3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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6月23日在北京香格里拉酒店,新疆天塞酒庄攜手國際葡萄酒貿易公司EMW (由西往東)共同舉辦盛大高端晚宴。晚宴由EMW北方區銷售總監林盡染女士致辭,並對出席晚宴嘉賓表示了熱烈歡迎。晚宴餐酒搭配環節由著名葡萄酒顧問李德美先生做精彩的專業講解,晚宴共品鑒了7款來自天塞酒庄不同品種和年份的佳釀,每一款酒品都體現了其獨特的風土特色。席間,天塞特別又拿出了兩款珍藏,分別是2013年份和2014年份霞多麗干白,並與其2015年份的兩款不同級別的霞多麗做了對比品鑒,兩款經過陳年后的霞多麗都展現出了更加圓潤順滑的口感和更加豐富的陳年香氣。 2016 Festival White(2016生肖白)該款酒採用天山南麓焉耆盆地出產的霞多麗和玫瑰香混釀而成。呈淺淡的禾稈黃,泛青綠色。具有玫瑰香葡萄所帶來的淡淡的花香以及荔枝的氣息,並伴有霞多麗葡萄帶來的柑橘和甜瓜的果香。口感平衡,新鮮芬芳。Pure and very pale straw with greenhues. Chardonnay and Muscat grapes have been blended together to produce anexceptionally fresh wine. Muscat contributes a delicate floral perfume aroma and flavors of lycées, while Chardonnay brings citrus grapefruit and melon fruitcharacters. The flavors are balanced on the pallet and deliciously refreshing. Skyline of Gobi, Chardonnay Selection天塞精選霞多麗白該款酒採用天山南麓焉耆盆地出產的霞多麗葡萄釀製而成。呈淺禾桿黃色調;具有清晰活潑的西柚、哈密瓜香氣;口感爽脆、純凈,並帶有些許餅乾和烘烤的風味;回味以新鮮飽滿的果味為主。Palestraw with green hues;Bright, lively and fresh with notes of grapefruit and hamimelon;The palate is crispy and clear with some interesting biscuit and toast flavours to be discovered behind the fresh juicy fruit. Skyline of Gobi, Chardonnay Reserve天塞珍藏霞多麗白該款酒採用天山南麓焉耆盆地出產的霞多麗葡萄,在法國橡木桶內發酵、陳釀而成。呈淡黃色調;具有獨特的水果風味,如白桃、西瓜。隱約中帶有柑橘的香氣;口感豐富細膩,平衡協調,回味中帶有奶油的氣息。Straw yellow in colour this wine delivers distinctive varietal fruit characters of white peach and melon with an underlying citrus purity. Having been fermented in high quality French oak barrels the wine has developed a creamy complexity that lingers on the pallet.Skyline of Gobi Marselan Selection天塞精選馬瑟蘭該款酒採用天山南麓焉耆盆地出產的馬瑟蘭葡萄釀製,並在法國橡木桶內陳釀而成。呈深紫紅色調;香氣濃郁而富有層次,具有成熟的紅色和黑色水果的氣息;口感強勁,單寧細膩,酒體圓潤飽滿;具有很好的潛力。Dense color with purple hues. Vibrant, energetic aroma of red fruits and blacks fruits like strawberry, black cherry,ripe plum. Full bodied in weight with a lively pallet defined by ripe fruittannin and supportive oak tannin. Skyline of Gobi, Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz Selection天塞精選赤霞珠/西拉紅該酒款採用天山南麓焉耆盆地出產的赤霞珠和西拉葡萄釀造,在法國橡木桶陳釀而成。呈濃郁的深紅色,香氣清新,具有白色花香和成熟的李子香氣,口感甜美,帶有辛辣、礦物風味,典型性明顯,結構複雜。Dense deep crimson color. Gentle aromas of white flowers, and ripe plum fruits, along with a luscious texture are the hall marks of the Shiraz variety. Blended together with Cabernet Sauvignon and matured in fine French oak barrels the wine becomes savoury and shows earthy complexity.關於天塞酒庄坐落在戈壁天山腳下的天塞酒庄葡萄園面積達130 多公頃,全部有機種植,獲得農學會、酒業協會頒發的2014 年「釀酒葡萄種植示範基地」稱號。天塞酒庄融合國際化釀酒團隊及精益求精的釀酒理念,聘請了「十大世界最具影響力的釀酒師」李德美先生為釀酒顧問,以及出身於澳大利亞釀酒世家的Ms. Lilian Carter 為首席釀酒師。堅持尊重自然,還原新疆風土的天塞精神,天塞酒庄在短時間內迅速成長,得到國內外諸多葡萄酒專家和行業同行的肯定,載譽頗豐。With the utmost modern facility, Tiansai Vineyards winery is locatedat thefoot of Tianshan Mountain in Gobi Desert. Composed of 130 hectares of vineyards,Tiansai Vineyards was awarded as 「DemonstrationVineyard for Chinese Wineries」 by China Agricultural Society and China Alcoholic Drinks Association in 2014.Skyline』s team consists of all kinds of international expertise.Professor Li Demei, wine consultant, is awarded as 「World Top 10 influential wine consultants」 by The Drinks Business and Chief Winemaker, Ms. Lilian Carter, grows up from a family of winemakers.By respecting the nature and unique terroir of Xinjiang,Skyline has already been recognized by international wine professionals and top wine competitions in a very short time.

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