you to keep it to yourself! I can』t believe you sold me out, I trusted you!我囑咐過你一定得保密!沒想到你竟然出賣我,虧我那麼相信你!24. YOU SOLD ME (ON SOMETHING): you convinced me of something, because you were persuasive24.你說服了我(某事):說服力強,讓人信服OK, you』ve sold me. I』ll go to the match with you.好吧,聽你的,我跟你一起參加比賽。25. BLEW ME AWAY: when something blows you away, you』re extremely impressed by it25.被徹底打敗:被某物深深迷住,無法自拔The exhibition just blew me away. I』d never seen so many beautiful paintings before.我被這個展覽徹底吸引了。在此之前,我從未見過如此美妙的畫作。26. BLOW SMOKE:to exaggerate or say things that aren』t true to make you seem better/ more knowledgeable than in reality26.說空話:誇大並不可靠的假象以顯得更加真實I』m not blowing smoke. I have honestly read War and Peace by Tolstoy.不說大話,我真的讀過托爾斯泰的《戰爭與和平》。27. CRY WOLF: to call for help when you don』t need it27.謊報軍情:在不需要幫忙的時候請求幫助Do you think Peter is in trouble or is he just crying wolf?你覺得皮特真的遇上麻煩了還是謊報軍情?28. COULDN』T CARE LESS:used to express total lack of interest in something28.漠不關心:表示對某事極不關心That man stole a bottle of wine from the shop.-Oh, really? I couldn』t care less.那人從商店偷了一瓶酒。-是嗎?對此我一點都不關心。29. BE CHUFFED TO BITS:to be pleased and happy29.心滿意足:感到愉悅或開心Hey, thanks for the present! I』m chuffed to bits.你能來,我太開心了。30. FEELING UNDER THE WEATHER:to be ill or unable to do regular activities30.感覺不適:生病或無法正常活動I think I』m going to have to take the day off work. I feel quite under the weather today.身體有些不適,今天我得請假。

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