3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

如果你到國外出旅遊,想要郵寄一個東西回國,你要怎樣與他們交流呢?如果在打電話的時候出現問題,你要怎樣解決呢?關於這兩個問題,你要怎樣向別人表達,詢問別人其他辦法呢?下面我們就簡單的跟音頻一起學習吧!一、郵寄包裹1. Do you want to mail it by sea? 您是要寄海郵嗎?2. Do you want the parcel insured? 包裹要保險嗎?3. I wonder if this parcel is overweight. 我想知道這個包裹是否超重。4. I labeled the parcel before posting it. 郵寄之前,我把包裹貼上了標籤。5. Shall I tie the parcel or use sticky tape? 我是把包裹捆上還是用膠帶粘上呢?6. Please send this parcel by express delivery. 請用快遞寄送這個包裹。7. Do you want to mail it by air or by ordinary mail? 您是要寄空郵還是平郵?8. Make sure the parcel is tied up before you mail it. 包裹在郵寄前一定要捆好。9. How much is the postage for a parcel to the U.S.A.? 寄包裹到美國需要多少錢?10. Please tie the string tight on that parcel or it may come undone. 請把這包裹上的繩子捆牢,否則會散包的。重點講解:label 貼標籤於例句:It might seem like a good idea to label buttons with both text and images.既有文本又有標籤圖標的按鈕似乎是個好主意。tied up 捆牢,拴住例句:Tie up these letters and see that they don't come loose. 捆好這些信件,別散了。string 線,細繩例句:Please pass me the scissors to cut this string. 請遞給我剪刀割斷這根繩子。undone 已解開的,已鬆開的例句:His tie was undone. 他的領帶開了。二、撥打國際長途1. I'm sorry the number is engaged. 抱歉,電話佔線。2. I must have got the wrong area code. 我可能是撥錯區號了。3. Will you check the number again, please? 請您再核實一下電話號碼好嗎?4. I'd like to place an overseas call to London. 我想打一通往倫敦的國際電話。5. Could you put through a collect call for me? 你能幫我接通一個對方付費電話嗎?6. You have a collect call from Bill Smith in Chicago. 您有來自芝加哥比爾史密斯先生的一個對方付費電話。7. I suggest you check the number in the phone book. 我建議您查一下電話簿。8. I'd like to make a person-to-person call to Beijing, China. 我想打一個通往北京的定人呼叫電話。9. The charges vary according to the types of call you make. 根據您打電話的種類,費用有所差別。10. The cheapest is a station-to-station call, then a person-to-person call. 最便宜的是叫號電話,然後是定人呼叫電話。重點講解:撥打國際長途的撥號順序:international code(國際長途代碼) - country code(國家代碼) - city code/ area code (城市代碼)- the number(電話號碼)collect call 對方付費電話person-to-person call 定人呼叫電話station-to-station call 叫號電話上面分享的內容,是否對你有幫助呢?你想要學習更多英語口語嗎?通過英語口語知識公眾號我們一起學習吧!馬上要上學的同學,如果你還沒有出去玩的話,可以在接下來的一段時間去玩,玩過的同學也可以靜下心來學習一下。

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