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今年6月是歷年來溫度第三高的6月,這也使2017年成為史上最熱年份之一。有專家表示,現在「幾乎已經確定」2017年將成為連續打破全球氣溫紀錄的第三個年頭。墨西哥大部分地區、歐洲西部、俄羅斯東部、非洲東部以及東部的氣溫均達歷史新高。 Last month was the third-warmest June in history, putting 2017 on track to make a hat-trick of the hottest years on record.今年6月是歷年來溫度第三高的6月,這也使得2017年成為連續第三個史上最熱年份。 Experts said it is now 'almost certain' that 2017 will become the third year in a row to break global temperature records.有專家表示,現在「幾乎已經確定」2017年將成為連續打破全球氣溫紀錄的第三個年頭。 The figures confirm that global warming is now at levels not seen for 115,000 years, leaving experts with little hope of limiting warming to global targets of 2 C.數據顯示,如今全球變暖的程度是115000年來從未出現過的,幾乎不可能像專家期望的那樣將全球氣溫上升範圍控制在2攝氏度以內。 The first half of 2017 was the second warmest on record for Earth, behind only last year, according to new temperature data.根據最新氣溫數據,2017年上半年氣溫僅低於2016年,為地球氣溫記錄史上第二熱的年份。 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced last Wednesday that Earth's average temperature from January to June was 14.4 C, which is 0.9 C warmer than the 20th century average.美國國家海洋和大氣管理局7月19日宣布,地球一月至六月的平均氣溫為14.4攝氏度,相較20世紀的氣溫平均值上升0.9攝氏度。 Record warmth was measured in much of Mexico, western Europe, eastern Russia, eastern Africa and eastern China. 墨西哥大部分地區、歐洲西部、俄羅斯東部、非洲東部以及東部的高溫均創下紀錄。 Globally, June was the third warmest on record in records going back to 1880, beaten only by the two preceding Junes in 2015 and 2016.從全球範圍來看,今年6月是自1880年有氣溫記錄以來溫度第三高的6月,僅低於2015年和2016年的6月氣溫。 The figures align closely with NASA data released recently, which found that the June of this year was the fourth-hottest on record.美國國家航空航天局(NASA)近日公布的數據顯示,今年6月是有記錄以來的溫度第四高的6月。這與上文提到的數據基本相符。 NASA climate data is calculated in a different way, and found that the June of 1998 was marginally warmer than this year.NASA的氣候數據採用了不同的計算方法,其結果顯示1998年6月的氣溫要比今年6月稍高一些。 Based on these results, Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said that 2017 will 'almost certainly' be among the top three hottest years.基於以上結論,美國宇航局戈達德航空研究所所長加文•施密特說,「幾乎已經確定」2017年將躋身史上最熱前三甲了。 'With update to June, 2017 will almost certainly be a top 3 year in the GISTEMP record (most likely 2nd warmest ~57% chance),' he said on Twitter.他在推特上說:「截止到今年6月,幾乎可以肯定,2017年將成為戈達德航空研究所氣溫記錄史上最熱的三年之一(有57%的概率會是第二熱的年份)。」 Michael Mann, from Pennsylvania State University, has previously published research showing that recent record temperatures have less than a one in a million chance of occurring naturally.賓夕法尼亞州立大學的邁克爾•曼此前發表的一篇研究報告顯示,最近的高溫天氣不太可能是正常現象。 'We have a follow-up article that we've submitted showing that the likelihood of three consecutive record-breaking years such as we saw in 2015-2017 was similarly unlikely,' he told the Guardian.「我們在後續提交的一篇文章中提到,2015至2017年連續三年打破高溫紀錄,這種情況的可能性是微乎其微的,」 邁克爾•曼在接受《衛報》採訪時說。 'In short, we can only explain the onslaught of record warm years by accounting for human-caused warming of the planet.'「簡而言之,人類活動造成的全球變暖是近年來連續創高溫紀錄的唯一解釋。」 英文來源:每日郵報翻譯:劉博學(日報網愛新聞iNews譯者)編審:yaning 董靜

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